
James 1:22 - Living the Word!

Jam.1:22; Living the Word!

James 1:22 (TEV) Do not deceive yourselves by just listening to
his word; instead, put it into practice.

It is important to listen to what God's Word says, but it is
much more important to obey it, to 'do' what it says. We can measure
the effectiveness of our Bible study time by the effect it has on
our behavior and attitudes. Do you put into action what you have
studied? [Life Application SB]

If Christ doesn't make any difference in my ethics and values at
my job; if He doesn't affect my speech and attitudes toward
co-workers; ... if He makes absolutely no difference in the way I live and
work, then pray tell, what difference does He make?!  What' s the
point of playing a religious game that is all talk and no action?
I take the matter of obedience as an action quite seriously.  I
challenge you to do the same.  Whenever you're exposed to Scripture, ask
yourself: How can I apply this to my life?  What practical thing can I do
to embed this truth in my attitude, character, and behavior?  Where
does it need to make a difference?  That's a commitment to
life-change. Doug Sherman & Willaim Hendricks [Time with God SB]

How do we find God and grow in him?  Jesus was adamant at this
point.  He says we must do what he says.  We must put into practical
obedience the knowledge that we have.  He continually asked people to drop
their nets, to sell all they had and to follow him.
We might say that Jesus had a theology of obedience.  And the
object of this obedience was a living person, not a historical norm,
not a code of laws, but himself.  He called people to be accountable
to God whether they were believers or skeptics who were searching.
For example, he told his disciples, "What is the point of calling
me, 'Lord, Lord,' without doing what I tell you to do?"
Jesus knew that obedience to his and his Father's words yielded
faith ... If I had to sum up one's response to the gospel message, I
would say as William Pannell has said, "It's paint - or get off the
ladder."  Jesus approached people exactly like that.  He told them to
pick up their brush and paint something.  [Rebecca Pippert; Time with
God devotional SB]