
2 Chronicles 16:12 - Trusting In Human Strength Alone; Leaving God Out Of The Picture.

2 Chronicles 16:12 - Trusting In Human Strength Alone; Leaving 
God Out Of The Picture. 

2 Chronicles 16:12 (NKJV) And in the thirty-ninth year of his 
reign, Asa became diseased in his feet, and his malady was severe; yet 
in his disease he did not seek the Lord, but the physicians.  

2 Chronicles 16:12 (NLT) In the thirty-ninth year of his reign, 
Asa developed a serious foot disease. Yet even with the severity of 
his disease, he did not seek the Lord's help but turned only to his 

CONTEXT: Asa's Last Years: 2Ch. 16:1-14.

Asa led the nation in two reforms as he removed the altars to 
the foreign gods and commanded the people to return to the Lord. God 
honored his efforts by giving the nation ten years of peace, during 
which the king fortified the cities. His victory over the Ethiopians 
and the message from the prophet Azariah motivated the king to 
gather all the people together to reaffirm their covenant with Him 
(15:12). Asa even deposed the Queen Mother and destroyed her idols! How 
sad it is that in his latter years, Asa stopped trusting the Lord 
and robbed God's temple to buy protection from a heathen king. When 
rebuked by the prophet Hanani, the king didn't repent; then, when 
afflicted with an illness, he didn't turn to the Lord. Good beginnings are 
no guarantee of good endings. [Wiersbe Expository Outlines re 

  Asa is another sad example of a man who made a splendid 
beginning but had a tragic ending. Early in his reign, he relied on the 
Lord, and God gave him a great victory. Then he believed the prophet's 
message and removed the idols from the land and called the people to 
reaffirm their allegiance to the Lord. He even deposed the queen mother 
for her idolatry! 
  But when he had been king thirty-six years, he stopped relying 
on the Lord. He took the Lord's treasures and bought protection 
from a heathen king! The prophet Hanani told the king what was wrong: 
his heart was not loyal to the Lord (16:9). Instead of humbling 
himself and obeying, as he had done before, in anger Asa resisted the 
Word and God's servant (James 1:19). When we are wrong, we should 
admit it instead of trying to resist God. God is much stronger than 
our stubbornness. 
  God is with us--seek Him (15:2). God answers prayer--trust Him 
(15:4). God rewards faithfulness--obey Him (15:7). You never outgrow the 
ability to sin. Noah was a mature man when he got drunk (Gen. 9:20-23), 
and so was Abraham when he lied about his wife (Gen. 12:10ff.). 
Moses was a seasoned leader when he lost his temper (Num. 20), and so 
was David when he committed adultery and murder. Asa's corpse lay on 
a bed of fragrant spices, but his name was not as fragrant as it 
had been. Ponder Proverbs 10:7, Ecclesiastes 7:1 and I Corinthians 
10:12. [Chapter by Chapter Bible Commentary by Warren Wiersbe re 

Even a vital, spiritual revival is no guarantee of continuing 
godliness. We must be careful to keep our hearts fixed on God. Some 17 
years after Asa stimulated revival in Judah, the king himself failed 
to seek or to rely on the Lord. Rather than trust God for victory 
when threatened by Israel, Asa paid the Arameans (Syrians) to attack 
them, not knowing that the Syrians would become an even greater threat 
in the future. When rebuked by a prophet, Asa imprisoned him. He 
began to oppress others, and even when he contracted a severe disease 
Asa failed to turn to the Lord. What a warning for us. Just because 
we relied on the Lord in the past is no guarantee of the future. 
The only way to ensure continued blessings is to actively seek and 
trust God each new day. [The 365-Day Devotional Commentary re 2Ch. 

Asa provides a sad example of the human propensity to rely on 
their own tangible resources (see Prov 11:7; Isa 31:1; Jer 17:5-6) and 
to become angry when corrected. Even those who experience the power 
of the Lord in a very tangible fashion often have this leaning 
(16:8). It is much better to rely on the Lord and welcome his direction 
(cp. Ps 33:18; 37:7; Isa 50:10; Jer 17:7-8; Acts 13:43). Life is a 
long lesson in trusting God; we might begin by doing what is good and 
right (14:1), but our legacy is not settled until the last deed is 
done (see also Rom 2:6-11; 1 Cor 4:1-5). Faithfulness to the kingdom 
of God must not be compromised by personal ambitions. [NLT SB 2008] 

Not only in war and national policies did Asa place an undue 
dependence upon the aid of man, but in sickness as well. How weak the faith 
of him who had once been so strong! One victory is never a certain 
guarantee of another. Strength today is no assurance of strength tomorrow. 
On the occasion of his great victory over Zerah, Asa was strong in 
faith and mighty in deed. But it is such men of strength who become 
the main targets of the enemy. Instead of growing in strength and 
courage, Asa declined, till he spent the last few years of his life sick, 
disappointed, and embittered, with little faith in God and receiving little 
help from man.  [SDA Bible Commentary] 

COMMENTARY APPLICATION with emphasis on verse 12:

Does 2 Chronicles 16:12 indicate that I should not go to doctors 
when I am sick? The criticism of Asa's visit to the physicians was 
not a general indictment of medicine. Asa's problem was that he 
completely ignored God's help. The medicine practiced at this time was a 
mixture of superstition and folk remedies. We should certainly avoid any 
pseudo-medical treatment derived from occult sources. Asa's experience should 
also encourage us to follow the New Testament practice of receiving 
prayer for our sickness (James 5:14) as we seek responsible medical 
help. [The One Year Bible Companion re 2Ch. 16:12] 

This criticism of Asa does not mean we should not go to a doctor 
when ill. Asa was not wrong to seek help from physicians. He was 
wrong to seek help "only" from physicians. We Christians rely on God, 
who often chooses to work through medicines and the medical 
profession. [The 365-Day Devotional Commentary] 

The problem was not that Asa used doctors, but that he failed to 
turn to God during his sickness. [Nelson SB] 

  Stand in the middle of the floor, reach down, grasp your 
shoelaces (straps, buckles, or whatever else is holding your shoes on), 
and see how far off the floor you can lift yourself. Try it three 
  Things were looking bad for King Asa. Baasha, king of Israel, 
had sealed off all escape routes, and the situation looked hopeless. 
So Asa grabbed hold of his own bootstraps and gave them a good 
yank. He turned to Ben-hadad, king of Syria, and bribed him to come to 
his rescue. From all outward appearances, the strategy worked! 
  But God saw the situation differently. Previously, Asa had 
trusted in the Lord, not in foreign powers. Now he was turning from 
trust in God to trust in bootstraps, and God disciplined him for doing 
  What is the pattern of your life: belief or bootstraps? Faith 
or footwork? Trust or trickery? God or self? Each time you put on 
or change your shoes today remind yourself that it's always safe to 
trust the Lord. [Your Daily Walk SB re 2Ch. 13-16] 

Although we stand tallest and strongest on our knees, Asa chose 
to remain weak and low to the ground by refusing to humble himself 
before the Lord in prayer. And so he stayed there. [Life Principles SB 
By Charles Stanley] 


Isaiah 38 In contrast, King Hezekiah asked the Lord to heal him.

James 5:14 (NKJV) Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the 
elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with 
oil in the name of the Lord.  


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