
John 4:14 - Living Water.

John 4:14 (NIV) whoever drinks the 
water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the 
water I give them will become in them a spring of 
water welling up to eternal life."  

John 4:14 (NLT) those who drink the 
water I give will never be thirsty again. It 
becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving 
them eternal life.  


   My wife, Cathe, likes Indian food. During 
some of her childhood she lived in Malaysia, 
where she ate all kinds of exotic Asian and Indian 
   I, on the other hand, dont really like 
Indian food. I grew up in Southern California, 
where I ate hamburgers and French fries. I also 
ate TV dinners. I dont know whether you could 
actually call TV dinners from the 1950s and 1960s 
food, but that is what I ate. 
   So when I go to an Indian restaurant with 
Cathe every now and then, Ill order some rice, 
bread, and something with chicken. And all I know 
is that afterward Im still hungry and want 
something to fill my stomach. It just doesnt leave 
me satisfied. 
   In the same way, we can chase after all 
the things the world says will satisfy us. But 
in reality, it will leave us empty. And we can 
learn this the hard way or the easier way. 
   Let me appeal for a moment to those who 
are still young: Dont find this out the hard 
way. I know people who have wasted decades of 
their lives figuring this out the hard way. Figure 
it out at an early age. You dont have to 
waste years of your life. 
   Those of us who are older know a few 
things because weve lived life. And I can tell 
you this: you can miss a lot of misery. At the 
ripe old age of seventeen, I started on a course 
that Im still on today. And Ive never 
regretted being on this path of following Christ. Not 
   Chasing after other things wont 
satisfy you, but Christ will. He is the Bread of 
Life that will satisfy your spiritual hunger. He 
is the Living Water that will satisfy your 
spiritual thirst. [Greg Laurie from Harvest 
Ministries; https://www.harvestdaily.com] 


   Jesus says, "The one who believes in 
Mewill have streams of living water flow from deep 
within him." (John 7:38) The Amplified Bible 
translates this passage: "He who believes in Me  
From his innermost being shall flow continuously 
springs and rivers of living water. But He was 
speaking here of the Spirit, whom those who believe 
in Him were afterward to receive."  
   Are our lives truly like this? Do fresh 
springs flow out of us day after day? If not, why 
not? The answer is simple - there can be no 
outflow unless there is an intake. This is the 
rhythm of the Holy Spirit - intake and outflow. If 
there is more intake than outflow, then the intake 
stops; if there is more outflow than intake, then 
the outflow stops. The doors open inward to 
receive, only to open outward to give.  
   When we come to talk about life in the 
Spirit, we are not to think in terms of a reservoir 
which has only limited resources. Life is a 
channel, attached to infinite resources. The more we 
draw on these resources, the more we have. There 
is no danger of exhausting one's resources. We 
do not have to hold back - for the more we 
give, the more we have.  
   Living on the overflow is what many of us 
lack today. A sign could be put up over our 
individual and collective lives saying, "Life Limited." 
According to Jesus' promise, however, when the Spirit 
comes, life is unlimited: "From his innermost being 
shall flow rivers of living water." Not rivulets, 
not trickles, not brooks, not streams - but 
rivers. Rivers!  
   O God, help me to link my channel to Your 
infinite resources. Flow through me until I become a 
flowing river - no, an overflowing river. In Jesus' 
name. Amen. [Every Day With Jesus Bible with 
Selwyn Hughes devotional] 

One of the most fundamental things God wants 
to do for us is to satisfy our hunger and 
thirst - at the very deepest levels of need. 
Virtually all of our addictions, compulsions and 
codependent patterns stem from inner hungers, from holes 
in our souls that long to be filled. We've 
tried so hard to fill them from the outside with 
our substances and habits, but Jesus is saying 
that he can fill us from the inside, and that his 
filling will truly satisfy our hunger and thirst - 
forever. [Life Recovery Devotional SB] 

   We don't want to live this life thirsty. 
If we don't let God satisfy our thirst, then 
instead of loving people, we try to get them to 
satisfy our thirst. We can end up demanding things 
from them that they're not designed to fulfill. 
For instance, if we're living thirsty, instead 
of loving our kids and releasing them to be who 
God created them to be, we try to shape them 
into people who do what makes us proud. Or we 
choose a job that will make us feel like we matter. 
   When our thirst is met in God and we know 
he created us, loves us, enlisted us, and is 
empowering us, then we will seek first his kingdom and 
not our own. It is so much more fulfilling to be 
a part of accomplishing God's purposes than 
our own limited purposes that fall short of what 
God designed for us. Our limited purposes can 
never really satisfy our souls the way God can. 
   If we drink deeply of God's living water, 
then we'll be free to love others and do God's 
work in the world. [The Daniel Plan 365-Day 


   I live in California, and every decade or 
so we experience drought. The rain stops. The 
hills turn brown. Summer brush fires break out. 
And cities clamp down on water usage. Everyone 
is asked to let their front lawns suffer to 
save water. Instead of having lush green patches 
of grass lining the streets, everyone starts 
cultivating rock gardens and succulents to keep up 
   Water is precious. Water is life. And 
Jesus is the Living Water. We need a constant flow 
of His love and grace to nurture growth. We 
need His refreshing truth and life-altering 
forgiveness. The overflow of His goodness lets us 
flourish in every way. 
   There have been long seasons in my life 
when my faith has felt dry and dusty. Hope has 
hardened into doubt. Grief, financial difficulties, 
and the general stresses of life have drained me 
of His presence. I have felt like my spirit is 
one of those parched patches of California 
earth. But Jesus never looks at my hard heart and 
says, "Oh man, she will never grow again." Or, 
"I'm done with her. She has failed me one too 
many times." Instead, He says, "I am right here. 
Come find me  and never thirst again." 
   Jesus is all about new life, restoration, 
and new growth. Dry seasons are a part of this 
life. But He is always waiting to fill us up with 
His refreshing presence. by Susanna Foth 
   Faith Step: Find a dry patch of dirt in 
your yard and water it. See how quickly it 
absorbs the water. Ask Jesus to bring new life to 
the hard places of your heart and fill you up. 
[Mornings With Jesus 2019 Devotional by Guideposts and 


   Johan, a young man from the Netherlands, 
became a missionary to the Bedouins and nomads 
living near Israel's stark and desolate Sinai 
Desert - to a forgotten people in an overlooked 
corner of the world. Johan learned many lessons 
from the people of the desert, but one thing 
impressed him deeply. The Bedouins consider it worse 
than murder to know of a source for water in the 
wilderness and yet neglect to tell fellow travelers. 
Why? Because anyone going six hours in that harsh 
environment during the summer would perish. 
   People in today's values - vacant, 
anything-goes culture can't always hide a deep spiritual 
thirst. As Christians, we know very well where the 
water source is. In today's Scripture, Jesus says, 
Whoever drinks the water I give them will never 
thirst. And here is the hard truth: If your 
neighbors, coworkers, and relatives don't know Christ, 
they will die of spiritual thirst. Today, then - 
somehow, some way - lead them to the Living Water. 
   Jesus, You are the artesian spring in my 
life, the headwaters of everything pure, fresh, 
and good. I have found refreshment in Your 
presence and satisfaction for my deepest thirst. Show 
me, by Your Holy Spirit, creative ways to shape 
conversations, write notes, give gifts - whatever it takes 
- to point people toward You. [A Spectacle of 
Glory by Joni Eareckson Tada and Larry Libby] 


   I am creating something new in you: a 
bubbling spring of Joy that spills over into others' 
lives. Do not mistake this Joy for your own or try 
to take credit for it in any way. Instead, 
watch in delight as My Spirit flows through you to 
bless others. Let yourself become a reservoir of 
the Spirit's fruit.  
   Your part is to live close to Me, open to 
all that I am doing in you. Don't try to control 
the streaming of My Spirit through you. Just 
keep focusing on Me as we walk through this day 
together. Enjoy My Presence, which permeates you with 
Love, Joy, and Peace. (John 3:8; Gal. 5:22) [Jesus 
Calling by Sarah Young] 




1st of 28: Divine Dining: 
2nd of 28: Pictures of the Divine: 
3rd of 28: A Dirty Bible: 
4th of 28: Cared For: 
5th of 28: Saved: 
6th of 28: You Can Change: 
7th of 28: Reprogramming Our Brains: 
8th of 28 Our Holy Father: 
9th of 28 Gifts of Service: 
10th of 28 The Holy Spirit: 
Live ongoing series in progress.


If anyone has a paraphrase, commentary or 
testimony on this passage of Scripture, either 
personal or otherwise, I would be interested in 
hearing from you.  Thanks in advance and let's keep 
uplifting Jesus that all might be drawn to Him. Fred 