
Colossians 3:2 - Be Heavenly Minded.

Colossians 3:2 (NIV) Set your minds on 
things above, not on earthly things. 

Colossians 3:2 (NLT) Think about the things 
of heaven, not the things of earth.  

Colossians 3:2 (MSG) Don't shuffle along, 
eyes to the ground, absorbed with the things 
right in front of you. Look up, and be alert to 
what is going on around Christ - that's where the 
action is. See things from his perspective.  


   The journey home is nice, but the journey 
is not the goal. I prepared part of this 
message on an airplane. As I looked around at fellow 
passengers, I saw content people. Thanks to books, 
pillows, and crossword puzzles, they passed the time 
quite nicely. But suppose this announcement were 
heard: Ladies and gentlemen, this flight is your 
final destination. We will never land. Your home 
is this plane, so enjoy the journey. 
   Passengers would become mutineers. Wed 
take over the cockpit and seek a landing strip. 
We wouldnt settle for such an idea. The 
journey is not the destination. The vessel is not 
the goal. Those who are content with nothing 
more than joy in the journey are settling for too 
little satisfaction. Our hearts tell us there is 
more to this life than this life. We, like E.T., 
lift bent fingers to the sky. We may not know 
where to point, but we know not to call this 
airplane our home. 
   In Gods narrative, life on earth is 
but the beginning: the first letter of the first 
sentence in the first chapter of the great story God 
is writing with your life. 
   Do you feel as if your best years have 
passed you by? Hogwash. You will do your best work 
in heaven. Do you regret wasting seasons of 
life on foolish pursuits? So do I. But we can 
stop our laments. We have an eternity to make up 
for lost time. Are you puzzled by the challenges 
of your days? Then see yourself as an uncut 
jewel and God as a lapidary. He is polishing you 
for your place in his kingdom. Your biggest 
moments lie ahead, on the other side of the grave. 
   So seek those things which are above, 
where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of 
God (Col. 3:1 NKJV). Scripture uses a starchy 
verb here. Zeteo (seek) is to covet 
earnestly, strive after, to inquire, desire, even 
   Seek heaven the way a sailor seeks the 
coast or a pilot seeks the landing strip or a 
missile seeks heat. Head for home the way a pigeon 
wings to the nest or the prodigal strode to his 
papa. Think only about it (3:2 NCV). Keep 
your mind on it (3:2 GWT). Set your sights 
on the realities of heaven (3:1 NLT). 
Pursue the things over which Christ presides 
(3:1 MSG). Obsess yourself with heaven! [Max 
Lucado Daily Devotional at maxlucado.com] 


   Paul summons the Colossians to a new way 
of thinking that results in a new lifestyle. 
This new way of thinking is grounded in the 
resurrection that began with Christ and Christ's supreme 
power over the physical and spiritual world.  
   Because we have been raised with Christ, 
our spiritual lives anchor us and give our 
everyday lives meaning. Christ gives us hope for the 
future and the power to live for him now. This 
truth provides a different perspective on our 
lives here on earth. By seeking what Christ 
desires, we have the power to break our obsession 
with pleasure and leisure activities. At the same 
time, following Christ means loving and serving 
others in this world just like he did.  
   Do you think this life has little 
relevance to eternal life? That wasn't the case for 
Paul. Paul outlines this new way of thinking in 
these four verses. Then for the next two chapters, 
he talks about many of the ways this applies to 
everyday living " for all the relationships that 
make up each day. [NLT SB 2008]  


   I have read that we only use five percent 
of our brains. Presumably, when we get to 
Heaven we will be able to tap that other 
ninety-five percent, perhaps even more. It will be 
glorious beyond our wildest dreams, and I look 
forward to it. 
   Another great thing I am looking forward 
to in Heaven is not only being reunited with my 
son and with my loved ones, but also to the fact 
that we are going to eat in Heaven. Isnt that 
good to know? 
   We are told in Revelation 19:9, And 
the angel said to me, Write this: Blessed are 
those who are invited to the wedding feast of the 
Lamb. And he added, These are true words that 
come from God (NLT). Not only will we be 
eating together, but we also will be in some pretty 
good company. The Bible tells us that they 
will come from all over the world - from east and 
west - and sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and 
Jacob at the feast in the Kingdom of Heaven 
(Matthew 8:11 NLT). 
   Heaven will be amazing. And that is why 
the Bible tells us that we all should be more 
heavenly minded: Since you have been raised to new 
life with Christ, set your sights on the 
realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of 
honor at Gods right hand. Think about the 
things of heaven, not the things of earth 
(Colossians 3:1"2 NLT). 
   We spend the majority of our time 
thinking about things on Earth, things that we are 
concerned with and stressed about. The Bible isnt 
saying that we shouldnt think about these 
things. Rather, its saying that we shouldnt 
stress about these things. Think more about Heaven. 
When you do, it will put everything else in the 
proper perspective. [By Greg Laurie from Harvest 
Ministries; https://www.harvestdaily.com] 

   As a writer, I look at screens. All. The. 
Time. And when I stop looking at the big screen in 
front of me, somehow I end up reaching for the 
cell phone in my purse to look at. It is crazy 
how so much of my day can get sucked up checking 
on friends on Facebook or watching funny 
videos. In this tech age, the pull of the screen is 
always present. I can't seem to stop myself from 
surrendering to its siren song of "I'm so important ... 
don't ever stop looking at me." But I also realize 
that staring at a screen for days on end makes my 
back seize up and my calves hurt. It is a poor 
substitute for engaging with the real world. And it 
distracts me from important things like real people, 
my purpose in this life, and Jesus. 
   It is hard for me to hear what someone is 
saying to me when I am reading a headline or 
listening to a song or answering an e-mail. It is even 
harder to hear Jesus. It takes strength and 
discipline to peel ourselves away from the distractions 
of life. Jesus wants us to focus on Him and the 
things of heaven, not just of this earth. 
   What we focus on here on earth determines 
our destiny. We get to make the conscious choice 
of what we concentrate on. Jesus would like it 
to be Him, so that we can devotedly know Him 
and His life-changing power. So that we can 
understand the depths of forgiveness that He has for us 
and what life in His presence looks like. The 
life He has for us is truly glorious. by Susanna 
Foth Aughtmon [Mornings With Jesus 2018 
Devotional by Guideposts and Zondervan] 

Most of us aren't tempted to carve an image 
out of stone, wood or ivory and bow down to 
worship it. However, we are always in danger of 
constructing false images of God in our minds and 
allowing those images to replace the true God. When 
we feel disconnected from or dissatisfied with 
God, we replace him with something else - a 
hobby, a dream, a person or something else that 
captures our attention. Whatever our lives revolve 
around - whatever we spend most of our time 
thinking about - may be taking a place in our hearts 
that God himself desires to fill. When we 
intentionally set our hearts and minds on Christ and his 
kingdom, we reorient ourselves to truth and position 
ourselves to be fulfilled and satisfied in him. [NIV 
Once A Day Bible] 


   Just look at the gifts he has given you: 
He has sent his angels to care for you, his 
Holy Spirit to dwell in you, his church to 
encourage you, and his word to guide you. You have 
privileges only a fiance could have. Anytime you 
speak, he listens; make a request and he responds. 
He will never let you be tempted too much or 
stumble too far. Let a tear appear on your cheek, 
and he is there to wipe it. Let a love sonnet 
appear on your lips, and he is there to hear it. As 
much as you want to see him, he wants to see you 
   He is building a house for you. And with 
every swing of the hammer and cut of the saw, 
hes dreaming of the day he carries you over the 
threshold. There are many rooms in my Fathers 
house; I would not tell you this if it were not 
true. I am going there to prepare a place for you. 
After I go and prepare a place for you, I will 
come back and take you to be with me so that you 
may be where I am (John 14:2"3). 
   You have been chosen by Christ. You are 
released from your old life in your old house, and he 
has claimed you as his beloved. Then where is 
he? you might ask. Why hasnt he come? 
   There is only one answer. His bride is 
not ready. She is still being prepared. 
   Engaged people are obsessed with 
preparation. The right dress. The right weight. The right 
hair and the right tux. They want everything to 
be right. Why? So their fiance will marry 
them? No. Just the opposite. They want to look 
their best because their fiance is marrying 
   The same is true for us. We want to look 
our best for Christ. We want our hearts to be 
pure and our thoughts to be clean. We want our 
faces to shine with grace and our eyes to sparkle 
with love. We want to be prepared. 
   Why? In hopes that he will love us? No. 
Just the opposite. Because he already does. 
   You are spoken for. You are engaged, set 
apart, called out, a holy bride. Forbidden waters 
hold nothing for you. You have been chosen for 
his castle. Dont settle for one-night stands 
in the arms of a stranger. 
   Be obsessed with your wedding date. Guard 
against forgetfulness. Be intolerant of memory 
lapses. Write yourself notes. Memorize verses. Do 
whatever you need to do to remember. Aim at what 
is in heaven  Think only about the things in 
heaven (Col. 3:1"2). You are engaged to royalty, 
and your Prince is coming to take you home. [Max 
Lucado Daily Devotional at maxlucado.com] 




1st of 28: Divine Dining: 
2nd of 28: Pictures of the Divine: 
3rd of 28: A Dirty Bible: 
4th of 28: Cared For: 
5th of 28: Saved: 
6th of 28: You Can Change: 
7th of 28: Reprogramming Our Brains: 
8th of 28 Our Holy Father: 
9th of 28 Gifts of Service: 
10th of 28 The Holy Spirit: 
11th of 28 The Law of God: 
Live ongoing series in progress.


If anyone has a paraphrase, commentary or 
testimony on this passage of Scripture, either 
personal or otherwise, I would be interested in 
hearing from you.  Thanks in advance and let's keep 
uplifting Jesus that all might be drawn to Him. Fred 