
Psalm 62:5-6 - The Blessings Of Pray And Waiting Upon The LORD.

Psalm 62:5-6 - The Blessings Of Pray And Waiting Upon The LORD. 

Psalm 62:5-6 (NLT) Let all that I am wait quietly before God, 
for my hope is in him. 6 He alone is my rock and my salvation, my 
fortress where I will not be shaken.  

This psalm of David is an appeal to God to uphold him. No psalm 
surpasses it in its expression of simple trust in God. [NIV SB] 

David expressed his feelings to God and then reaffirmed his 
faith. Prayer can release our tensions in times of emotional stress. 
Trusting God to be our rock, salvation, and fortress will change our 
entire outlook on life. When we are resting in God's strength, nothing 
can shake us.  [Life Application SB] 

Stressful, Restful Living  (Ps. 62)
   David lived a stress-filled life. His relationship with Saul 
was stormy, resulting in years of living as an outlaw in the land 
God had promised he would one day rule. As king, David knew constant 
warfare with surrounding nations. He was forced to invent and organize a 
national system of government. He knew great pressures at home, as his 
sons feuded with one another and one ultimately led half the nation 
in rebellion. Yet these years of stress were spiritually 
productive. David wrote many psalms, reorganized the Levites and priests to 
support strengthened national worship, and began planning for a temple 
to be built by his son, Solomon. Today the shelves of our 
bookstores feature many books on stress. It seems that, in a fast-paced 
world which makes so many demands on our time, stress is a major 
concern. People are wound tight, emotionally and physically drained by 
the pressures of modern life. This makes Psalm 62 especially 
important for our times. In it David tells us the secret of stressful, 
restful living. The secret is expressed in verse 1, and developed in the 
rest of the psalm. "My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation 
comes from Him." In the Old Testament "salvation" indicates 
deliverance from earthly dangers or enemies. The word portrays God as One 
who acts on behalf of those who trust in Him. It was David's 
conviction that deliverance does come from God--that God can and will act in 
the material universe to save him--which brought his soul rest. How 
powerful that conviction! No matter what the challenge, no matter how 
great the pressure, David was sure that God could and would perform 
some saving act. With this conviction David could not be shaken by 
events (vv. 2, 6). With this conviction, David was emotionally at rest 
no matter how great a force external pressures seemed to exert. You 
and I too can find rest despite the stressful pace or pressures of 
our life. How? By following David's example, to "trust in Him at all 
times" and "pour out your hearts" to Him. This, with the conviction 
that "You, O God, are strong, and that You, O Lord, are loving," will 
give us rest. [The 365-Day Devotional Commentary] 

In this psalm David pours out his heart to God, describing his 
difficulties, the enemies that are trying to kill him, and the lies and curses 
others have spoken against him. But on the battlefield of life, in the 
midst of every trouble, David has a Godward focus. He is honest about 
his complaints and problems, but he has purposed to direct his gaze 
to the God of all faithfulness, putting his trust in the One who 
alone is his rock, salvation, fortress, and refuge. He then can wait 
quietly before God because he has put his hope, and his very life, in 
the Lord's hands. He doesn't trust in human nature because it is no 
more secure than a breath. He doesn't put his hope in riches because 
he knows that wealth will not save him. His hope, confidence, and 
trust are in the Lord Almighty. If, like David, we are waiting for God 
to act when we are in the midst of trouble, we can wait frantically 
or impatiently. But to wait quietly in hope takes a deep confidence 
in knowing the One we are waiting for. He will never disappoint us. 
[Praying Through The Bible By Fuller] 

Have you ever felt like David? Surrounded on every side by 
troubles, feeling like you need a refuge in the middle of an angry storm? 
Then do what David did: "Wait quietly before God". Place all your 
hope in God; he is in control no matter how out of control you may 
feel. When you recognize that, then you can wait patiently as he works 
through the situation. No matter what comes your way, God is your rock, 
your salvation, your fortress where you will not be shaken. Run to 
his fortress and wait there. You can trust him to care for you, no 
matter how fierce the storm may be. [The One Year Bible for New 
Believers re Psa.62] 

   Here is a big question. What is God doing when you are in a 
bind? When the lifeboat springs a leak? When the rip cord snaps? When 
the last penny is gone before the last bill is paid?.. 
   I know what we are doing. Nibbling on nails like corn on the 
cob. Pacing floors. Taking pills .. 
   But what does God do? ..
   He fights for us. He steps into the ring and points us to our 
corner and takes over. "Remain calm; the Lord will fight for you" 
(Exodus 14:14). 
   His job is to fight. Our job is to trust.
   Just trust. Not direct. Or question ... Our job is to pray and 
wait. [Grace For The Moment SB By Max Lucado re Psa. 62:6] 

   Waiting on the Lord (vv. 1, 5) does not mean being idle or 
indifferent because sometimes waiting is harder than working. For your 
waiting to be meaningful and spiritually productive, do what David did. 
   Wait silently (1, 5). This means not telling your trials to 
everybody who will listen or even telling them repeatedly to the Lord. 
When a child rests in the arms of the mother or father, there is no 
need to make noise. Much talk is sometimes evidence of little faith. 
   Wait expectantly (5). God will work as you trust Him and let 
Him have His way. Your hope is not in human or material resources 
(vv. 9-10) but in the power of God (v. 11). 
   Wait continually (8). It is not easy to wait "at all times;' 
especially when you feel that God is not following your schedule. If your 
times are in His hands (Ps. 31:15), you will have perfect peace as you 
wait for Him to work (Isa. 26:3). [Chapter by Chapter Bible 
Commentary by Warren Wiersbe re Psa. 62] 

   Perhaps the greatest key to spiritual growth is spending time 
alone with the Lord. This means taking the time to speak with God 
about whatever is on your heart - and, even more importantly, allowing 
Him to speak to you. 
   In Psalm 62:5, King David wrote, "My soul, wait silently for 
God alone, for my expectation is from Him." Perhaps that is why 
David was known as a man after God's own heart. To win that kind of 
reputation, David first needed to know the mind and heart of God so that he 
might be and do what the Lord desired of him. David sought to know 
God. He frequently "inquired" of the Lord. He spent time in the 
Lord's presence, singing to the Lord from the depths of his heart. In 2 
Samuel 7:18 we read, "King David went in and sat before the LORD; and 
he said, 'Who am I, O Lord GOD? And what is my house, that You have 
brought me this far?" 
   What did it mean for David to sit before the Lord? It means 
that he spent time alone in the presence of the Lord, communicating 
with the Lord from the deepest part of his soul, asking questions of 
God, and listening quietly for the Lord's answers. 
   Jesus frequently sought time apart with His heavenly Father. 
Time with the Father provided Him with a source of comfort and 
strength. Jesus also sought time alone with His disciples so that He might 
teach them and they might find spiritual refreshment (see Luke 9:10). 
   We are wise if we choose to spend time alone with God, in a 
place without distractions or interruptions, for a period sufficient 
for us to relax completely and focus our attention fully upon the 
Lord and His Word. We must be willing to wait in the Lord's presence 
until we receive God's directives or His words of comfort. 
   Why don't many of us desire to spend time alone with God? The 
foremost reason is that we don't feel sure of our relationship with God 
and, therefore, we feel afraid of God. However, as David admonished, 
"Trust in Him at all times, you people; pour out your heart before Him; 
God is a refuge for us" (Ps. 62:8). 
   But those who are born again spiritually have a Father-child 
relationship with the Lord. Our heavenly Father loves us unconditionally and 
deals with us tenderly and patiently. The more we learn what He's 
really like, the more we see Him as Jesus saw Him, the more we will 
long to spend time alone with Him - and the more we will know the 
fullness of His grace. [Life Principles SB By Charles Stanley re Psa. 

God is waiting for you to spend some quiet time with Him. Share 
what's on your heart - your needs, your hardships, your goals - and 
wait for Him to respond. Quiet your heart and your mind as you 
connect with Him. Wait patiently for Him (Psalm 37:7). He is always 
there to listen and to comfort you - He's the best Friend you could 
have. [The 365 Daily Promise Bible By Barbour re Psa. 62:5] 

The Complete Package
   Francois Fenelon says that when we cry out to God in our 
troubles, he often sends his help in unexpected, mysterious ways-and that 
his responses help us in more ways than simply coming to our rescue. 
   He lists as most valuable the following characteristics of 
God's responses:  
      That which most exercises our faith 
      That which shows us the limits of human wisdom
      That which keeps us simple and humble 
      That which reminds us of our dependence on God 
   We are all on a spiritual journey, and God's engagement with 
us includes seeding, pruning, and cultivating our growth. The Lord 
has his own agenda, and someday we will see the full effectiveness 
and wonder of his responses to our prayers.  
   "God's ways of providing for us are both beautiful and 
mysterious," Fenelon writes. "He puts what he pleases where he pleases."  
   Sometimes-in fact, many times-we may not see any beauty or 
perceive any meaning in what we're going through. We search for answers 
to prayer that fit what we're longing to have happen. Yet as we 
wait, Fenelon's little list of contributions to our spiritual growth 
may be quietly at work in us. All that is happening is preparing us 
for glory to come.  
   "Even if the present is bitter," he assures us, "it is enough 
for us if it is the will of God. His will is our only treasure."  
   Fenelon urges us to accept what God allows and to invite him 
to do his work in us. "Open your heart to the riches of God's 
   Lord, sometimes it is confusing that I pray and yet don't see 
your responses. Please open my eyes and understanding to how you are 
at work, both in me and in all that's going on around me.  
   Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in 
him. Psalm 62:5 NLT [The One Year Book of Encouragement by Harold 

"In time of trouble, say, 'First, He brought me here. It is by 
His will I am in this strait place; in that I will rest.' Next, 'He 
will keep me here in His love, and give me grace in this trial to 
behave as His child.' Then say, 'He will make the trial a blessing, 
teaching me lessons He intends me to learn, and working in me the grace 
He means to bestow.' And last, say, 'In His good time He can bring 
me out again. How and when, He knows.' Therefore, say, 'I am here 
(1) by God's appointment, (2) in His keeping, (3) under His 
training, (4) for His time.'" Andrew Murray [The 365-Day Devotional 

Praying the Psalms: Release your worries to God by praying about 
them. Submit your desires to God's timing. [One Year NLT SB] 

As they grow, children find those safety nets - a blanket, a 
stuffed toy, a thumb to suck - that they need to help avoid the scary 
parts of life. Similarly, adults trying to avoid the things they dread 
may find themselves in a diversion addiction - movies, food, TV, 
music; or worse - gambling, drugs, affairs, pornography. God doesn't 
want His children to rely on such things to soothe the soul. Instead, 
He offers His arms as a safe haven from the trials of life. [The 
365 Daily Promise Bible By Barbour re Psa. 62:8] 


Prisoner of Resentment
   If you have ever harbored resentment toward a person who 
attacked your character, welcome to the club. We expect people to treat 
us with a certain amount of basic respect, and when they don't, 
it's quite natural to resent them.  
   Often attacked by his enemies, David had every excuse to 
resent others. Instead of doing that, however, he dealt with the 
situation in a more positive way. Read Psalm 62 and learn how to handle 
   David was well acquainted with unjust personal attacks (Psalm 
62:3-4), but he made a conscious effort not to harbor resentments or 
build up anger. Instead, he expressed his feelings to God and 
reaffirmed his faith. Through prayer, he released the tension of the 
emotional stress and handed it over to God. David was confident that the 
Lord would bring about justice, care for his life, and safeguard his 
reputation (62:2).  
   Choosing this attitude can change your entire outlook on 
life. You do not need to be held captive by resentment toward others 
when they hurt you. Instead, trust in God the Rock, and nothing will 
be able to shake you. [The One Year Through the Bible Devotional by 
Dave Veerman re Psa. 62:1-8] 

Blessings From Enemies
   Fred Smith says that not only are we Christians to love our 
enemies as Christ commanded, but we should also see the blessing in our 
having enemies.  
   Enemies are a blessing? Enemies threaten us, attack us, 
belittle us, and even ruin us. What could be good about those things?  
   All of life includes opposition and competition. Opposition 
refines us and toughens us. The football team with ferocious adversaries 
will take stock and train with intense discipline. The fact that the 
players have "enemies" takes them to a whole new level of performance.  
   "Loving an enemy is not the sugary, sweet, syrupy love people 
talk about," Smith says. "It's a tough love-a disciplined love. It is 
the love that is best defined as 'willing the ultimate good for the 
other person.'"  
   Enemies can do terrible things to us, but Smith quotes Robert 
Browning as saying that when we see the good that can come, we can 
"welcome each rebuff that turns life's smoothness rough." Smith adds that 
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was thankful for the "stinking straw" of his 
enemies that brought him to his maturity.  
   Enemies shove us off the props of our superficial securities 
and into the sufficiency of God's grace. Opposition makes us realize 
that we must find our strength, wisdom, and courage in God. Only he 
can supply the love that transcends the pain.  
   In contrast, hatred and revenge can burn in us like fire and 
destroy our spiritual vitality.  
   Fred lists ways in which enemy opposition can refine us and 
concludes, "The best use of our enemies is to develop our forgiveness 
toward them. This is the purification of our souls and develops our 
ability to accept forgiveness in turn."  
   Lord Jesus, you had tough words for your enemies, but you 
loved them and said they didn't know what they were doing. Give me 
your spirit of love so that I can grow and see the blessings in the 
conflicts, victories, and defeats.  
   1 wait quietly before God, for my victory comes from him. 
Psalm 62:1 NLT [The One Year Book of Encouragement by Harold Myra] 

Love And War
   Charles Haddon Spurgeon found it "not a little astonishing" 
that John's epistles, so thoroughly "soaked in love," should in 1 
John 5:4 include references to war. The apostle John writes, "For 
whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory 
that overcometh the world, even our faith" (KJV).  
   "Here are intimations of strife and battle," Spurgeon writes, 
"because there is something in the world antagonistic to love. Darkness 
broods. Who can take Satan down but by force?"  
   Spurgeon then preached on three elements in the quoted verse: 
   Great victory. Caesar, Alexander, Wellington-history 
chronicles many who have won renowned victories. But faith is the victory 
of victories that overcomes the world. "The earth is the 
battlefield," Spurgeon says. "Angels look on, burning to mingle in the 
conflict, but the slender band of soldiers of the cross must fight, and 
shall triumph gloriously."  
   Great birth. It is faith born of God that overcomes the 
world, faith that is an enduring, supernatural change of the Spirit. 
Spurgeon preaches, "The world says, 'I will give you this, I will give 
you that, you shall be rich and great.' But faith says, 'I have a 
hope laid up in heaven. A hope which fades not away, eternal, a 
golden hope.' The hope of glory overcomes all hope of the world."  
   Great grace. The world, the flesh, and the devil are 
formidable, and we don't overcome them by strategizing and getting more and 
more savvy on the battlefield. Spurgeon says, "Christians do not 
triumph over the world by reason. Not at all. Reason is good, but it's a 
candle, whereas faith is a sun. Reason is a wooden sword that snaps, 
while faith cuts to the dividing of soul and body."  
   The apostle John declares, "This is the victory that 
overcomes the world, even our faith."  
   Charles Spurgeon affirms, "Give us faith, and we can do all 
Lord, please equip me with more than a wooden sword that snaps 
as I face what's before me. Grant me your wisdom, love, and power 
so that I can overcome the world and share your grace with others. 
   I will wait quietly before God.for my victory comes from him. 
Psalm 62:1 NLT [The One Year Book of Encouragement by Harold Myra] 




   Several men went on a mission trip to Haiti where they met a 
nineteen-year-old boy who loved Christ deeply. He impressed them so profoundly 
that they invited him to visit the United States. 
   Upon arrival a whole new world opened up before this young 
Haitian's eyes. He had never slept between sheets, never had three meals 
on the same day, never used indoor plumbing, and never tasted 
   While traveling the U.S., this godly young man made many new 
friends. At the end of a six-week-long visit, his sponsors hosted a 
farewell dinner in his honor. After dinner several members of the group 
offered warm parting remarks. Then they asked the young Haitian if he 
would like to say anything. 
   "Yes," he said as he rose, "I would. I want to thank you so 
much for inviting me here. I have really enjoyed this time in the 
United States. But I am also very glad to be going home. You have so 
much in America, that I'm beginning to lose my grip on my day-to-day 
dependency on Christ." 
   Do you have "so much" that you find it hard to keep a grip on 
your day-to-day dependency on Christ? Or worse, have you lost your 
   When we don't need to depend on Christ, we will not.... Our 
natural tendency is to depend on self, not Christ. Depending on Christ 
is an act of the will by faith, not the natural disposition of our 
   I have prayed that God will always keep some major unmet need 
in my life so that I will always depend upon Him. To be really in 
need, like the widow in 1 Timothy 5:5, creates dependency. To have so 
much, as the young Haitian observed, creates self-sufficiency. When 
our lives prosper, the natural tendency is to lose our grip. Have 
your abundant resources kept you from depending on God? Have you lost 
your grip on God's help? Focus on a special need that only God can 
meet. Seek his help today. [Inspirational SB re Jos.23] 
