
1 John 1:9 - Confession Brings Forgiveness and Cleansing.

1 John 1:9 - Confession Brings Forgiveness and Cleansing.

1 John 1:9 (KJV)  If we confess our sins, he is faithful and 
just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all 

John, the "beloved" disciple seems to have as much to say about 
sin and obedience as he does about love.  John assumes sin as fact.  
We must understand that sin exists in us like a law, as Romans 
tells us.  It is the inborn desire of pride, to turn to our own ways 
and means, and do our own will as opposed to God's.  When we came to 
Christ we were forgiven the sin that separated us from our God.  But we 
still have the capacity to sin. We mustn't make this verse a magic 
formula. The word "confess" means to agree with God that what we've done 
is wrong.  Pray that prayer, and you'll find a degree of relief.  
But if you stop there, you are in danger of never changing the habit 
that enabled that particular sin to hold you. When you confess your 
sin, ask God to help you replace the pattern that led to it with a 
wholesome and righteous pattern or habit. That is repentance.  Without 
true repentance, we'll be forever going back to 1 John l:9. Change 
the habit, with God's power.  [In His Time; Walk With Wisdom]  

  When you were born again, God forgave all of your sins and 
your salvation was secured. However, because you will keep sinning 
(you're human), sin that isn't dealt with can drive a wedge between you 
and God.  
  Some people are so guilt-ridden over sins from their past that 
they feel the need to confess the same sins over and over. Others are 
fearful that if they don't name each individual sin, they might forget 
one and not receive forgiveness. Neither approach is correct. 
Instead, you need to come to God on a daily basis, pray, and ask God to 
show you any areas of sin that you need to confess (unless you 
already know!). Then tell God you're sorry and ask him to forgive you. 
When we confess, he assures us of forgiveness and cleansing! With 
your sin forgiven and out of the picture, your conscience is clear 
and you are free to enjoy fellowship with Christ. [The One Year 
Bible for New Believers re John 1:9] 

  When you were a kid, you probably remember being disciplined. 
You may have stood in the corner, been "grounded," or been required 
to pay for something you damaged. Your parents wanted you to grow 
up into a respectable adult, and so they punished you to teach you 
a lesson. When you became a believer, you joined the family of God 
and he became your Father. Like any good father, God also must 
discipline his children at times. "I correct and discipline everyone I 
love," he says. God's purpose in discipline is not to punish, but to 
  As you walk through your Christian life, you may find at times 
that God is acting the part of your heavenly Father and disciplining 
you. When that happens, know that it is only because he loves you. He 
warns you away from something that will hurt you; he asks you to face 
the consequences of a sinful act; he causes you to feel quite alone 
for awhile--as though "grounded" and left to think about what you've 
done. In those times, don't despair. Rather, be glad that God cares 
enough to mold you into the person he wants you to be. [The One Year 
Bible for New Believers re Rev. 3:19] 

  Prayer is sometimes the most difficult thing to do, especially 
when you know you've blown it (maybe for the umpteenth time) and you 
just don't want to bother God again. "He must be really tired of me 
now," you think. "I'm hopeless." But God says, "Return ... to the Lord 
your God." You know from experience that "your sins have brought you 
down." Israel knew it, too. Hosea's entire prophecy (and life) was 
about God's love for an unfaithful people. Yet here God calls them to 
return, bring their confessions, and ask for his forgiveness.  
  So pray--even when it's difficult. You will find forgiveness 
and power over that sin when you recognize its destructive power and 
that you need God to help you fight it. Say to him, "I cannot get 
past this on my own. I don't want to keep falling into this sin. I 
need your forgiveness, and I ask for your strength and power to help 
me overcome." What will God say? "I will heal you of your 
faithlessness; my love will know no bounds" (14:4). Now that's a welcome answer 
to a difficult prayer! [The One Year Bible for New Believers re 

When Jesus Christ died on the cross, the curtain in the temple 
(which had replaced the tabernacle) tore open from top to bottom (Mark 
15:38), symbolizing our free access to God because of Jesus' death. No 
longer did people have to approach God through priests and sacrifices. 
[The One Year Bible Companion re Exo. 26:31-33] 

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