


Rom 1:18-20 (NLT)  But God shows his anger from heaven against 
all sinful, wicked people who push the truth away from themselves. 
19 For the truth about God is known to them instinctively. God has 
put this knowledge in their hearts. 20 From the time the world was 
created, people have seen the earth and sky and all that God made. They 
can clearly see his invisible qualities--his eternal power and 
divine nature. So they have no excuse whatsoever for not knowing God. 

The wrath of God (18-32). Paul's main theme is the righteousness 
of God, but he presents it against the dark background of the 
judgment of God, which is going on right now. Men know God from creation 
and conscience (vv. 19-20) but refuse to honor Him as God. They live 
for the creature, not the Creator, and make themselves into gods (v. 
25; Gen. 3:4-5). So, God gave them up (vv. 24,26,28) and let them 
suffer the consequences. The greatest judgment God can inflict on us is 
to let us have our own way.  But the same God who delivered up 
sinners to judgment delivered up His own Son for lost sinners (8:32)! 
That is the gospel. Do you believe it? Are you sharing it? [Chapter 
by Chapter Bible Commentary by Warren Wiersbe re Rom. 1:18-32] 

How could a loving God send someone to hell when that person 
never heard the Good News of Jesus? In fact, says Paul, in creation 
God has revealed himself plainly to all people. Also, everyone has 
an inner sense of what God requires. All people are wired for a 
personal relationship with God, and if they seek him they will find him. 
No one will go to hell simply because he or she missed out. God 
watches over every individual, knowing the number of hairs on every 
head. He reveals himself and touches lives, but people must choose to 
respond appropriately to whatever understanding they have.  God could 
have kept humans in ignorance about himself, but he chose to reveal 
himself in nature, through the Scriptures, and in Jesus Christ. Those 
who've been given greater revelation have a greater responsibility to 
respond to it, but no one has been left completely in the dark. Because 
God has made certain facts about himself plain, people will someday 
have to give an account before God of why they chose to ignore his 
existence and his character. [The One Year Bible for New Believers re Rom. 

I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting system, 
through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in.  
[George Washington Carver] 

God had given them a twofold revelation of Himself "in them" 
(conscience) and "unto them" (creation), v. 19. Man did not begin with 
ignorance and gradually work his way up to intelligence; he began with a 
blazing revelation of the power and wisdom of God and turned his back on 
it. God had revealed Himself from the very time of creation, so that 
people who have never heard the Gospel are still without excuse. 
[Wiersbe Expository Outlines] 

God has revealed himself plainly in the creation to all people. 
And yet people reject even this basic knowledge of God. Also, 
everyone has an inner sense of what God requires, but they choose not to 
live up to it. Put another way, people's moral standards are always 
better than their behavior. If people suppress God's truth in order to 
live their own way, they have no excuse. They know the truth, and 
they will have to endure the consequences of ignoring it. [Life 
Application SB] 

Nature shows us a God of might, intelligence, and intricate 
detail; a God of order and beauty; a God who controls powerful forces. 
That is general revelation. Through special revelation (the Bible and 
the incarnation of Jesus), we learn about God's love and 
forgiveness, and the promise of eternal life. God has graciously given us 
both sources that we might fully believe in him. [Life Application 

God reveals Himself to man in three ways: by an internal 
revelation to the reason and conscience of each man (Rom. 2:15; cf. John 
1:9), by an external revelation in the works of creation (Rom. 1:20), 
and by special revelation in the Scriptures and in the person and 
work of Christ, which confirms and completes the other revelations. 
Paul is here referring to the first two. God has endowed men with 
reason and conscience. He had made them capable of seeing and 
investigating His works. He has spread before them the evidence of His 
goodness, wisdom, and power. Thus God has made it possible for Gentiles as 
well as Jews to learn of Him. [SDA Commentary] 

Sin is possible in God's creation because God chose to make 
people with free wills capable of choosing to obey or rebel. Creation 
shows an orderly God of infinite power. Humans choose to make their 
own gods and follow foolish moral choices. God allows them to follow 
their evil desires and face the ultimate result. The Creator's wrath 
against the evil that has contaminated His work is not His anger 
bursting forth to destroy. Rather, it is the love of God functioning in 
the world He made to assure the righteous that they will be 
vindicated. God's wrath operates continually but will be climaxed at the 
final judgment. A moral order exists in this world. The person who 
violates it will suffer the consequences of his or her actions. [Disciple 

God made this world in such a way that we break his laws at our 
peril. Now if we were left solely at the mercy of that inexorable moral 
order, there could be nothing for us but death and destruction. The 
world is made in such a way that the soul that sins must die--if the 
moral order is to act alone. But into this dilemma of man there comes 
the love of God, and that love of God, by an act of unbelievable 
free grace, lifts man out of the consequences of sin and saves him 
from the wrath he should have incurred. [Barclay Commentary] 

If we look at the world we see that suffering follows sin. Break 
the laws of agriculture--your harvest fails. Break the laws of 
architecture--your building collapses. Break the laws of 
health--your body suffers. 
 Paul was saying "Look at the world! See how it is constructed!  From 
a world like that you know what God is like." The sinner is left 
without excuse. [Barclay Commentary] 

He was a fool because he made his ideas, his opinions, his 
speculations the standard and the law of life, instead of the will of God. 
The sinner's folly consisted in making "man the master of things." 
He found his standards in his own opinions and not in the laws of 
God. He lived in a self-centred instead of a God-centred universe.  
Instead of walking looking out to God he walked looking into himself. . 
. In this passage we are face to face with the fact that the 
essence of sin is to put self in the place of God.  [Barclay 

Man's rejection of a loving and righteous God is unmistakable 
proof that human beings are lost and in sin. If they felt any affinity 
with God, they would respond to Him with warmth. Only the power of 
God flowing through the Gospel can change man's heart, and enable us 
to respond to God's great love. [The 365-Day Devotional 

The wrath of the infinite God must not be compared to human 
passion. God is love (1 John 4:8), and though He hates sin, He loves the 
sinner (SC 54). However, God does not force His love upon those who are 
unwilling to receive His mercy (see DA 22, 466, 759). Thus, God's wrath 
against sin is exercised in the withdrawal of His presence and 
life-giving power from those who choose to remain in sin and thus share in 
its inevitable consequences. . . God reveals His wrath by turning 
impenitent men over to the inevitable results of their rebellion. . . "God 
is the fountain of life; and when one chooses the service of sin, 
he separates from God, and thus cuts himself off from life" (DA 
764). God gives men existence for a time so that they may develop 
their characters. When this has been accomplished, they receive the 
results of their own choice. "By a life of rebellion, Satan and all who 
unite with him place themselves so out of harmony with God that His 
very presence is to them a consuming fire" (ibid.; cf. GC 543). [SDA 

We can see that God is all-powerful by looking at creation and 
this is a good beginning.  But we must not stop there.  We need to 
discover that He is the all-loving God of Righteousness and Justice; and 
that we need a personal relationship with Him through Jesus Christ, 
as He has ordained.  To do less is to forfeit eternal life.  It is 
that simple.  There are millions of precious people in the world 
today who acknowledge the existence of God, but who have not gone on 
to enter into that personal relationship with Jesus, either because 
they have not heard that they need to, or they do not perceive the 
necessity of it.  In both cases, the result is the same:  eternity without 
God.  Do you acknowledge God's mighty power as you observe the 
universe?  Do you perceive the great need of your heart for a personal 
relationship with God's Son, Jesus Christ? [In His Time; Walk With Wisdom]