
Luke 6:26 - Always Accepted and Well Spoken Of?

Luk.6:26: Always Accepted and Well Spoken Of?

Luke 6:26 (KJV)  Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of
you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets.

Luke 6:26 (CWR)  I also feel sorry for people whose only purpose
in life is to be accepted and well spoken of.  That's the same kind
of happiness that motivates false prophets.

Jesus points out a serious problem when all speak well of you.
The key word is "all." While being spoken well of is certainly a
worthy goal, rarely can a person be spoken well of by everyone and have
everyone completely agree with him or her on every topic. One cannot be
pleasing to everyone in that way without sacrificing some principle here
or another there. Such a person must waffle in all areas of life so
everyone will like him or her..... Popularity is no guarantee of a person's
truthfulness; human flattery does not bring God's approval. Sadness lies ahead
for those who chase after the crowd's praise rather than God's
truth. (Life Application Commentary)