
John 8:31, 32 - Freedom in Christ!

John 8:31, 32 - Freedom in Christ!

John 8:31, 32 (NASB)  Jesus therefore was saying to those Jews 
who had believed Him, "If you abide in My word, then you are truly 
disciples of Mine; and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make 
you free." 

John 8:31, 32 (TEV)  So Jesus said to those who believed in him, 
 "If you obey my teaching, you are really my disciples; you will 
know the truth, and the truth will set you free."  

John 8:31, 32 (AMP)  So Jesus said to those Jews who had 
believed in Him, If you abide in My word [hold fast to My teachings and 
live in accordance with them], you are truly My disciples. And you 
will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free. 


The Son makes you free (v. 36), so trust Him and follow Him. His 
truth makes you free (v.32), so study it, believe it, and obey it. 
Satan imposes slavery that seems like freedom (2 Pet. 2:19); Jesus 
gives you a yoke that sets you free (Matt. 11:28-30). [Chapter by 
Chapter Bible Commentary by Warren Wiersbe re John 8] 


The Greek expression for hold to (also translated "abide in" or 
"remain in") has great spiritual significance in the Gospel of John (see 
especially 15:1-17). We abide in Christ when we place ourselves in him and 
continue there, drawing life from his words. This produces ongoing 
discipleship. A true and obedient disciple will find the truth by knowing the 
one who is the truth, Jesus himself (1:17; 14:6). This knowledge 
frees people from their bondage to sin (see 8:34). (Life Application 

  Think of it this way. Sin put you in prison. Sin locked you 
behind the bars of guilt and shame and deception and fear. Sin did 
nothing but shackle you to the wall of misery. Then Jesus came and paid 
your bail. He served your time; he satisfied the penalty and set you 
free. Christ died, and when you cast your lot with him, your old self 
died too. 
  The only way to be set free from the prison of sin is to serve 
its penalty. In this case the penalty is death. Someone has to die, 
either you or a heaven-sent substitute. You cannot leave prison unless 
there is a death. But that death has occurred at Calvary. And when 
Jesus died, you died to sin's claim on your life. You are free. [Grace 
For The Moment SB By Max Lucado] 

  Jesus had quite an audience that day. The crowds had just 
witnessed an intense scene when the scribes and Pharisees brought to Jesus 
a woman who had been caught in the act of adultery (see John 
8:11). Then they saw Jesus' liberating love in action as He looked at 
her and said, "Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more." This 
woman walked away forgiven, free, and saved from certain doom. 
  A little later, Jesus proclaimed, "If you abide in My word, 
you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the 
truth shall make you free" (John 8:31, 32). 
  Consider these verses the believer's emancipation 
proclamation. In verses 34-36, Jesus explains more of what He means: "Most 
assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin. And a slave 
does not abide in the house forever, but a son abides forever. 
Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed." 
  On the surface, this sounds very simple; and in a foundational 
sense, it is. But it's one thing to believe that Jesus can set you free 
from patterns of sin. It's quite another to experience that freedom 
in your own life. 
  Most of us have difficulty in the action stage of belief, the 
vital link between knowing by intellect and knowing by experience (see 
James 214-26). You are saved by faith alone in Jesus Christ, but that 
does not mean that you leap immediately into a full understanding of 
your faith, 
  Your personal response to Jesus' commands determines whether 
you will be able to live in the joys of that salvation, with the 
freedom and exhilaration of learning to say no to daily sins. A man in 
prison can receive a signed pardon and the warden can unlock the jail 
door, but the man has to put one foot in front of the other and walk 
outside those prison walls. 
  What can you do to begin living in the freedom Christ 
purchased for you on the cross? There is no formula for discovering the 
richness of His truth. But by obeying Christ, you'll be on the road to 
the fresh, liberated life He designed for you. Always when you obey 
God, you can count on watching Him reveal exciting, new things. 
Remember, the key to crossing the bridge between belief and experience is 
obedience. You must take the step of faith and do what He says. [Life 
Principles SB By Charles Stanley] 

The truth of verse 32 - the truth will set you free - is the 
fundamental basis of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Dr David Burns 


  I became a Christian when I was eighteen, so I should have 
known better. But I still felt completely responsible for my mom's 
alcoholism, drug addiction, and six marriages, as well as my brother's 
  When I first read John 8:32, I understood it to mean that when 
you come to know Jesus, he sets you free. The verse was all about 
grace and how accepting that free gift releases you from the prison of 
sin and one day gets you into heaven. That, of course, is true. And 
fantastic. But I yearned for freedom in this life, freedom from the prison 
of my past. 
  That's when I realized that although I had found Christ as my 
source of freedom, I had not yet embraced him as my source for truth. 
Finally, once I meditated on knowing the truth--the truth of my 
situation--I released my haunting sorrows of the past. The truth confirmed 
that I wasn't responsible for my mom's lifestyle or failed marriages. 
It was my teenage brother--not I--who took his life. Knowing these 
truths, I was set free from the guilt and shame that had tormented me 
for so long. It took me twenty years to apply this verse, but once I 
really understood it, it changed my life. 
  Suzy Ryan lives in California with her husband and three 
children. [The One Year Bible Live Verse Devotional] 

  I grew up in a small town in the middle of America, the 
youngest of three children. My father was a dentist and a pillar of the 
community (whatever that is). Dad was a generous and kind man, and he was 
an alcoholic. 
  Being raised in the home of an alcoholic made me the product 
of a dysfunctional home, something I had never even heard of when I 
was growing up. More than that, I was never encouraged to admit or 
deal with the truth of my father's alcoholism. As a result, the 
"secret" of our tumultuous home life held me in bondage. When, as a young 
adult, I met Jesus and fell in love with him, I learned the importance 
of the words of John 8:32: "You will know the truth, and the truth 
will set you free." 
  When I began to live in the truth, especially the truth of my 
past, I discovered freedom in Christ. Jesus is the Truth, and his 
desire is for each of us to be free. "So if the Son sets you free, you 
are truly free" (John 8:36). 
  Kendra Smiley, a national and international speaker, is host 
of the daily radio show Live Life Intentionally. She is the author 
of eight books, including High-Wire Mom; Aaron's Way; and Be the 
Parent, written with her husband, John. [The One Year Bible Live Verse 


  God's truth never restricts you; it always sets you free! Are 
you discouraged? Is there a sense of bondage in a particular area of 
your life? A lack of victory over a certain sin? A harmful addiction? 
It is possible that you do not yet understand a truth about God 
that can release you. 
  If you feel powerless to meet the challenges before you, take 
encouragement from the promise of Php 4:13: "I can do all things through 
Christ who strengthens me." If you are defeated by circumstance, hold 
on to the truth of Ro 8:28 that God can work your most difficult 
situation into His good. If you are enslaved to a particular sin, work the 
truth of 1John 1:9 into your life, which promises that if you confess 
your sin, God is faithful to cleanse you from all unrighteousness. 
All of these truths await the Holy Spirit's implementation into your 
  It is one thing to know about the truth. It is yet another 
thing to experience the truth of God being worked out in your life. 
God's truth will have no effect upon you unless you accept it and 
believe it. Perhaps you have already read and heard accounts of God 
working mightily in the lives of others. But have you allowed God to 
implement those truths into your life? What truth about God would you like 
to be experiencing in your life? Ask Him to implement that truth 
into your life today. [Experiencing God Day by Day by Henry and 
Richard Blackaby re John 8:32] 

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