
2 Corinthians 1:20 - The Promises of God Are Yes in Christ.

2 Corinthians 1:20 (NLT) For all of Gods 
promises have been fulfilled in Christ with a 
resounding Yes! And through Christ, our 
Amen (which means Yes) ascends to God for 
his glory.  


   The precious Bible is the garden of God, 
and His promises are the lilies, and the roses, 
and the pinks   
   The Scriptures are to be received as 
God's word to us, not written merely, but 
   In them He is speaking to us 
individually, speaking as directly as if we could listen 
to His voice. It is in these promises that 
Christ communicates to us His grace and power. They 
are leaves from that tree which is "for the 
healing of the nations." Received, assimilated, they 
are to be the strength of the character, the 
inspiration and sustenance of the life.   
   Let youth grasp the hand of infinite 
power. Faith grows by exercise. Feed upon the 
promises; be content to rely on the simple promise of 
God's Word.   
   Hang in memory's hall the precious words 
of Christ. They are to be valued far above 
silver or gold. {FLB9}  


How Many Bible Promises Are There? The 
number varies, depending on the source. I found 
estimates anywhere from 3,000 to 30,000, which seems a 
little steep considering there are 31,173 verses in 
the Bible. Rick Reed ricoh007@aol.com. 

Prophecies in essence are promises, and God 
said throughout the Old Testament that He would 
send a Savior for all people. In familiar 
passages such as Genesis 3, Isaiah 9, and Micah 5, 
God hinted or clearly stated that He would 
provide a way of salvation for sinful humanity. And 
in Jesus Christ, all of those promises were 
fulfilled! [The 365 Daily Promise Bible By Barbour] 


The word Amen was uttered by 
Christians in affirmation of the eternal truths of the 
Christian faith. [SDA Bible Commentary] 

Amen is the way Christians acknowledge that 
Jesus has fulfilled all of God's promises. Jesus 
is the great "Amen" (Rev 3:14) (Life 
Application Commentary Series) 


All the promises of God became incarnate in 
Christ, they met their fulfillment in Him. He is 
thus the evidence of the reliability of all the 
divine promises made to the fathers. Through 
Christ the promises are proved reliable, and 
through His people they are proved efficacious. 
To the extent that Christians follow their 
Master, they too become constant and steadfast"in 
obedience to God and in devotion to His cause on 
earth. [SDA Bible Commentary] 

Let us remember that no earthly 
circumstances can hinder the fulfillment of God's Word. We 
must look steadfastly at His immutable Word and 
not at the uncertainty of this ever-changing 
world. God desires for us to believe His Word 
without other evidence, and then He is ready to do 
for us "according to [our] faith." [Streams In 
The Desert By Cowman re Mat.9:29] 

As we communicate with God, our Father, it 
is good to know what His promises to us are.  
If we don't know them, how can we stand on 
them?  It is important to know that we can ask 
according to His declared will and the answer will 
always be YES!  As this verse states, His promises 
already have a stamp on them that reads "So be it" 
(Amen)!  What confidence we can have as we ask God 
to make His promises affective in our lives.  
Begin today by finding promises in God's Word to 
attach to your specific requests.  Write them out 
and then memorize them.  Your faith will grow, 
along with your desire to pray, as you see the 
promises of God made good in your own life! [In His 
Time; Walk With Wisdom] 

   God keeps every promise He makes. When we 
walk in intimate fellowship with Christ, we have 
the assurance that every promise God has made in 
Scripture is available to us. This truth should 
motivate us to search the Scriptures for each promise 
in order to meditate upon its potential for our 
   Jesus promised that when you ask for 
something in His will, He will give you what you ask 
(John 16:23b). This promise is available to every 
Christian. If you ask God if this promise applies to 
your life, His answer is yes. If you are not now 
experiencing this promise, it does not change the fact 
that God has said it. You may need to seek 
Gods answer for why His promise has not yet 
reached maturity in you. 
   Paul claimed he had tested each of these 
promises in his own life and found them all to be 
abundantly true. Thats why he could speak of the 
exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward 
us in Christ Jesus (Eph 2:7b) and the 
unsearchable riches of Christ (Eph 3:8b). Paul had 
found a wealth of Gods promises and enjoyed 
them all in abundance. 
   Dont become discouraged or impatient 
if you are not experiencing to the fullest all 
of Gods promises in your life. God may want 
to prepare you to receive some of the great 
truths He has made available to you. Walk closely 
with your Lord and, in time, you will see Him 
bring His promises to fruition in your life. 
[Experiencing God Day by Day by Henry and Richard 

   Paul preached uncompromisingly of Jesus 
Christ, who is the fulfillment of all God's 
promises. Peace, provision, salvation, deliverance, 
forgiveness"Jesus is the divine affirmation to all of God's 
promises. Knowing that his promises are true gives us 
strength, encouragement, and a solid foundation for 
our prayers. Understanding that God has the 
power to do what he has promised and that he never 
breaks his promises gives us confidence as we come 
to his throne of grace. Meditating on his 
promises reminds us of his faithfulness to all 
generations. But God doesn't want us only to think on his 
great and precious promises or merely to thank him 
for his promises. He wants us to turn them into 
prayers and petitions, to ask him to continue to 
fulfill his promises, for they reflect his will and 
purpose for our lives and for his church. 
   Thank You, Lord, for your great and 
precious promises! Thank you for reminding us that 
Jesus is the divine Yes," the affirmation of 
all your promises. Help me to sense and 
experience your love behind every promise as I trust in 
you. And help me to pray with confidence because 
I know that not one of your promises will ever 
fail. [Praying Through The Bible By Fuller] 

   All of us have times in life when a 
crisis or problem seems larger than we can possibly 
bear, and we become very fearful. Often, however, 
the Lord has to get our attention through such 
an adversity to cause us once more to rely 
solely on His promises. 
   Bible scholars have pointed out that the 
phrase "fear not" appears in the Bible 365 
times"a reassuring promise for each day of the year. 
A daily dependence upon the divine promises is 
the only real remedy for our human fears. Often 
even well-intentioned parents make hasty promises 
to their children, promises they are unable to 
fulfill. How different are the promises of God! They 
are "yea and amen," the only assurances on which 
we can securely stand.  only as we stand on 
God's promises are we enabled to live with purpose 
for God's glory  
   Claim a scriptural promise as especially 
for you this day. Live confidently in its truth. 
Carry this tune as a reminder - standing, 
standing, standing on the promises of God my Savior. 
Standing, standing, I'm standing on the promises of 
God. [Book: Amazing Grace by Kenneth Osbeck] 


The message from God to me for you is "Him 
that cometh unto me, I will in no wise cast out" 
(John 6:37). If you have nothing else to plead 
before God but this one promise from your Lord and 
Saviour, you have the assurance that you will never, 
never be turned away. It may seem to you that you 
are hanging upon a single promise, but 
appropriate that one promise, and it will open to you 
the whole treasure house of the riches of the 
grace of Christ. Cling to that promise and you are 
safe. "Him that cometh unto me I will in no wise 
cast out." Present this assurance to Jesus, and 
you are as safe as though inside the city of 
God. {10MR 175.1}  


Though the Bible be crowded with golden 
promises from board to board, yet will they be 
inoperative until we turn them into prayer. F. B. Meyer 

Let Gods promises shine on your problems. 
 Corrie Ten Boom 


2 Peter 1:4: There Is Power In The Promises: 

2 Peter 1:4: God's Power Gives Us the 
Ability to Live Godly Lives: 


If anyone has a paraphrase, commentary or 
testimony on this passage of Scripture, either 
personal or otherwise, I would be interested in 
hearing from you.  Thanks in advance and let's keep 
uplifting Jesus that all might be drawn to Him. Fred 


Most Important Decision in Life: 

A Man without Equal by Bill Bright: 

Seeking God Made Real: 

Prayer Made Real: 

Importance of Choice: 
http://creationhealth.com/CREATION-Health/Choice [click on video]  

Medical Seminar on Healthful Living by David 
DeRose, MD, MPH: 


Lifting Up Jesus Bible Studies: 

Amazing Facts Bible Studies: 

Glow Tract Video Bible Studies: 


The Last Day of Prophecy by Pastor Doug 

Prophecies Decoded by Pastor Ron Clouzet: 

Hope Awakens by John Bradshaw of IIW (Live 