
Psalm 139:19-24 - Awesome Attributes of God! Part Four

Psa. 139:19-24: Awesome Attributes of God! Part Four

Psa 139:19 (CWR)  O Lord, I wish you would take care of my 
enemies. I wish these bloodthirsty men would stop bothering me. 
Psa 139:20 (CWR)  These visitors from other countries talk 
against you every chance they get, and in private, they curse your 
Psa 139:21 (CWR)  I hate what they're saying about you, Lord. I 
hear they're planning to attack Israel because of what you have done 
for us. 
Psa 139:22 (CWR)  I hate them with a justified hatred and count 
them as my enemies. 
Psa 139:23 (CWR)  O Lord, search my heart; test me so I can know 
my thoughts as you know them. 
Psa 139:24 (CWB)  Let me know if there is any wicked way in me, 
and then help me walk in the way I should go. 


This psalm contains the clearest expression of the attributes 
and character of God to be found in the Psalter. One could hardly 
describe the omniscience and omnipresence of God more effectively. 
[Believer's SB] 

This poem describes the attributes of the Lord not as abstract 
qualities, but as active qualities by which He relates Himself to His 
people. [Nelson SB] 

From the standpoint of OT theology, this is the climax of 
thought in the Psalter on God's personal relationship to the individual. 
The psalmist does not engage in abstract philosophy or speculative 
meditation; he merely describes his humble walk with God and shares his 
experiental knowledge of the Lord. [Wycliffe Bible Commentary] 

A. The omniscience of the Lord (139:1-6)
B. The omnipresence of the Lord (139:7-12)
C. The omnipotence of the Lord (139:13-18)
D. The loyalty of David (139:19-24). [Bible Knowledge Commentary]

God's omniscience, omnipresence, and omnipotence are the 
subjects of David's meditations in this beautiful psalm.... His first 
meditation is on God's knowledge, that every aspect of his life was 
searched out and controlled by what the Lord knew. He then realized it 
was impossible to escape from such omniscient control, no matter how 
far or fast he might go, for God is everywhere. David then stated 
that God has such control over him because in His power He created 
Him secretly and planned his life with great care. On the basis of 
these meditations, David then affirmed his loyalty to God and prayed 
for God to prove him by examining him. [Bible Knowledge Commentary] 

This psalm focuses on four great attributes of God: His 
knowledge of all things (vv. 1-6), His presence everywhere (vv. 7-12), His 
power in the formation of man (vv. 13-18), and His holiness, which 
destroys evil men and searches the believer's heart (vv. 19-24). [Ryrie 

David meditates on the omniscience (139:1-6), omnipresence (vv. 
7-12), and omnipotence (vv. 13-18) of God. He then applies these truths 
to the wicked, whom he calls on God to slay (vv. 19-22), and to 
himself, whom he calls on God to examine and to lead (vv. 23-24). [Victor 
Bible Reader's Companion] 


19 Surely thou wilt slay the wicked, O God: It is not easy to 
account for the sudden and remarkable transition or diversion of the 
train of thought from the main subject of the psalm, in these verses 
(Ps 139:19-22), in which the psalmist gives vent to his feelings 
toward the wicked, and prays that they may depart from him. Perhaps the 
explanation of it may be, that as the psalmist was reflecting on the fact 
that God is everywhere present, that he searches the hearts of 
people, that he must know all their conduct, he was suddenly struck with 
the idea of the condition of wicked people in the presence, and 
under the eye, of such a Being. As God knows all things, he must know 
them; and this instantaneously suggested the idea of their guilt and 
danger. People of such characters could not deceive such a God. They 
could not but be known to him, and could not but be objects of his 
aversion. They could not, therefore, but be in danger. (Barnes' Notes) 

19 Why doesn't God slay the wicked? The Bible constantly 
challenges us to see things from God's perspective. The issue of judgment 
is no different. Though David longed for God to correct injustice, 
there is a confidence expressed throughout the psalms that God, 
whether in this life or the next, will judge evil. Sometimes it is 
because of his mercy that God allows sin to continue for a time (2 Peter 
3:8-9). [Quest SB] 

21 And am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee?: 
The feeling referred to is anger-conscious disgust-at such conduct; 
and grief, pain, sorrow, that people should evince such feelings 
toward their Maker. (Barnes' Notes) 

21, 22 Is hatred sometimes a good thing? Understood the proper 
way, some hatred could be considered good. Hatred of evil, for 
example, is seen here as zeal for God's honor. The words hate and love 
sometimes are used differently in the Bible than we normally use them. 
David used these words as he passionately announced his loyalty to 
God. His love meant he wanted to be on God's side; his hate meant he 
wanted nothing to do with those opposed to the Lord. [Quest SB] 


Enemies: Hatred: Psa.139:19-24
David's hatred of his enemies came from his zeal for God. David 
regarded his enemies as God's enemies, so his hatred was a desire for 
God's righteous justice and not for personal vengeance. Is it all 
right to be angry at people who hate God? Yes, but we must remember 
that it is God who will deal with them, not us. If we truly love God, 
then we will be deeply hurt if someone hates him. David asked God to 
scrutinize his heart and mind and point out any wrong motives that may have 
been behind his strong words. But while we seek justice against evil, 
we must also pray that God's enemies will turn to him before he 
judges them. [Small Group SB] 


All believers who come to understand the attributes of God 
discussed in this psalm find them a great source of comfort, and a great 
prompting to obey Him. [Bible Knowledge Commentary] 

Study God's word prayerfully. That word presents before you, in 
the law of God and the life of Christ, the great principles of 
holiness, without which "no man shall see the Lord." Hebrews 12:14. It 
convinces of sin; it plainly reveals the way of salvation. Give heed to it 
as the voice of God speaking to your soul.  {SC 35.2}