
Acts 14:22b - Tribulation for Entrance to the Kingdom.

Acts 14:22b - Tribulation for Entrance to the Kingdom.

Acts 14:22b (NKJV) "We must through many tribulations enter the 
kingdom of God." 

Acts 14:22b (NIV) "We must go through many hardships to enter 
the kingdom of God," 

Acts 14:22b (NCV) "We must suffer many things to enter God's 


This earth is the place of preparation for heaven. The time 
spent here is the Christian's winter. Here the chilly winds of 
affliction blow upon us, and the waves of trouble roll against us. But in 
the near future, when Christ comes, sorrow and sighing will be 
forever ended. Then will be the Christian's summer. All trials will be 
over, and there will be no more sickness or death. "God shall wipe 
away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, 
neither sorrow, nor crying . . . : for the former things are passed 
away" (MS 28, 1886).  

In all ages Satan has persecuted the people of God. He has 
tortured them and put them to death, but in dying they became conquerors. 
They revealed in their steadfast faith a mightier One than Satan. 
Satan could torture and kill the body, but he could not touch the life 
that was hid with Christ in God. He could incarcerate in prison 
walls, but he could not bind the spirit. They could look beyond the 
gloom to the glory, MB29, 30 

In the pathway of all who seek the crown, is the cross. If we 
would become partakers with Christ of his glory, we must be willing to 
share with him in his sufferings. If we would reflect his glorious 
image, we must be submissive to the divine molding; we must follow in 
the footsteps of the Man of Calvary. God has claims upon every one 
of us. He created us, he redeemed us with an infinite sacrifice. He 
has promised the overcomer the great rewards of eternity. Why do we 
cling to anything that is offensive to him? Why not separate from 
every sin, and perfect holiness before him? The only reward for sin is 
unutterable woe and death; but the righteous shall be at his right hand in 
fullness of joy, in his presence, where are pleasures forevermore.  {RH, 
September 16, 1890 par. 2} 

God permits trials to assail His people, that by their constancy 
and obedience they themselves may be spiritually enriched, and that 
their example may be a source of strength to others. "I know the 
thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and 
not of evil." Jeremiah 29:11. The very trials that task our faith 
most severely and make it seem that God has forsaken us, are to lead 
us closer to Christ, that we may lay all our burdens at His feet 
and experience the peace which He will give us in exchange. God has 
always tried His people in the furnace of affliction. It is in the heat 
of the furnace that the dross is separated from the true gold of 
the Christian character. PP129 

There was a double lifting up in Jesus's life - the lifting on 
the Cross and the lifting into glory. And the two are inextricably 
connected. The one could not have happened without the other. For Jesus the 
Cross was the way to glory...  It is an unalterable law of life that if 
there is no cross, there is no crown." William Barclay, The Daily 
Study Bible: John 1, pp. 134, 135. [SS Quarterly for 1/22/04] 


Opportunities That Knock
   What's worse than running out of gas on a busy free-way 
during rush hour? Being told that such problems are wonderful 
opportunities for character growth.  
   Paul has flat tires at nearly every turn. Yet each time, his 
delay or detour becomes an opportunity to preach, witness, and spread 
the Good News about Christ. Paul must have considered his itinerary 
to be completely in God's hands, for he doesn't complain about 
hunger, cold, shipwreck, snakebite, imprisonment, or the injustice of 
his own court case. He adjusts marvelously to change, as his last 
recorded speech makes clear. In an exemplary way, Paul sees each pothole 
as just part of the trip, which makes his life an adventure in 
   Paul was arrested by a Roman commander because he was the 
center of attention in a riot. But the reason for his arrest is not as 
important as how he handled this humiliation, setback, and injustice. As 
military officers and prominent city leaders met with King Agrippa to 
hear Paul's case, Paul prepared his thoughts for another speech about 
Jesus. He saw his troubled situation not as a cause for lodging a 
formal complaint with the government, but as another opportunity to 
present the Good News about Christ that mattered so much to him (Acts 
   Every offense and injustice you suffer will test you. It will 
force you - as it forced Paul - to choose what to "preach" about. Will 
you see your humiliation only as a problem, barrier, or roadblock to 
your happiness? Or will you see it as an opportunity, given to you by 
God, to demonstrate his power and love in your life? Rather than 
complain at every hint of brokenness in this world, why not try to fix 
it? Look for ways to turn your painful experiences into an 
opportunity to serve God and share him with others. [The One Year Through 
the Bible Devotional by Dave Veerman re Acts 26:24-29] 

Pebbles To Jewels
   Pebble Beach, on the California coast, has become quite 
famous for the beautiful pebbles found there. The raging white surf 
continually roars, thundering and pounding against the rocks on the shore. 
These stones are trapped in the arms of the merciless waves. They are 
tossed, rolled, rubbed together, and ground against the sharp edges of 
the cliffs. Both day and night, this process of grinding continues 
relentlessly. And what is the result? 
   Tourists from around the world flock there to collect the 
beautiful round stones. They display them in cabinets and use them to 
decorate their homes. Yet a little farther up the coast, just around the 
point of the cliff, is a quiet cove. Protected from the face of the 
ocean, sheltered from the storms, and always in the sun, the sands are 
covered with an abundance of pebbles never sought by the travelers. 
   So why have these stones been left untouched through all the 
years? Simply because they have escaped all the turmoil and the 
grinding of the waves. The quietness and peace have left them as they 
have always been - rough, unpolished, and devoid of beauty - for 
polish is the result of difficulties. 
   Since God knows what niche we are to fill, let us trust Him 
to shape us to it. And since He knows what work we are to do, let 
us trust Him to grind us so we will be properly prepared. 
   O blows that strike! O hurts that pierce 
      This fainting heart of mine!
   What are you but the Master's tools 
      Forming a work Divine?
   Nearly all of God's jewels are crystallized tears. [Streams 
in the Desert by Cowman re Isa. 49:2] 

The Horse Story - Paradox Of Curses And Blessings
   Once there was an old man who lived in a tiny village.  
Although poor, he was envied by all, for he owned a beautiful white 
horse.  Even the king coveted his treasure.  A horse like this had 
never been seen before - such was its splendor, its majesty, its 
   People offered fabulous prices for the steed, but the old man 
always refused.  "This horse is not a horse to me," he would tell them. 
 "It is a person.  How could you sell a person?  He is a friend, 
not a possession.  How could you sell a friend?"  The man was poor 
and the temptation was great.  But he never sold the horse. 
   One morning he found that the horse was not in the stable.  
All the village came to see him.  "You old fool," they scoffed, "we 
told you that someone would steal your horse.  We warned you that you 
would be robbed.  You are so poor.  How could you ever hope to protect 
such a valuable animal?  It would have been better to have sold him.  
You could have gotten whatever price you wanted.  No amount would 
have been to high.  Now the horse is gone, and you've been cursed 
with misfortune." 
   The old man responded, "Don't speak too quickly.  Say only 
that the horse is not in the stable.  That is all we know; the rest 
in judgment.  If I've been cursed or not, how can you know?  How 
can you judge?" 
   The people contested, "Don't make us out to be fools!  We may 
not be philosophers, but great philosophy is not needed.  The simple 
fact that your horse is gone is a curse." 
   The old man spoke again. "All I know is that the stable is 
empty, and the horse is gone.  The rest I don't know.  Whether it be a 
curse or a blessing, I can't say.  All we can see is a fragment.  Who 
can say what will come next?" 
   The people of the village laughed.  They thought that the man 
was crazy.  They had always thought he was a fool; if he wasn't, he 
would have sold the horse and lived off the money.  But instead, he 
was a poor woodcutter, an old man still cutting firewood and 
dragging it out of the forest and selling it.  He lived hand to mouth in 
the misery of poverty.  Now he had proven that he was, indeed, a 
   After fifteen days, the horse returned.  He hadn't been 
stolen; he had run away into the forest.  Not only had he returned, he 
had brought a dozen wild horses with him.  Once again the village 
people gathered around the woodcutter and spoke.  "Old man, you were 
right and we were wrong.  What we thought was a curse was a blessing.  
Please forgive us." 
   The man responded, "Once again, you go too far.  Say only 
that the horse is back.  State only that a dozen horses returned with 
him, but don't judge.  How do you know if this is a blessing or not?  
You see only a fragment.  Unless you know the whole story, now can 
you judge?  You read only one page of a book.  Can you judge the 
whole book?  You read only one word of a phrase.  Can you understand 
the entire phrase? 
   "Life is so vast, yet you judge all of life with one page or 
one word.  All you have is a fragment!  Don't say that this is a 
blessing.  No one knows.  I am content with what I know.  I am not 
perturbed by what I don't." 
   "Maybe the old man is right," they said to one another.  So 
they said little.  But down deep, they knew he was wrong.  They knew 
it was a blessing.  Twelve wild horses had returned with one horse. 
 With a little bit of work, the animals could be broken and 
trained and sold for much money. 
   The old man had a son, an only son.  The young man began to 
break the wild horses.  After a few days, he fell from one of the 
horses and broke both legs.  Once again the villagers gathered around 
the old man and cast their judgments.   
   "You were right," they said.  "You proved you were right.  
The dozen horses were not a blessing.  They were a curse.  Your only 
son has broken his legs, and now in your old age you have no one to 
help you.  Now you are poorer than ever. 
   The old man spoke again.  "You people are obsessed with 
judging.  Don't go so far.  Say only that my son broke his legs.  Who 
knows if it is a blessing or a curse?  No one knows.  We only have a 
fragment.  Life comes in fragments." 
   It so happened that a few weeks later the country engaged in 
war against a neighboring country.  All the young men of the village 
were required to join the army.  Only the son of the old man was 
excluded, because he was injured.  Once again the people gathered around 
the old man, crying and screaming because their sons had been taken. 
 There was little chance that they would return.  The enemy was 
strong and the war would be a losing struggle.  They would never see 
their sons again. 
   "You were right, old man," they wept.  "God knows you were 
right.  This proves it.  Your son's accident was a blessing.  His legs 
may be broken, but at least he is with you.  Our sons are gone 
   The old man spoke again.  "It is impossible to talk with you. 
 You always draw conclusions.  No one knows.  Say only this: Your 
sons had to go to war, and mine did not.  No one knows if it is a 
blessing or a curse.  No one is wise enough to know.  Only God knows."  
[In the Eye of the Storm by Max Lucado.] 

The Cocoon/Butterfly Story - Miracle Of Transformation
   A man found a cocoon of a butterfly and one day a small 
opening appeared. He sat and watched the butterfly for several hours as 
it struggled to force its body through that little hole. Then it 
seemed to stop making any progress. It appeared as if it had gotten as 
far as it could and it could go no farther. The man decided to help 
the butterfly, so he took a pair of scissors and snipped off the 
remaining tip of the cocoon. The butterfly then emerged easily, but it had 
a swollen body and small shriveled wings. The man continued to 
watch the butterfly because he expected that, at any moment, the wings 
would enlarge and expand to be able to support the body, which would 
contract in time. Neither happened! In fact, the butterfly spent the rest 
of its life crawling around with a swollen body and shriveled 
wings. It never was able to fly. What the man in his kindness and haste 
did not understand was that the restricting cocoon and the struggle 
required for the butterfly to get through the tiny opening were God's way 
of forcing fluid from the body of the butterfly into its wings so 
that it would be ready for flight once it achieved its freedom from 
the cocoon. Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our 
life. If God allowed us to go through our life without any obstacles, 
it would cripple us. We would not be as strong as what we could 
have been. And we could never fly. 

The Donkey Story - From Death To Life
   Farmer had an old donkey he'd had a long time that fell into 
an empty well. 
   Because the donkey was so old and it would cost so much to 
get him out he decided to just bury him. 
   He called the neighbors and they started shoveling dirt into 
the well. 
   The donkey would raise a fuss with each shovel full of dirt 
and the farmer felt so bad. 
   But with each shovel full of dirt the old donkey would just 
shake it off his back and take a step up. 
   It wasn't long that the old donkey walked out of the well to 
the surprise of the farmer and his friends. 
   That's the way life is for Christians on this old sinful 
planet.  Satan keeps tossing a load of dirt on us, but if we will just 
keep shaking it off and take a step up it wouldn't be long and we'll 
find ourselves in heaven. [Internet] 

Attitude Of Gratitude Principle
   John Ortberg reports on a friend's description of an old 
woman in a convalescent hospital filled with the smells of sickness 
and urine and senile people waiting to die. His friend found the 
woman strapped in a wheelchair, her face "an absolute horror" of 
distortion, with sores and with flesh eaten away by cancer.  
   He offered her a flower, but because she was blind she asked 
if she could give it to someone else. She then held out the flower 
to another patient and said, "Here, this is from Jesus."  
   This woman had been in the hospital for twenty-five years, 
battling pain and growing steadily weaker. Yet she became an inspiration 
to Ortberg's friend as the woman continually quoted Scripture and 
hymns and applied them to her own situation. When asked what she 
thought about, the woman said, "I think about my Jesus. I think about 
how good he's been to me."  
   Ortberg's friend was amazed. Year after year, unable to move 
or see, this woman dwelled on hymns about Jesus instead of thinking 
about her pain. John responded to his friend's story this way: "Here 
was an ordinary human being who received supernatural power to do 
extraordinary things. Her entire life consisted of following Jesus as best she 
could in her situation: patient endurance of suffering, solitude, 
prayer, meditation on Scripture, and worship. This is the twenty-third 
Psalm come to life: 'The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want.'"  
   Sometimes we feel we cannot endure our circumstances one more 
day or one more hour. Yet the old adage is still true that an 
"attitude of gratitude" transforms our circumstances. We are called to do 
extraordinary things - not by our own power, but by the renewing and continual 
refreshment of our minds as we think about how good Jesus has been to us.  
   Father in heaven, many times my circumstances drag down my 
spirit. Help me to fill my mind with songs of your Spirit and words of 
enrichment from you. Remind me of how good you've been to me. [The One Year 
Book of Encouragement by Harold Myra] 

Touch Of The Masters Hand
   I fear our generation has come dangerously near the 
"I'm-getting-tired-so-let's-quit" mentality. And not just in the spiritual realm. Dieting is a 
discipline, so we stay fat. Finishing school is a hassle, so we bail out. 
Cultivating a close relationship is painful, so we back off. Getting a book 
written is demanding, so we stop short. Working through conflicts in 
marriage is a tiring struggle, so we walk away. Sticking with an 
occupation is tough, so we start looking elsewhere.... 
   Ignace Jan Paderewski, the famous composer-pianist, was 
scheduled to perform at a great concert hall in America. It was an evening 
to remember - black tuxedoes and long evening dresses, a high 
society extravaganza. Present in the audience that evening was a mother 
with her fidgety nine-year-old son. Weary of waiting, he squirmed 
constantly in his seat. His mother was in hopes that her boy would be 
encouraged to practice the piano if he could just hear the immortal 
Paderewski at the keyboard. So -- against his wishes -- he had come. 
   As she turned to talk with friends, her son could stay seated 
no longer. He slipped away from her side, strangely drawn to the 
ebony concert grand Steinway and its leather tufted stool, staring 
wide-eyed at the black and white keys. He placed his small, trembling 
fingers in the right location and began to play "chopsticks." The roar 
of the crowd was hushed as hundreds of frowning faces turned in his 
direction. Irritated and embarrassed, they began to shout: 
   Get that boy away from there!"
   "Who'd bring a kid that young in here?"
   "Where's his mother?"
   "Somebody stop him!"
   Backstage, the master overheard the sounds out front and 
quickly put together in his mind what was happening. Hurriedly, he 
grabbed his coat and rushed toward the stage. Without one word of 
announcement he stooped over behind the boy, reached around both sides, and 
began to improvise a counter melody to harmonize and enhance 
"chopsticks." As the two of them played together, Paderewski kept whispering 
in the boy's ear: 
   Keep going. Don't quit, son. Keep on playing . . . don't stop 
. . . don't quit. 
   And so it is with us. We hammer away on our project, which 
seems about as significant as "chopsticks" in a concert hall. And 
about the time we are ready to give up, along comes the Master, who 
leans over and whispers: 
   Now keep going; don't quit. Keep on . . . don't stop; don't 
quit. (From Growing Strong in the Seasons of Life by Charles Swindoll) 
[Inspirational SB] 

The Best Is Yet To Come - "Keep Your Fork"
   There was a woman who had been diagnosed with a terminal 
illness and had been given three months to live. So as she was getting 
her things "in order", she contacted her pastor and had him come to 
her house to discuss certain aspects of her final wishes. She told 
him which songs she wanted sung at the service, what scripture she 
would like read, and what outfit she wanted to be buried in. The woman 
also requested to be buried with her favorite Bible.  Everything was 
in order and the pastor was preparing to leave when the woman 
suddenly remembered something very important to her. "There's one more 
thing," she said excitedly. "What's that?" came the pastor's reply. 
"This is very important," the woman continued.  "I want to be buried 
with a fork in my right hand." The pastor stood looking at the woman, 
not knowing quite what to say. "That surprises you, doesn't it?" the 
woman asked. "Well, to be honest, I'm puzzled by the request," said 
the pastor. The woman explained. "In all my years of attending 
church socials and potluck dinners, I always remember that when the 
dishes of the main course were being cleared, someone would inevitably 
lean over and say, "Keep Your Fork". It was my favorite part because 
I knew that something better was coming.....like velvety chocolate 
cake or deep dish apple pie.  Something wonderful, and with 
substance!  So, I just want people to see me there in the casket with a 
fork in my hand and I want them to wonder, "What's with the fork?!"  
Then I want you to tell them:  "Keep your fork...the best is yet to 
come".  The pastor's eyes welled up with tears of joy as he hugged the 
woman good bye. He knew this would be one of the last times he would 
see her before her death. But he also knew that the woman had a 
better grasp of heaven than he did.  She KNEW that something better was 
coming.  At the funeral people were walking by the woman's casket and 
they saw the pretty dress she was wearing, the favorite Bible and 
fork placed in her right hand. Over and over, the pastor heard the 
question, "What's with the fork?" And over and over he smiled. During his 
message, the pastor told the people of the conversation he had with the 
woman shortly before she died. He also told them about the fork and 
about what it symbolized to her. The pastor told the people how he 
could not stop thinking about it either. He was right. So the next 
time you reach down for your fork, let it remind you, oh so gently, 
that the best is yet to come. 


   We must shape the powerful and transforming thought in our 
minds that the goodness and faithfulness of God follow hard on our 
heels to turn every tragedy into a triumph and every loss into a gain. 
It is easy to affirm this as we look back - the challenge is to 
affirm it with equal conviction as we look ahead.  
   If you can get hold of this truth and absorb it into your 
life as a working principle, then it will transform your attitude 
toward everything. Never again will you be at the mercy of 
circumstances. In Acts 5:40-41 we read an astonishing statement: "After they 
called in the apostles and had them flogged ... Then they went out from 
the presence of the Sanhedrin, rejoicing ..." Rejoicing? Over 
injustice? How is it possible to rejoice over an injustice? Because they 
believed, with David, that the last word was not with men, but with God - 
"goodness and faithfulness" would follow them and turn the situation to 
their advantage. When you can rejoice over injustice, you are 
   Another verse from Acts that always intrigues me reads thus: 
"The patriarchs became jealous of Joseph and sold him into Egypt, but 
God ..." (Ac 7:9). That phrase, "but God," is at the end of every 
injustice - He has the last word. And just as God used the injustice done 
to Joseph to feed the Egyptian people and his own family, so He 
transforms every sorrow, every bereavement, every tragedy. Christianity may 
not explain everything, but it most certainly transforms everything. 
[Every Day With Jesus Bible with Selwyn Hughes devotionals re Mark 

   The contemplation of God humbles the mind, expands the soul, 
and consoles the heart.  
   How does it expand the soul? "The soul," says one theologian, 
"is at home only when it is in God." He meant, of course, that as 
the soul was made for God, it can only function effectively when 
indwelt by God. Contemplation of God is like breath to the soul; it 
inflates it and causes it to be fully actualized. "My body and my whole 
physiology functions better when God is in it," said a doctor to me some 
years ago. I replied: "And so it is also with the soul, dear doctor, 
so it is also with the soul."  
   Another benefit of contemplating God is that it consoles the 
heart. But how? It does so by focusing the heart's attention on the 
greatness and goodness of the Eternal and also on His tender mercies and 
compassion. The more we know of God, the more we realize that when He 
permits us to pass through deep and dark waters, it is not because He is 
powerless to deliver us, but because a beneficent and eternal purpose is 
being worked out in that process. And what is more, we discover that 
God is not interested merely in working out His purposes in us, but 
in imparting to us a richer sense of His presence. In God there is 
a balm for every wound, a comfort for every sorrow, and healing 
for every heartache.  
   All kinds of remedies are on offer in today's church to help 
the hurting (some of them more secular than sacred), but I know of 
nothing that calms the swelling billows of sorrow and grief as does the 
quiet contemplation of the Godhead.  
   My Father and my God, forgive me if in times of trial and 
distress I look for comfort in the wrong places. You and You alone are 
able to meet my soul's deepest needs. Help me to see this not merely 
as an opinion but as a conviction. In Jesus' name. Amen. [Every Day 
With Jesus Bible with Selwyn Hughes devotional] re Psa. 92:4 

Nothing could be more verifiable:  In the world you will have 
trouble!  We have trouble with our health, marriage, children, career, 
finances, even in our Christian walk, and the list goes on forever!  How 
in the world can we have peace?  This scripture clearly shows that 
peace and troubles can go together!  But how, you say? The key is 
knowing that God is in complete control of everything and that troubles 
in our life very often cause us to seek Him more.  "In Me" suggests 
that there is a place of refuge, a place of peace, even in the midst 
of real life problems.  How can we be found "in Him?"  If you want 
to be in Seattle, and you are not there, you must go there.  Take 
steps in that direction.  The same applies to the peace of being in 
Him.  If you are searching for peace in the midst of the storm of 
life, spend time reading His word; speak often and long to Him; listen 
for His still, small voice of comfort.  And peace will come!  [In 
His Time; Walk With Wisdom re Joh.16:33] 


   I want you to learn a new habit. Try saying, "I trust You, 
Jesus" in response to whatever happens to you. If there is time, think 
about who I AM in all My Power and Glory; ponder also the depth and 
breadth of My Love for you. 
   This simple practice will help you see Me in every situation, 
acknowledging My sovereign control over the universe. When you view events 
from this perspective - through the Light of My universal Presence - 
fear loses its grip on you. Adverse circumstances become growth 
opportunities when you affirm your trust in Me no matter what. You receive 
blessings gratefully, realizing they flow directly from My hand of grace. 
Your continual assertion of trusting Me will strengthen our 
relationship and keep you close to Me. (Psa. 63:2; Isa. 40:10-11; Psa. 
139:7-10) [Jesus Calling by Sarah Young] 

   Give up the illusion that you deserve a problem-free life. 
Part of you is still hungering for the resolution of all 
difficulties. This is a false hope! As I told My disciples, in the world you 
will have trouble. Link your hope not to problem solving in this life 
but to the promise of an eternity of problem-free life in heaven. 
Instead of seeking perfection in this fallen world, pour your energy 
into seeking Me: the Perfect One. 
   It is possible to enjoy Me and glorify Me in the midst of 
adverse circumstances. In fact, My Light shines most brightly through 
believers who trust Me in the dark. That kind of trust is supernatural: a 
production of My indwelling Spirit. When things seem all wrong, trust Me 
anyway. I am much less interested in right circumstances than in right 
responses to whatever comes your way. (John 16:33; Psalm 112:4, 7) [Mat. 
5:16] [Jesus Calling by Sarah Young] 

Seek My face more and more. You are really just beginning your 
journey of intimacy with Me. It is not an easy road, but it is a 
delightful and privileged way: a treasure hunt. I am the Treasure, and the 
Glory of My Presence glistens and shimmers along the way. Hardships 
are part of the journey too. I mete them out ever so carefully, in 
just the right dosage, with a tenderness you can hardly imagine. Do 
not recoil from afflictions, since they are among My most favored 
gifts. Trust Me and don't be afraid, for I am your Strength and Song. 
(Psalm 27:8; 2 Cor. 4:7; Isaiah 12:2) [1 Chr. 16:11; Psalm 105:4; Acts 
14:22; 2 Cor. 1:9] [Jesus Calling by Sarah Young] 


The most beautiful sunsets are made by cloudy skies. [source 

If things are tough, remember that every flower that ever 
bloomed had to go through a whole lot of dirt to get there.  Barbara 

Out of pain and problems have come the sweetest sons, the most 
poignant poems, the most gripping stories. Out of suffering and tears 
have come the greatest spirits and the most blessed lives. Billy 

As God uses us, He transforms our lives in the same way He 
changes a piece of coal into a diamond.  Our tears crystallize into 
sparkling jewels of blessing that sparkle in the night of despair "like 
the stars of the morning," shining out in the darkness with the 
light of God's embracing, sustaining love. Barbara Johnson 


http://www.abible.com/devotions/2014/20140314-1809.html Will 
Have Tribulation  


http://www.abible.com/devotions/2011/20110925-1806.html Furnace 
Of Affliction  


http://www.abible.com/devotions/2013/20131121-1340.html Testing 

Blessings Of Adversity  

http://www.abible.com/devotions/2013/20130725-2340.html Brings 
Good Out 


Importance of Choice: 
http://creationhealth.com/CREATION-Health/Choice [click on video] 

Seeking God Made Real: http://vimeo.com/31489782

Musical Devotional On Christian Living: 

Prophecies Decoded Sermon Series: 


Lifting Up Jesus Bible Studies: http://www.liftingupjesus.net/

Amazing Facts Bible Guides: 

Discover Bible Studies: http://studies.itiswritten.com/discover/

Or Send Request for Bible Studies to Fred Gibbs at: 