
Psalm 23 - One Of The Crown Jewels Of Scripture - Closing.

Psa. 23: One Of The Crown Jewels Of Scripture - Closing.


The shepherd goes before the sheep and makes sure they are not
walking into danger (John 10:27-28). The sheep never need worry when
they follow the shepherd, for he will protect them and provide for
them. Even when they go through a dangerous valley (v. 4), the
shepherd is beside them, and beyond the valley is the house of rest. At
the end of the day, the shepherd leads the flock back to the fold
and stands by the open door to examine each one as it enters. If he
sees one that is bruised or weary, he puts the refreshing oil upon it
to soothe and heal it, and gives it a drink of cool water. How
gracious our Shepherd is to care for us! [Wiersbe Expository Outlines]

"She'll not live a day," a physician told an attending nurse.
Concerned, the nurse befriended the dying woman and in a few hours had won
her confidence.
Motioning for the nurse to come near, the old woman said
sorrowfully, "I have traveled all the way from California by myself, stopping
at every city of importance between San Francisco and Boston. In
each city I visit just two places: the police station and the
hospital. You see, my boy ran away from home and I have no idea where he
is. I've got to find him...."
The mother's eyes seemed to flash a ray of hope as she added,
"Someday he may even come into this very hospital, and if he does, please
promise me you'll tell him his two best friends never gave up on
Bending over the dying mother, the nurse whispered softly, "Tell
me the names of those two friends so I can tell your son if I ever
see him."
With trembling lips and her eyes filled with tears the mother
responded, "Tell him those two friends were God and his mother," and she
closed her eyes and died.
God, even more than a forgiving mother, never gives up on one of
His children. His forgiveness is uniquely infinite.... And since God
is the quintessence of forgiveness, to think on God is to immerse
oneself in thoughts of forgiveness rather than failure. (From Living and
Praying in Jesus' Name by Dick Eastman and Jack Hayford) [Inspirational

There was once a Shakespearian actor who was known everywhere
for his one-man show of readings and recitations from the classics.
He would always end his performance with a dramatic reading of
Psalm 23. Each night, without exception, as the actor began his
recitation - "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want" - the crowd would
listen attentively. And then, at the conclusion of the psalm, they
would rise in thunderous applause in appreciation of the actor's
incredible ability to bring the verse to life.
But one night, just before the actor was to offer his customary
recital of Psalm 23, a young man from the audience spoke up. "Sir do you
mind if tonight I recite Psalm 23?"
The actor was quite taken back by this unusual request, but he
allowed the young man to come forward and stand front and centre on the
stage to recite the psalm, knowing that the ability of this unskilled
youth would be no match for his own talent.
With a soft voice, the young man began to recite the words of
the psalm. When he was finished, there was no applause. There was no
standing ovation as on other nights. All that could be heard was the
sound of weeping. The audience had been so moved by the young man's
recitation that every eye was full of tears.
Amazed by what he had heard, the actor said to the youth, "I
don't understand. I have been performing Psalm 23 for years. I have a
lifetime of experience and training - but I have never been able to move
an audience as you have tonight. Tell me, what is your secret?"
The young man humbly replied, "Well sir, you know the psalm...
but I know the shepherd."
It's not enough to just know the content of the Bible - its
stories, its sayings, and its teachings. Unless you know the author, the
Bible is nothing more than just another book. But when you put your
faith in Jesus Christ and have entered into a personal relationship
with God the Father, the Bible truly becomes "living and active -
sharper than any double-edged sword" (Hebrews 4:12). Williams-RD-MG

The Lord is my shepherd;
I Shall Not Want
I shall not want rest.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures.
I shall not want refreshment.
He leadeth me beside the still waters.
I shall not want forgiveness.
He restoreth my soul.
I shall not want guidance.
He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake.
I shall not want companionship.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I
will fear no evil: for Thou art with me.
I shall not want comfort.
Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me
I shall not want food.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies.
I shall not want joy.
Thou anointest my head with oil.
I shall not want anything.
My cup runneth over.
I shall not want anything in this life.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.
I shall not want anything in eternity.
And I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.
Mrs. J. R. Mott