
Psalm 46:10 - Communion with God - part 3 - His Will or Mine?

Psa 46:10 (KJV)  Be still, and know that I am God: I will be
exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.

We must individually hear Him speaking to the heart. When every
other voice is hushed, and in quietness we wait before Him, the
silence of the soul makes more distinct the voice of God. He bids us,
"Be still, and know that I am God."[2 PS. 46:10.] Here alone can
true rest be found.  And this is the effectual preparation for all
labor for God.  DA363

Learn To Value What God Values: "I will hear what God the Lord
will speak" (Ps. 85:8). Blessed is the soul which hears the Lord
speaking within, and from His mouth receives the word of consolation.
Blessed are the ears that catch the pulses of the divine whisper (Matt.
13:16, 17), and give no heed to the whisperings of this world. Blessed
indeed are those ears which listen not after the voice which is
sounding without, but for the truth teaching inwardly. Blessed are the
eyes that are shut to outward things, but intent on things inward.
Blessed are they that enter far into things within, and endeavor to
prepare themselves more and more, by daily exercises, for the receiving
of heavenly secrets. Blessed are they who are glad to have time to
spare for God, and who shake off all worldly hindrances. Consider
these things, O my soul, and shut up the door of your sensual desires,
that you may hear what the Lord your God speaks in you (Ps. 85:8).
Thus says your Beloved, "I am thy salvation," your Peace, and your
Life: keep yourself with Me, and you shall find peace. Let go all
transitory things, and seek the things eternal. What are all transitory
objects but seductive things? And what can all creatures avail, if you
are forsaken by the Creator?  Renounce therefore all things, and
labor to please your Creator, and to be faithful unto Him, that you
may be able to attain unto true blessedness.  Thomas a Kempis [Time
With God SB re Mark 8,9]

"Do Not Quench the Spirit"; The voice of the Spirit of God is as
gentle as a summer breeze-so gentle that unless you are living in
complete fellowship and oneness with God, you will never hear it. [In His
Time; My Utmost For His Highest re 1Th.5:19]