
Matthew 7:7-8 - Ask, Seek And Knock To Receive, Find and Open.

Matthew 7:7-8: Ask, Seek And Knock To Receive, Find and Open.

Matthew 7:7-8 (KJV) Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye 
shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: 8 For every one 
that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that 
knocketh it shall be opened.  


   I have made a commitment to pray more than ever, and I hope 
you will join me. Prayer is the greatest privilege that we have. 
Prayer makes all things possible! God's Word teaches us that we have 
not because we ask not (see James 4:2). It is tragic indeed to miss 
out on the immense benefits that prayer provides simply because we 
fail to take the time to ask. 
   My desire is to "pray my way through the day." It is another 
way of saying what the apostle Paul said, which is "Pray without 
ceasing" (see 1 Thessalonians 5:17). This does not mean that I intend to 
stay on my knees all day or sit somewhere with folded hands praying 
all day. I simply desire to understand that all failure is a prayer 
failure and to be wise enough to invite the Lord to help me with each 
thing I do. 
   The Bible says in Ephesians 6:18 that we should "pray at all 
times (on every occasion, in every season) in the Spirit, with all 
[manner of] prayer." Forming the habit of doing so will open the door to 
more victory and breakthrough than we can imagine. I don't want to 
miss any more opportunities to see God's amazing power manifested in 
my life, and I am sure you don't either, so please join me in 
discovering the power of simple prayer! 
   Dear Father, I commit to praying my way through the day, and 
as I begin, I ask for Your help. I am praying that You will help me 
pray! Teach me the vital importance of talking with You about 
everything. [My Time with God by Joyce Meyer] 


Why does Christ include this exhortation on prayer at this point 
in the sermon on the mount? Because it is so difficult for us, in 
our own power and wisdom, to obey the commands He has given. If 
any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, says James 1:5, 
echoing what Jesus says here. The believer who seeks to obey the Word of 
God must constantly ask for strength, seek wisdom, and knock at 
Gods door for the supply of grace needed. [Wiersbe Expository 

The Lord's entire sermon had dealt with the righteousness of 
life as expected from men by God. A great and hard lesson, demanding 
more strength than any man, even the most earnest Christian, 
possesses by nature and after conversion. But He from whom all spiritual 
strength must come is willing to help our infirmities, if we but approach 
Him with persistent supplication. Jesus piles up the verbs for the 
sake of emphasis; He builds up a double climax in order to teach men 
always to pray and not to grow faint, to be importunate in pleading, 
Luke 18:1; 11:5-10. To the mere asking must be added an eager 
seeking, and this must be supplemented with a persistent knocking. Such 
methods cannot fail; the promises of God are too plain. God will hear, 
He will give. He will let us find. He will open unto us. It may not 
always be at just the time and in just the manner which we think best, 
but it will, in the end, always prove the best. Only, note the 
repetition: "Ask," in all humility, but with firm confidence; "seek," with 
untiring application, but also with painstaking care; "knock," with both 
earnestness and perseverance. Every one, he says, shall receive if he will 
but come as a child to its father. [Popular Commentary of the 

   This is the natural behavior of mature sons and daughters. 
Even though a father knows all the needs of his children, they do not 
hesitate to continually ask (mouth), seek (eyes), and knock (hands). This 
recognition and confession of comprehensive dependence - oral, visual, 
tactile - is pleasing to the father. And so it is with our heavenly 
Father, for through prayer we express our complete dependence on Him. He 
answers in kind with speaking, displaying, and touching - all 
revelation, which is given, found, and opened. The three verbs presuppose 
familiarity; we rarely ask, seek, or knock on the doors of strangers. 
   The respective promises are receiving, finding, and having 
doors opened. [Exegetical Commentary] 

People often give up after a few halfhearted efforts and 
conclude that God cannot be found. But knowing God takes faith, focus, 
and follow-through, and Jesus assures us that we will be rewarded. 
Dont give up in your efforts to seek God. Continue to ask him for 
more knowledge, patience, wisdom, love, and understanding. He will 
give them to you. [Life Application SB] 

If we take counsel with our doubts and fears, or try to solve 
everything that we cannot see clearly, before we have faith, perplexities 
will only increase and deepen. But if we come to God, feeling 
helpless and dependent, as we really are, and in humble, trusting faith 
make known our wants to Him whose knowledge is infinite, who sees 
everything in creation, and who governs everything by His will and word, He 
can and will attend to our cry, and will let light shine into our 
hearts. SC95-7 

When our prayers seem not to be answered, we are to cling to the 
promise; for the time of answering will surely come, and we shall receive 
the blessing we need most. But to claim that prayer will always be 
answered in the very way and for the particular thing that we desire, is 
presumption. God is too wise to err, and too good to withhold any good thing 
from them that walk uprightly. Then do not fear to trust Him, even 
though you do not see the immediate answer to your prayers. Rely upon 
His sure promise, "Ask, and it shall be given you." SC95-7 

God will always answer our prayers; but he will answer them in 
his way, and his way will be the way of perfect wisdom and of 
perfect love. Often if he answered our prayers as we at the moment 
desired it would be the worst thing possible for us, for in our 
ignorance we often ask for gifts which would be our ruin. This saying of 
Jesus tells us, not only that God will answer, but that God will 
answer in wisdom and in love. [Barclay Commentary] 


   We know of a place in England still existing, where a dole of 
bread is served to every passerby who chooses to ask for it. Whoever 
the traveller may be, he has but to knock at the door of St. Cross 
Hospital, and there is the dole of bread for him. Jesus Christ so loveth 
sinners that he has built a St. Cross Hospital, so that whenever a 
sinner is hungry, he has but to knock and have his wants supplied. Nay, 
he has done better; he has attached to this Hospital of the Cross a 
bath; and whenever a soul is black and filthy, it has but to go there 
and be washed. The fountain is always full, always efficacious. No 
sinner ever went into it and found that it could not wash away his 
stains. Sins which were scarlet and crimson have all disappeared, and 
the sinner has been whiter than snow. As if this were not enough, 
there is attached to this Hospital of the Cross a wardrobe, and a 
sinner making application simply as a sinner, may be clothed from head 
to foot; and if he wishes to be a soldier, he may not merely have a 
garment for ordinary wear, but armour which shall cover him from the 
sole of his foot to the crown of his head. If he asks for a sword, he 
shall have that given to him, and a shield too. Nothing that is good 
for him shall be denied him. He shall have spending-money so long as 
he lives, and he shall have an eternal heritage of glorious 
treasure when he enters into the joy of his Lord.  
   If all these things are to be had by merely knocking at 
mercys door, O my soul, knock hard this morning, and ask large things 
of thy generous Lord. Leave not the throne of grace till all thy 
wants have been spread before the Lord, and until by faith thou hast a 
comfortable prospect that they shall be all supplied. No bashfulness need 
retard when Jesus invites. No unbelief should hinder when Jesus 
promises. No cold-heartedness should restrain when such blessings are to 
be obtained. [Spurgeon, Charles H., Morning and Evening] 


   I am a God who heals. I heal broken bodies, broken minds, 
broken hearts, broken lives, and broken relationships. My very Presence 
has immense healing powers. You cannot live close to Me without 
experiencing some degree of healing. However, it is also true that you have 
not because you ask not. You receive the healing that flows 
naturally from My Presence, whether you seek it or not. But there is more 
- much more - available to those who ask.  
   The first step in receiving healing is to live ever so close 
to Me. The benefits of this practice are too numerous to list. As 
you grow more and more intimate with Me, I reveal My will to you 
more directly. When the time is right, I prompt you to ask for 
healing of some brokenness in you or in another person. The healing may 
be instantaneous, or it may be a process. That is up to Me. Your 
part is to trust Me fully and to thank Me for the restoration that 
has begun.  
   I rarely heal all the brokenness in a person's life. Even My 
servant Paul was told, "My grace is sufficient for you," when he sought 
healing for the thorn in his flesh. Nonetheless, much healing is 
available to those whose lives are intimately interwoven with Mine. Ask, 
and you will receive. (Psa. 103:3; Jam. 4:2; 2 Cor. 12:7-9; Mat. 7:7 
[Jesus Calling by Sarah Young] 


Most Important Decision in Life: 

Importance of Choice: 
http://creationhealth.com/CREATION-Health/Choice [click on video]  

Seeking God Made Real: http://vimeo.com/31489782

Prayer Made Real: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tc8VdMV26VE

Musical Devotional On Christian Living: 


Lifting Up Jesus Bible Studies: http://www.liftingupjesus.net/

Amazing Facts Bible Studies: 

Discover Bible Studies: http://studies.itiswritten.com/discover/

Glow Tract Video Bible Studies: http://www.bibleresearch.info/

ABible.com: http://www.aBible.com


The Last Day of Prophecy by Pastor Doug Batchelor: 

Restoring The Power by John Bradshaw: 

Prophecies Decoded by Pastor Ron Clouzet: 