
Psalm 27:14 - Waiting On The Lord.

Psalm 27:14 (NIV) Wait for the LORD; be 
strong and take heart and wait for the LORD. 

Psalm 27:14 (NLT) Wait patiently for the 
LORD. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently 
for the LORD. 


Gods Presence in the Waiting
   Years ago, my husband was stuck in a 
terrible job. The commute was long, the hours were 
high, the pay was low, and he was treated poorly 
by both customers and coworkers. It was 
difficult to watch him come home late each night, 
defeated and unable to find another job that would 
meet the needs of our growing family. Further, we 
felt torn between the desire for more involvement 
in ministry and our depleted energy; time, and 
   We found tremendous encouragement in the 
story of Joseph (Gen 37-50). Sold into slavery in 
a foreign country by his own brothers, and 
then falsely accused of improper behavior toward 
his boss's wife, Joseph is a picture of a man in 
one terrible plight after another. As he sat in 
prison, forgotten by the cupbearer who was supposed 
to help him, Joseph must have felt defeated and 
stuck. What of the dreams God had given him 
promising a prominent position? And what of the 
promises made to Abraham's descendants that God would 
make them into a great nation, bless them, and 
make them a blessing to the nations (Gen 
   Of course, we have the privilege of 
knowing Joseph's entire story - how he came to be 
the second-in-command in Egypt and saved the 
lives of so many from the famine. We know that he 
and his brothers were fully reconciled. God not 
only fulfilled Joseph's childhood prophetic 
dreams, but also the Abrahamic covenant: Joseph 
blessed the nations by saving them from starvation; 
his father, Jacob, blessed Pharaoh (Gen 47:7, 
10); and the family of 70 that went down to Egypt 
grew into a great nation (Gen 46:3, 27). Joseph's 
famous quote to his brothers at the end of Genesis 
is a Christian favorite: "You meant evil 
against me, but God meant it for good" (Gen 50:20). 
   But what about Joseph's experience before 
his happy ending? Where was God when Joseph sat 
in a well, bruised and bloodied and hearing his 
brothers' evil scheming? Where was God when Joseph was 
falsely accused and imprisoned, or when he stayed 
forgotten in prison for years? These years make up a 
significant portion of Joseph's life, and we cannot rush 
past them. God allowed a lot of suffering and 
discomfort for the fulfillment of all his promises. Can 
we trust him when it seems he has left us in 
terrible situations with no end in sight? 
   A major feature of the story is God's 
quiet presence with Joseph. It causes Joseph to be 
successful in what he does, and it stirs the heart of 
the cupbearer to remember Joseph to Pharaoh. It 
is God alone who gives Joseph the 
interpretation of Pharaoh's dream, and God who gives Joseph 
the wisdom for administration. Joseph is so 
confident in God's faithful presence that he does not 
assign blame to his brothers or feel bitter with 
regret for all his wasted years. 
   Those years in that terrible job were 
hard on our family for many reasons. But my 
husband was able to share the gospel with men who 
might not otherwise hear it, and he found he was 
able to fulfill the Great Commission mandate 
right where he was. Those years often felt like 
prison - a terrible circumstance we could not 
escape. But through Joseph's story, we became 
confident that God's quiet presence was with us as we 
   Years later, we can see the good God 
intended through the things he allowed to happen, and 
we know he is trustworthy. by Aubry G. Smith in 
Faithlife Bible Study magazine 


   I am a person of action, and when there 
is a problem, I am ready to take action, but 
sometimes I make the situation worse because I didn't 
wait to get God's plan. Being aggressive has many 
benefits, but it can also cause problems if we are 
acting independently of God. 
   I am reminded today of the importance of 
maintaining an attitude of waiting on God. I am not 
suggesting inactivity but rather the highest form of 
spiritual activity, that of trusting God in every area 
of life. Wait on Him for supplies, for 
strength, healing, wisdom, and opportunity. Wait on 
God to reveal Himself to you and to show you His 
amazing favor. God is waiting to be good to us, and 
He looks for those who are waiting on Him 
(Isaiah 30:18). 
   Waiting on God is mostly an attitude of 
the heart. One that is fully aware that God is 
everything and we are nothing without Him. We should 
pray and refuse to take action without assurance 
that God is leading. Go to Him as early as 
possible each day, which is the moment you wake up. 
He is always near, and you need no special 
preparation to begin fellowshipping with Him. Always 
remember that God loves you unconditionally and is 
with you at all times. 
   Father God, I desire to form a habit of 
waiting on YOU all throughout the day. Help me not 
to rush ahead into activities and decisions 
without acknowledging You. Thank You for Your 
presence. [My Time with God by Joyce Meyer re Psa. 

   The Lord is a God of action. Even when He 
rested on the seventh day of creation, it wasn't 
because He was tired and needed to recuperate. 
Although He deliberately made a choice to stop His 
creative activity, He never ceased working. While the 
Lord is always controlling the universe, He is, 
at the same time, intimately involved with 
individual lives. 
   God has a plan for each one of us and 
wants us to know what it is. Every time we take a 
step of obedience, He sheds more light on our 
path. But sometimes He asks us to pause awhile, 
and we may not know why. We long for direction 
in a particular matter, but our prayers just 
aren't being answered, and we wonder, Why does He 
   When you aren't seeing any answers, it 
doesn't mean that God is not working. He's still 
actively involved in your life, but He works in ways 
that are not always visible. He orchestrates 
circumstances, changes people's hearts, and protects His 
children from making hasty decisions that will have 
disastrous consequences. Perhaps the Lord knows you're 
not yet ready for the next leg of your spiritual 
journey. Waiting times are opportunities for growth 
in character, obedience, and faith. He may also 
need time to train you for future 
responsibilities and ministries. 
   When you intentionally choose to be 
still, God unleashes His mighty power on your 
behalf. He has planned good things for those who 
wait, and I believe what He has in store for your 
life will surpass all expectations. When He knows 
you're ready to receive His blessings, they'll flow 
into your lap. [In Touch Daily Devotional by 
Charles Stanley at www.intouch.org re Isa. 64:1-4] 


   Once there was an old man who lived in a 
tiny village.  Although poor, he was envied by 
all, for he owned a beautiful white horse.  Even 
the king coveted his treasure.  A horse like 
this had never been seen before - such was its 
splendor, its majesty, its strength. 
   People offered fabulous prices for the 
steed, but the old man always refused.  "This horse 
is not a horse to me," he would tell them.  "It 
is a person.  How could you sell a person?  He 
is a friend, not a possession.  How could you 
sell a friend?"  The man was poor and the 
temptation was great.  But he never sold the horse. 
   One morning he found that the horse was 
not in the stable.  All the village came to see 
him.  "You old fool," they scoffed, "we told you 
that someone would steal your horse.  We warned 
you that you would be robbed.  You are so poor.  
How could you ever hope to protect such a 
valuable animal?  It would have been better to have 
sold him.  You could have gotten whatever price 
you wanted.  No amount would have been to high.  
Now the horse is gone, and you've been cursed 
with misfortune." 
   The old man responded, "Don't speak too 
quickly.  Say only that the horse is not in the 
stable.  That is all we know; the rest in judgment.  
If I've been cursed or not, how can you know?  
How can you judge?" 
   The people contested, "Don't make us out 
to be fools!  We may not be philosophers, but 
great philosophy is not needed.  The simple fact 
that your horse is gone is a curse." 
   The old man spoke again. "All I know is 
that the stable is empty, and the horse is gone.  
The rest I don't know.  Whether it be a curse or 
a blessing, I can't say.  All we can see is a 
fragment.  Who can say what will come next?" 
   The people of the village laughed.  They 
thought that the man was crazy.  They had always 
thought he was a fool; if he wasn't, he would have 
sold the horse and lived off the money.  But 
instead, he was a poor woodcutter, an old man still 
cutting firewood and dragging it out of the forest 
and selling it.  He lived hand to mouth in the 
misery of poverty.  Now he had proven that he was, 
indeed, a fool. 
   After fifteen days, the horse returned.  
He hadn't been stolen; he had run away into the 
forest.  Not only had he returned, he had brought a 
dozen wild horses with him.  Once again the 
village people gathered around the woodcutter and 
spoke.  "Old man, you were right and we were wrong. 
 What we thought was a curse was a blessing.  
Please forgive us." 
   The man responded, "Once again, you go 
too far.  Say only that the horse is back.  
State only that a dozen horses returned with him, 
but don't judge.  How do you know if this is a 
blessing or not?  You see only a fragment.  Unless 
you know the whole story, now can you judge?  
You read only one page of a book.  Can you judge 
the whole book?  You read only one word of a 
phrase.  Can you understand the entire phrase? 
   "Life is so vast, yet you judge all of 
life with one page or one word.  All you have is 
a fragment!  Don't say that this is a 
blessing.  No one knows.  I am content with what I 
know.  I am not perturbed by what I don't." 
   "Maybe the old man is right," they said 
to one another.  So they said little.  But down 
deep, they knew he was wrong.  They knew it was a 
blessing.  Twelve wild horses had returned with one 
horse.  With a little bit of work, the animals 
could be broken and trained and sold for much 
   The old man had a son, an only son.  The 
young man began to break the wild horses.  After a 
few days, he fell from one of the horses and 
broke both legs.  Once again the villagers 
gathered around the old man and cast their judgments. 
   "You were right," they said.  "You proved 
you were right.  The dozen horses were not a 
blessing.  They were a curse.  Your only son has 
broken his legs, and now in your old age you have 
no one to help you.  Now you are poorer than 
   The old man spoke again.  "You people are 
obsessed with judging.  Don't go so far.  Say only 
that my son broke his legs.  Who knows if it is a 
blessing or a curse?  No one knows.  We only have a 
fragment.  Life comes in fragments." 
   It so happened that a few weeks later the 
country engaged in war against a neighboring 
country.  All the young men of the village were 
required to join the army.  Only the son of the old 
man was excluded, because he was injured.  Once 
again the people gathered around the old man, 
crying and screaming because their sons had been 
taken.  There was little chance that they would 
return.  The enemy was strong and the war would be a 
losing struggle.  They would never see their sons 
   "You were right, old man," they wept.  
"God knows you were right.  This proves it.  Your 
son's accident was a blessing.  His legs may be 
broken, but at least he is with you.  Our sons are 
gone forever." 
   The old man spoke again.  "It is 
impossible to talk with you.  You always draw 
conclusions.  No one knows.  Say only this: Your sons had 
to go to war, and mine did not.  No one knows 
if it is a blessing or a curse.  No one is wise 
enough to know.  Only God knows."  [In the Eye of 
the Storm by Max Lucado.] 

   My wife is not the only person I've tried 
to impress at the gym. For years, I've worked 
out with my buddy I call Paco. (It's a rule that 
a good friend has to have a nickname or he's 
not a good friend.) 
   At the end of our workout, sometimes we 
will do a "burn out," a set when we do light 
weights to the point of exhaustion. So one day we 
decided to close out the session by bench-pressing 
an embarrassingly light weight. I went first 
and started out with ease. One  two  three 
 four  sixteen  seventeen  still 
relatively easy, no sweat. 
   After about twenty-five reps, I hit the 
wall. Suddenly it felt like I was trying to bench 
press four hundred pounds instead of forty. Paco, 
doing his job, cheered me on, "Come on, Groesch! 
Don't quit! Get ten more! You can do it! It's all 
you, man!" 
   Then he started counting off the final 
ten, spotting me carefully. "One ... you got 
this. Two  Don't quit. Three  keep going." 
And that's when I gave in and let go of the bar. 
And shockingly it kept moving. Paco kept lifting 
the bar up and down for me, not even noticing 
I'd stopped lifting. My spoiler was doing all 
the work! When I reached the end of my strength, 
he took over. 
   God is way better than my workout 
partner. When we are weak and at our end, he sustains 
us. His strength is made perfect in our 
   Lord, sometimes I feel like I can't keep 
going and don't know how I'll make it through my 
day. Thank you for "spotting" me at those times 
and filling me with your power. [Daily Power by 
Craig Groeschel] 




1st of 28: Divine Dining: 
2nd of 28: Pictures of the Divine: 
3rd of 28: A Dirty Bible: 


If anyone has a paraphrase, commentary or 
testimony on this passage of Scripture, either 
personal or otherwise, I would be interested in 
hearing from you.  Thanks in advance and let's keep 
uplifting Jesus that all might be drawn to Him. Fred 