
James 1:12 - Blessed Are Those Who Persevere Under Trial.

James 1:12 - Blessed Are Those Who Persevere Under Trial.

James 1:12 (TNIV) Blessed are those who persevere under trial, 
because when they have stood the test, they will receive the crown of 
life that God has promised to those who love him.  

James 1:12 (WEY) Blessed is he who patiently endures trials; for 
when he has stood the test, he will gain the victor's crown--even the 
crown of Life--which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.  

James 1:12 (NIRV) Blessed is the man who keeps on going when 
times are hard. After he has come through them, he will receive a 
crown. The crown is life itself. God has promised it to those who love 

James 1:12 (CWR) Blessed is the man who endures the trials and 
remains true to God.  He will receive the crown of eternal life, which 
the Lord has promised to all those who love Him. 

This verse is a wonderful beatitude and promise for us to claim 
in times of testing and trial. [Wiersbe Expository Outlines] 

   Most people do not welcome the hard lessons of life. "Why do 
I have to learn this the hard way?" they fume. "Why couldn't I 
have just been able to read a good book on the topic?"  
   James, no stranger to trials himself, urges readers to take 
the most unexpected attitude when bad times descend. Although his 
admonishment sounds strange at first, the outcome of doing so is spiritually 
rewarding. As you read, consider what you are learning from your troubles. 
   Be glad when you have a bad day - the experience will do you 
some good, James wrote (James 1:2-4). As uncomfortable as this 
message is, James is not saying that we should enjoy trials. Rather, he 
is saying that we should be glad for the good effects that trials 
can have on us.  
   A bout of suffering, usually considered a curse, can be a 
blessing. Suffering through trials teaches many things essential to life - 
such as how to have patience and endurance. Living through a trial is 
also the best way to build character.  
   When troubles come your way, welcome them as teachers, 
however unpleasant they may be. Take advantage of your bad circumstances 
by depending on God to get you through hard times. He will not only 
take care of you, but he will also make you a better person through 
it. [The One Year Through the Bible Devotional by Dave Veerman] 

The experiences that come to the children of God are not by 
accident (Rom. 8:28). We have a loving Heavenly Father who controls the 
affairs of this world and who has a purpose behind each event. 
Christians should expect trials to come; James does not say "if" but 
"when." ... What is God's purpose in trials? It is the perfection of 
Christian character in His children. He wants His children to be mature 
(perfect), and maturity is developed only in the laboratory of life. Trials 
can produce patience (see Rom. 5:3), which means "endurance"; and 
endurance in turn leads the believer into deeper maturity in Christ. God 
put young Joseph through thirteen years of testing that He might 
make a king out of him. Peter spent three years in the school of 
testing to be changed from sand to rock! Paul went through many 
testings, and each one helped to mature his character. Of course, it takes 
faith on the part of the Christian to trust God during testings, but 
knowing that God has a divine purpose in mind helps us to yield to Him. 
[Wiersbe Expository Outlines] 

   The Lord's thoughts are all working toward "an expected 
end.".... God is working with a motive.  All things are working together 
for one object: the good of those who love God.  We see only the 
beginning; God sees the end from the beginning.  He knows every letter of 
the Book of Providence; He sees not only what He is doing, but what 
will come of what He is doing. 
   As to our present pain and grief, God sees not these things 
exclusively, but He sees the future joy and usefulness which will come of 
them.  He regards not only the tearing up of the soil with the plow, 
but the clothing of that soil with the golden harvest.  He sees the 
after consequences of affliction, and He accounts those painful 
incidents to be blessed which lead up to so much of happiness. Let us 
comfort ourselves with this.... 
   You have never seen the Great Artist's masterpiece; you have 
seen the rough marble, you have marked the chippings that fall on the 
ground; you have felt the edge of His chisel, you know the weight of His 
hammer, and you are full of the memory of these things; but oh, could 
you see that glorious image as it will be when He has put the 
finishing stroke to it, you would then understand the chisel, and the 
hammer, and the Worker better than you now do!  [Charles Spurgeon; Time 
with God devotional SB] 


A man found a cocoon of a butterfly and one day a small opening 
appeared. He sat and watched the butterfly for several hours as it 
struggled to force its body through that little hole. Then it seemed to 
stop making any progress. It appeared as if it had gotten as far as 
it could and it could go no farther. The man decided to help the 
butterfly, so he took a pair of scissors and snipped off the remaining tip 
of the cocoon. The butterfly then emerged easily, but it had a 
swollen body and small shriveled wings. The man continued to watch the 
butterfly because he expected that, at any moment, the wings would enlarge 
and expand to be able to support the body, which would contract in 
time. Neither happened! In fact, the butterfly spent the rest of its 
life crawling around with a swollen body and shriveled wings. It 
never was able to fly. What the man in his kindness and haste did not 
understand was that the restricting cocoon and the struggle required for 
the butterfly to get through the tiny opening were God's way of 
forcing fluid from the body of the butterfly into its wings so that it 
would be ready for flight once it achieved its freedom from the 
cocoon. Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our life. If God 
allowed us to go through our life without any obstacles, it would 
cripple us. We would not be as strong as what we could have been. And we 
could never fly. brenda.jean.williams@us.pwcglobal.com 

In the full light of day, and in hearing of the music of other 
voices, the caged bird will not sing the song that this master seeks to 
teach him.  He learns a snatch of this, a trill of that, but never a 
separate and entire melody.  But the master covers the cage, and places 
it where the bird will listen to the one song he is to sing.  In 
the dark, he tries and tries again to sing that song until it is 
learned, and he breaks forth in perfect melody.  Then the bird is brought 
forth, and ever after he can sing that song in the light.  Thus God 
deals with His children.  He has a song to teach us, and when we have 
learned it amid the shadows of affliction, we can sing it ever 
afterward.  MH472 


   I heard one preacher say that the happiest woman he had ever 
seen was a dying woman. She lay on her bed and clapped her hands at 
the approach of death. Very many people came to look at her bright 
countenance. "They tell me this is death." she said "It's not death at all - 
it's life." People were converted by her bedside, including her son. 
A theologian by the name of W. Cosley Bell, when he sensed that he 
was about to leave this world, sent these words to the staff of the 
college where he was employed: "Tell the young men that I've grown surer 
of God every year of my life, and I've never been so sure as I am 
right now. Why it's all so! It's a fact - a dead certainty. I'm so 
glad I haven't the least shadow of shrinking or uncertainty. I've 
been preaching and teaching these things all my life and I'm so 
interested to find that all we've been believing and hoping is so." That is 
the way to die. One of John Wesley's proudest claims for the early 
Methodists was this: "Our people die well." 
   Father the empty tomb of Jesus makes all our fears lies and 
all our hopes truths. That empty tomb is the birthplace of eternal 
Certainty. Because He lives I shall live also. I am eternally grateful. 
Amen. [Every Day Light devotional with Selwyn Hughes re 2Ti. 4:8] 

   Let Me prepare you for the day that stretches out before you. 
I know exactly what this day will contain, whereas you have only 
vague ideas about it. You would like to see a map showing all the 
twists and turns of your Journey. You'd feel more prepared if you could 
somehow visualize what is on the road ahead. However, there is a better 
way to be prepared for whatever you will encounter today: Spend 
quality time with Me. 
   I will not show you what is on the road ahead, but I will 
thoroughly equip you for the journey. My living Presence is your Companion 
each step of the way. Stay in continual communication with Me, 
whispering My Name whenever you need to redirect your thoughts. Thus, you 
can walk through this day with your focus on Me. My abiding Presence 
is the best road map available. (Exo. 33:14; John 15:4-7) [Jesus 
Calling by Sarah Young] 

   As long as you focus on Me, you are safe. If you gaze too 
long at the myriad problems around you, you will sink under the 
weight of your burdens. When you start to sink, simply call out "Help 
me, Jesus!" and I will lift you up. 
   The closer you live to Me, the safer you are. Circumstances 
around you are undulating, and there are treacherous-looking waves in 
the distance. Fix your eyes on Me, the One who never changes. By the 
time those waves reach you, they will have shrunk to proportions of 
My design. I am always beside you, helping you face today's waves. 
The future is a phantom, seeking to spook you. Laugh at the future! 
Stay close to Me. (Phi. 4:7; Mat. 14:30; Heb. 12:2) [Jesus Calling by 
Sarah Young] 




LANDMARKS OF PROPHECY SERIES: http://www.landmarksofprophecy.com/

Episode 1 - Dream of the Ages: 
Episode 2 - Return of the King: 
Episode 3 - The Prince of Pride: 
Episode 4 - Ultimate Sacrifice: 
Episode 5 - The Devil's Dungeon: 
Episode 6 - The Unchangeable Law: 
Episode 7 - The Rest of the Work: 
Episode 8 - The Richest Caveman: 
Episode 9 - Bewitching Spirits: 
Episode 10 - The Final Firestorm: 
Episode 11 - Cleansing the Sanctuary: 
Episode 12 - The Magnificent Kingdom: 
Episode 13 - Born in a River: 
Episode 14 - Bowing to the Beast: 
Episode 15 - Marked for Death: 
Episode 16 - The Woman of Truth: 
Episode 17 - The Daughter's Deadly Dance: 
Episode 18 - pending
Episode 19 -pending
Episode 20 -pending
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