
John 3:3 - You Must Be Born Again To Enter The Kingdom Of God.

John 3:3: You Must Be Born Again To Enter The Kingdom Of God.

John 3:3 (NLT) Jesus replied, I tell you the truth, unless 
you are born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God.  

John 3:3 (AMP) Jesus answered him, I assure you, most solemnly I 
tell you, that unless a person is born again (anew, from above), he 
cannot ever see (know, be acquainted with, and experience) the kingdom 
of God.  


   If the Kingdom of God was simply a better government or a 
societal shift, anyone could enter it. All they would need is the right 
perspective or an adjusted lifestyle. And while the Kingdom of God certainly 
includes good government and other social systems - at least the part of 
the Kingdom that manifests through God's people on earth does - it's 
much more than that. It's a quality of life that can't be experienced 
by sin-saturated humanity. It requires more than a natural mind-set 
and human ingenuity. It requires a radically transformed heart and 
eyes that see eternal spiritual realities. 
   No one can have that kind of heart or see with that kind of 
eyes unless he or she is born of God's Spirit. In order to think like 
Him, see like Him, and live like Him, we have to have His Spirit 
living and moving within us. We must function as citizens of another 
realm even while we are living in this one. We can't do that by 
changing ourselves. We have to be born again with a new nature. 
   Many old-nature observers don't see a different nature in 
Christians than they find in themselves. That's unfortunate, but it doesn't 
mean that new nature doesn't exist. It simply means many Christians 
haven't fed the new nature very well, that we are drawing our strength 
and energy from our own reserves rather than from the Spirit of God. 
Life in the Kingdom comes from beyond ourselves. 
   Never assume the Kingdom of God is simply "heaven" or a 
there-and-then reality rather than a here-and-now experience. On the other 
hand, never treat it only as an alternate approach to life on earth 
that can be fully realized with better human institutions. We can't 
solve humanity's problems by imposing God's laws or morality on 
everyone else. We can, however, fill this world with heaven's resources 
according to the power that works within us (Ephesians 3:20). And that 
power works within us only when we've been birthed by the source of 
power Himself. [The One Year Heaven On Earth Devotional by Chris 


All of us are born in sin. Our first birth makes us 
children of Adam, and this means we are children of wrath and of 
disobedience (Eph. 2:1-3). No amount of education, religion, or discipline 
can change the old nature; we must receive a new nature from God. 
[Wiersbe Expository Outlines] 

To be born anew is to undergo such a radical change that it is 
like a new birth; it is to have something happen to the soul which 
can only be described as being born all over again; and the whole 
process is not a human achievement, because it comes from the grace and 
power of God. [Barclay Commentary] 

When Jesus says, You must be born again, He simply means 
that to enter His kingdom, you and I must let God into our lives, to 
work there as He pleases. When we do, eternal life will be ours - now 
- and through the miracle of the new birth our life on earth will 
become fresh and new. [The 365-Day Devotional Commentary] 

The light shining from the cross reveals the love of God. His 
love is drawing us to Himself. If we do not resist this drawing, we 
shall be led to the foot of the cross in repentance for the sins that 
have crucified the Saviour. Then the Spirit of God through faith 
produces a new life in the soul. DA168-177 

   Entering a saving relationship with Christ is a life changing 
experience! All things become new! Not some things, but all things (2 Co. 
5:17). For the first time in your life, Christ is Lord; God is Master. 
When you become a Christian, Christs presence will affect every 
part of you. You will have new thoughts, new attitudes, new values, 
and new sensitivities. New priorities will dramatically affect your 
relationships. You will view everything in your life from a Christlike 
perspective. Christianity is not something you add to your life; it is life! 
   Nicodemus thought that salvation meant performing certain 
religious exercises and holding to particular religious teachings. He had 
no idea of the all-encompassing nature of salvation! When you 
become a Christian, God gives you a new heart so that everything 
becomes new! God gives you a new mind, like that of Christ, so you think 
differently. He gives you new emotions, so you feel deeply about completely 
different matters. You become sensitive to sin, so you are no longer 
comfortable with it. Your recreation will be affected as you are made aware 
of what is honoring to God and what is not. Your relationships will 
now be guided by the Holy Spirit. Destructive habits and attitudes, 
previously immune to change, will be transformed.  
   Have you noticed the changes God has brought to your life 
since you entered a vital relationship with Jesus Christ? These 
changes should be very noticeable as a testimony of the new life you 
received when you trusted Jesus as your Savior and Lord. [Experiencing 
God Day by Day by Henry and Richard Blackaby re John 3:3] 

Guard jealously your relationship to God. Jesus prayed that 
they may be one, even as We are one"nothing between. Keep all 
the life perennially open to Jesus Christ, dont pretend with Him. 
Are you drawing your life from any other source than God Himself? If 
you are depending upon anything but Him, you will never know when He 
is gone. [My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers] 


   Only God can restore life to something that has died. If you 
find that your heart has grown cold to God, that the spiritual life 
of your family or church has waned, call out to God to revive you, 
for only He can give life. It is not your activity but your 
relationship with God that brings life! 
   Spiritual fervor can ebb if left unattended. We all begin our 
walk with the Lord enthusiastically, with an excited sense of 
anticipation. But over time, busyness creeps in. We become distracted and let 
our sin go unchallenged. We may take our relationship with God for 
granted and not notice the gradual decline until we find ourselves 
drained of spiritual vitality. 
   This descent can happen in your church just as it does in 
your personal life. Do you remember a time when the Holy Spirit was 
moving mightily in your church, and the members sensed God leading in 
an exciting direction? Are the services now lifeless and the power 
of God only a memory? 
   At a time like this it is futile to try to bring back life 
yourself. You can organize many activities and exhort those around you, 
but only God can resurrect what is dead. If God has initiated 
something in your life, or family, or church, only He can sustain it or 
revive it. If you sense that the spiritual vigor has gone out of your 
life or the life of your church, this is Gods invitation to pray. 
He wants you to intercede with Him so that He might revive His 
work. Jesus said that He is Life. It is unnecessary to remain 
spiritually lifeless when He has promised vibrant, abundant life if you will 
claim it. [Experiencing God Day by Day by Henry and Richard Blackaby 
re Hab. 3:2] 

Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can 
start today with Christ and make a new ending.  


Most Important Decision in Life: 

A Man without Equal by Bill Bright: 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NiVa7UoruIo [old, but one of the best] 

Importance of Choice: 
http://creationhealth.com/CREATION-Health/Choice [click on video]  

Seeking God Made Real: http://vimeo.com/31489782

Prayer Made Real: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tc8VdMV26VE

Musical Devotional On Christian Living: 

Medical Seminar on Healthful Living by David DeRose, MD, MPH: 


Lifting Up Jesus Bible Studies: http://www.liftingupjesus.net/

Amazing Facts Bible Studies: 

Discover Bible Studies: http://studies.itiswritten.com/discover/

Glow Tract Video Bible Studies: http://www.bibleresearch.info/

ABible.com: http://www.aBible.com


The Last Day of Prophecy by Pastor Doug Batchelor: 

Restoring The Power by John Bradshaw: 

Prophecies Decoded by Pastor Ron Clouzet: 

Last Day Prophecy: His Other Sheep by Pastor Gerald Babanezhad: 