
Matthew 10:22 - Enduring To The End By Abiding In Christ!

Matthew 10:22 - Enduring To The End By Abiding In Christ!

Matthew 10:22 (NLT) And everyone will hate you because of your 
allegiance to me. But those who endure to the end will be saved.   


   A relationship with God is our only means of finding 
fulfillment and satisfaction in life. But it isn't always easy. One of the 
most frustrating aspects of that relationship is couched in Matthew 
25:5: "The bridegroom was a long time in coming." The primary purpose 
of this parable is to depict the return of Jesus, but the dynamic 
of waiting applies to so much more. Abraham waited long years for 
God to fulfill a promise. Joseph waited a lifetime for his dream to 
become reality. The Israelites were in Egypt for 430 years before God 
delivered them through Moses.  
   One of the keys of life with God, apparently, is waiting. We 
can be encouraged by the fact that, according to Hebrews 6:12, it is 
"through faith and patience" that we inherit God's promises. Delay is not 
his denial of those promises. It's part of the process of fulfilling 
them. [NIV Once A Day Bible re Mat. 25:5] 

Endurance grows out of commitment to Jesus Christ. Jesus 
predicted that his followers would be severely persecuted by those who 
hated what he stood for. In the midst of terrible persecutions, 
however, they could have hope, knowing that salvation was theirs. Times 
of trial serve to sift true Christians from false or fair-weather 
Christians. When you are pressured to give up and turn your back on Christ, 
don't do it. Remember the benefits of standing firm, and continue to 
live for Christ ... Standing firm to the end is not a way to be saved 
but the evidence that a person is really committed to Jesus. 
Persistence is not a means to earn salvation; it is the by-product of a 
truly devoted life. [Life Application SB] 

One of Jesus' favorite words was a Greek word often translated 
"remain," "stay," or "abide." It describes a profound, intimate, and 
enduring relationship. For example, Jesus used this word when he said, 
"You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings" 
(John 8:31). The idea is that our lives are fully formed by Jesus' 
word. Jesus described how the Son is in the Father and the Father is 
in the Son (John 14:10-11). Likewise, when we remain in Christ, the 
Son is in us, and we are in the Father and the Son (John 17:21). 
Both the Father and the Son come and make their home within us. This 
mutual indwelling is precisely what it means to remain in Christ. We 
cannot gain the permanence of our relationship by our own effort. This 
relationship is only made permanent by the gracious initiative of God 
indwelling our lives through his Spirit. This means commitment on the part 
of both God and us. God's dwelling in us and our dwelling in God is 
not a fleeting or temporary commitment but an enduring, permanent, 
and eternal relationship (see 1 John 2:14, 17).  [One Year NLT SB] 


Enduring By Abiding In Christ

   There are those who feel that they must be constantly 
laboring for the Lord in order to meet God's high standards. Jesus gave a 
clear picture of what our relationship to Him ought to be like. He is 
the vine, the source of our life. We are the branches, the place 
where fruit is produced. As we receive life from Christ, the natural, 
inevitable result is that fruit is produced in our lives. 
   In our zeal to produce "results" for our Lord, we sometimes 
become so intent on fruit production that we neglect abiding in Christ. 
We may feel that "abiding" is not as productive or that it takes 
too much time away from our fruit production. Yet Jesus said that it 
is not our activity that produces fruit, it is our relationship 
with Him. 
   Jesus gave an important warning to His disciples. He 
cautioned that if they ever attempted to live their Christian life apart 
from an intimate relationship with Him, they would discover that they 
ceased to produce any significant results. They might exert great 
effort for the kingdom of God, yet when they stopped to account for 
their lives, they would find only barrenness. One of the most dramatic 
acts Jesus ever performed was cursing a fig tree that had failed to 
produce fruit (Mk 11:14). Are you comfortable in abiding, or are you 
impatient to be engaged in activity? If you will remain steadfastly in 
fellowship with Jesus, a great harvest will be the natural by-product. 
[Experiencing God Day by Day by Henry and Richard Blackaby] 

My dearest child, It breaks my heart to see the way you struggle 
and struggle in your own strength. So often you feel depleted. You 
push and fret and end up feeling burned out and alone. There is no 
need for you to go on like this. I long to give you inner strength. 
Draw on my resources and live as you were designed to live--as a 
branch attached to the vine of my eternal love. All that you require 
will flow from my abundance to your need. And when my life has filled 
your emptiness to overflowing, it will branch out into the lives of 
those around you. I am the vine; you are the branch. Come to me and 
live. Abundantly yours, God [Postcards from Heaven by Claire 

The Christian life is not a matter of trying, but of relying. 
[Victor Bible Reader's Companion] 

   I am preparing you for what is on the road ahead, just around 
the bend. Take time to be still in My Presence so that I can 
strengthen you. The busier you become, the more you need this time apart 
with Me. So many people think that time spent with Me is a luxury 
they cannot afford. As a result, they live and work in their own 
strength - until that becomes depleted. Then they either cry out to Me 
for help or turn away in bitterness. 
   How much better it is to walk close to Me, depending on My 
strength and trusting Me in every situation. If you live in this way, you 
will do less but accomplish far more. Your unhurried pace of living 
will stand out in this rush-crazed age. Some people may deem you 
lazy, but many more will be blessed by your peacefulness. Walk in the 
Light with Me, and you will reflect Me to the watching world. (Isa. 
64:4; John 15:5; Psa. 36:9) [Jesus Calling by Sarah Young] 

   "I am the true vine. Isaiah once told a parable about Israel 
being a vineyard and My Father being disappointed in the fruit, but I 
want you to know that I am the true Israel. I came to represent 
everyone My Father has ever called to be His own. Everything He wanted 
His people to be, I am. You never have to worry about fruitlessness 
if you let Me live in you.  
   "That's what branches do: they sit on the vine. Did you 
really think you had to strain and strive to eke out some semblance of 
fruit? What would your efforts accomplish that My Father needs? Yes, He 
appreciates the heart behind your effort, but He appreciates even more your 
awareness that without Me, you can do nothing. When you rest in Me and let 
Me live in you, fruitfulness will happen. I will spill out of you 
and affect those around you. I call you to be before I ever urge you 
to do. Whatever it takes, you must learn to be in Me and let Me be 
in you.  
   "I don't want you to ask me how to do that. Any words I can 
say about 'how' will cause you to shift into self-effort to make it 
happen. What I'm telling you instead is simple but difficult. Though it 
isn't complicated, it goes against the human nature you have been 
steeped in since birth. I want you to meditate on Me by faith to 
envision My life flowing through your legs and out of your feet, through 
your arms and out of your hands, through your heart, into your head, 
and out of your mouth. Hold that image in your mind. Then go live. 
That's it. Trust Me and see. I am the life that flows through you."  
   Jesus, tune me to Your flow. Fill my mind and heart with a 
picture of Your life within me. And please bear much fruit for Your 
glory. [The One Year Experiencing God's Presence Devotional by Chris 
Tiegreen re John 15:1, 5] 

[Difficult Wording, But Highly Spiritual; Read Slowly And 
Communion with Christ is a certain cure for every ill. Whether 
it be the wormwood of woe, or the cloying surfeit of earthly 
delight, close fellowship with the Lord Jesus will take bitterness from 
the one, and satiety from the other. Live near to Jesus, Christian, 
and it is a matter of secondary importance whether thou livest on 
the mountain of honour or in the valley of humiliation. Living near 
to Jesus, thou art covered with the wings of God, and underneath 
thee are the everlasting arms. Let nothing keep thee from that 
hallowed intercourse, which is the choice privilege of a soul wedded to 
THE WELL-BELOVED. Be not content with an interview now and then, but 
seek always to retain his company, for only in his presence hast thou 
either comfort or safety. Jesus should not be unto us a friend who 
calls upon us now and then, but one with whom we walk evermore. Thou 
hast a difficult road before thee: see, O traveller to heaven, that 
thou go not without thy guide. Thou hast to pass through the fiery 
furnace; enter it not unless, like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, thou 
hast the Son of God to be thy companion. Thou hast to storm the 
Jericho of thine own corruptions: attempt not the warfare until, like 
Joshua, thou hast seen the Captain of the Lord's host, with his sword 
drawn in his hand. Thou art to meet the Esau of thy many temptations: 
meet him not until at Jabbok's brook thou hast laid hold upon the 
angel, and prevailed. In every case, in every condition, thou wilt need 
Jesus; but most of all, when the iron gates of death shall open to 
thee. Keep thou close to thy soul's Husband, lean thy head upon his 
bosom, ask to be refreshed with the spiced wine of his pomegranate, and 
thou shalt be found of him at the last, without spot, or wrinkle, or 
any such thing. Seeing thou hast lived with him, and lived in him 
here, thou shalt abide with him for ever. [Morning and Evening by 
Charles H. Spurgeon re John 15:4] 










When I Survey the Wondrous Cross [Live]: 


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