
Colossians 4:6 - Speaking with Grace Seasoned with Salt.

Col.4:6; Speaking with Grace Seasoned with Salt.

Col 4:6 (KJV)  Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned 
with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man. 

Col 4:6 (EAV)  Let: your speech at all times be gracious 
(pleasant and winsome), seasoned [as it were] with salt, [so that you may 
never be at a loss] to know how you ought to answer anyone [who puts a 
question to you]. 

Grace: what affords joy, pleasure, delight, sweetness, charm, 
loveliness: [Thayer's Greek Lexicon] 

Grace: especially the divine influence upon the heart, and its 
reflection in the life; [Strong's Dictionary] 

Salt renders food palatable. Here it is that which makes speech 
attractive, stimulating, and agreeable to listen to.... When the Christian 
opens his mouth, pleasant, helpful, edifying words should flow forth. 
[SDA Commentary] 

"Seasoned with salt" means that what we say should be "tasty" 
and should encourage further dialogue.  [Life Application SB] 

The salt of holiness must always flavor our speech. Old 
Testament Jews used salt in their sacrifices, symbolizing purity and the 
preservation of that which is good. The Greeks called salt 
charitas--grace--because it gave flavor to things. Our speech 
must not be corrupt (Eph. 
 4:29); salt (God's grace) holds back corruption. A thoughtless word of 
criticism, a questionable remark, an angry word--any of these could tear 
down in a minute whatever Christian testimony others have tried to 
build up. [Wiersbe Expository Outlines] 

Salt is a good metaphor for Christian conversation and behavior. 
Salt improves taste; in the same way, what believers say and do 
should leave a "good taste" for others. Salt also preserves food; 
Christians should influence others for eternity with their grace-filled 
lives. Courteous, honest and compassionate, they should have the fruit 
of the Spirit evident within them. [Quest SB] 

The words of the Christian should carry with them the power and 
influence of Heaven. [SDA Commentary] 

When Christ and heaven are the theme of contemplation, the 
conversation will give evidence of the fact. CT443 

No one ever becomes a Christian by just watching how a Christian 
lives. An observer might think the Christian is earning his way to 
heaven by trying to be good. How could anyone ever guess how to become 
a Christian? Debating if what we say or how we live is more 
important in witnessing is like asking which leg is more important for 
walking. In this study Paul shows that witnessing is an interplay between 
prayer, living and speaking. His closing Greetings illustrate many ways 
Christians help and encourage each other. [Quiet Time SB] 

Disciplined thought and planning should go into evangelism.... 
We must think about evangelism whenever we talk with 
outsiders--wisely making the most of every opportunity.... 
Whether with someone you're around frequently or with someone 
you've met for the first time, the best way I've found to turn the 
conversation toward spiritual matters is to ask the person how you can pray 
for him or her. Although it's almost routine to the Christian, most 
non-Christians don't know of anyone who is praying for them. I've discovered 
that unbelievers are often deeply moved by this unusual expression of 
But the point in all these possibilities is that you will have 
to discipline yourself to bring them about. They won't just happen. 
You'll have to discipline yourself to ask your neighbors how you can 
pray for them or when you can share a meal with them. You'll have to 
discipline yourself to get with your coworkers during off-hours. Many such 
opportunities for evangelism will never take place if you wait for them to 
occur spontaneously. The world, the flesh, and the Devil will do their 
best to see to that. You, however, backed by the invincible power of 
the Holy Spirit, can make sure that these enemies of the gospel do 
not win. (Spiritual Disciplines of the Christian Life by Donald S. 
Whitney) [Inspirational SB] 

The Christian must behave himself with wisdom and with tact 
towards those who are outside the Church. He must of necessity be a 
missionary; but he must know when and when not to speak to others about his 
religion and theirs. He must never give the impression of superiority and 
of censorious criticism. Few people have ever been argued into 
Christianity.  [Barclay Commentary] 

"Salt" suggests that one should allow the Holy Spirit to convict 
others of sin, righteousness, and judgment to come (cf. John 16:8). 
[Believer's SB]