
Ephesians 4:31, 32 - Forgiveness.

Ephesians 4:31, 32 (NIV) Get rid of all 
bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along 
with every form of malice. 32 Be kind and 
compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just 
as in Christ God forgave you. 

Ephesians 4:31, 32 (NLT) Get rid of all 
bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as 
well as all types of evil behavior. 32 Instead, 
be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving 
one another, just as God through Christ has 
forgiven you. 


   Scott and I rarely leave our three boys 
at home alone even though our oldest is 
fifteen. It wouldn't be safe ... for them ... or the 
neighborhood. They tend to go at it. The same was true for 
me and my siblings when we were left on our 
own. We would get into fights. I have two sisters 
and a brother. We weren't kind to one another. 
We weren't loving. We weren't thoughtful. In 
fact, we could be mean. If there was a 
disagreement and Mom wasn't around to sort it out, it got 
   When I didn't get my way, I often 
resorted to screaming, hair pulling, and scratching, 
followed by punching, kicking, and throwing toys. It 
was every boy or girl for himself or herself. 
Learning how to be kind takes some work. It doesn't 
come easily. 
   Our natural tendencies are selfish; just 
ask any two-year-old. But Jesus isn't keen on 
violence or name calling or trash talking. He wants 
us to treat one another with the utmost 
kindness. Each of us is special to Him. Jesus longs 
for us to treat others with the same genuine 
love and care that He gives us. When we show each 
other mercy, the world changes. We begin to 
resemble Him when we are kind to one another. Peace 
steps in. Love abounds. Relationships flourish. 
Cultivating kindness and forgiveness not only changes 
us, it changes everyone we come in contact with. 
By Susanna Foth Aughtmon 
   Faith Step: Be strategic about being 
kind. Ask Jesus to show you the people who need 
your compassion and forgiveness today and reach 
out. [Mornings With Jesus 2018 Devotional by 
Guideposts and Zondervan] 


The Daily Necessity of Forgiveness
   We need forgiveness every day because we 
sin every day. Maybe youre thinking, I 
dont know that I really sinned today. 
   Well, can you think of a single impure 
thought you had? Did you lose your temper even once? 
The Bible tells us, If we say that we have no 
sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not 
in us (1 John 1:8 NKJV). 
   The passage goes on to say, If we 
confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive 
us our sins and to cleanse us from all 
unrighteousness (verse 9 NKJV). 
   In what we often call the Lords 
Prayer, Jesus taught us to pray, Give us day by 
day our daily bread. And forgive us our sins, 
for we also forgive everyone who is indebted to 
us (Luke 11:3"4 NKJV). 
   Jesus was saying that we not only should 
pray for our daily bread, but we should be 
praying for and extending forgiveness every day. God 
wants us to forgive others. 
   Maybe someone has bullied you on social 
media or insulted you. Maybe someone has hurt you, 
and youre thinking, This person did 
something so horrible that I cant forgive them. 
   I like what C. S. Lewis said about this: 
Everyone says forgiveness is a lovely idea until they 
have something to forgive. Its a great 
concept until its time for us to forgive someone 
who we think doesnt deserve it. 
   So, lets just concede that point and 
say they dont deserve it. But hold on. Do you 
deserve forgiveness? 
   You dont, yet God gave it to you. So 
why would you not extend it to another person as 
well? The Bible says, Instead, be kind to each 
other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just 
as God through Christ has forgiven you 
(Ephesians 4:32 NLT). 
   God wants us to ask for forgiveness"and 
extend it to others as well. [Greg Laurie from 
Harvest Ministries; https://www.harvestdaily.com] 

Forgive Because God Forgave You
   You will, unfortunately, be hurt in this 
life. And many of those hurts will be intentional 
- the direct results of what people say about 
you or do to you. In fact, any time you read the 
word forgiveness, you likely instantly call 
to mind certain heartaches, hurts, and problems 
from your past. The memories still feel fresh 
because youve been hurt very deeply.  
   When youre hurt deeply, its often 
hard to consider forgiving the perpetrators. But 
the Bible gives you one very important reason 
you need to forgive. 
   You forgive others because God forgave 
   The Bible says in Ephesians 4:32, Be 
kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving 
each other, just as in Christ God forgave you 
   Thinking about how much God has forgiven 
you will help you be more forgiving of those who 
have hurt you. 
   The opposite is also true. If you dont 
believe and accept in faith that youve been 
forgiven by God, youll likely have a hard time 
forgiving others. If thats the case, consider 
whether you truly believe God has forgiven you. Talk 
to God about any doubts. 
   Think of it like this: God has completely 
wiped your slate clean of sin because of what 
Jesus Christ did on the cross. All of the things 
you deserve to be punished for have been cleared 
away because God has forgiven you. As you accept 
this truth, youll find it increasingly tough 
to hold a grudge against someone else. 
   No matter what anyone does to you, 
youll never have to forgive another person more 
than God has already forgiven you. And he has 
forgiven you. Thats a promise. [Daily Devotional 
by Rick Warren: 

But I Can't Forgive!
   We experience divine forgiveness for our 
sins only as we extend forgiveness to those who 
have offended us.  
   This cuts deep. 
   Perhaps you might be saying at this 
moment, "But I can't forgive; I have been hurt too 
deeply." Then, may I say it very tenderly, but very 
solemnly, you can never, never be forgiven. "But if 
you don't forgive people," says Jesus, "your 
Father will not forgive your wrongdoing" (Mt 6:15). 
In refusing to forgive others you break the 
bridge over which you yourself must pass.  
   A man once said to me: "I know I'm a 
Christian, but someone did such an awful thing to me 
that I find I can't forgive him." After spending 
a good deal of time with him, and getting 
nowhere, I said: "If it is really true that you can't 
forgive this person, it suggests that you yourself 
have not been forgiven, and you may be deluding 
yourself that you are a Christian." He looked at me 
aghast and went white in the face. My counseling 
methods are not always as abrupt as that; however, 
this brought him face to face with reality"and 
it worked. He got down on his knees, right 
where he was, and said: "Father, because You have 
forgiven me, I offer Your forgiveness and my 
forgiveness to my brother who has offended me, and I 
absolve him of his offense in Jesus' name." Then 
what happened? Instantly the joy of the Lord 
streamed right into the center of his being, and he 
laughed and laughed, literally, for almost an hour. 
   Lord Jesus, You who forgave those who 
spat in Your face and nailed You to a cross, help 
me to open my heart now and forgive all those 
who have hurt me. I do it in Your strength and 
power. Thank You, Lord Jesus. Amen. [Every Day With 
Jesus Bible with Selwyn Hughes devotional] 

Four Steps Towards Forgiveness
   If youre like most people, you might 
have some misconceptions about what it means to 
forgive. And, because you dont understand 
forgiveness, you find it really difficult to forgive. 
   As a follower of Jesus, you need to 
understand forgiveness. The Bible clearly calls 
Christians to forgive. Galatians 6:1 says, Brothers 
and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you 
who live by the Spirit should restore that 
person gently (NIV). 
   So, if God expects you to forgive others, 
what does healthy, biblical forgiveness look 
like? Here are four things you should do when you 
need to forgive someone. 
   1.	Recognize no one is perfect. When you 
hate somebody, you tend to lose your perspective 
about that person. Resentment, bitterness, and 
hurt make you stop seeing that person as a fellow 
human being. You treat them like an animal. But 
the truth is everyone is in the same boat. The 
Bible says, Not a single person on earth is 
always good and never sins (Ecclesiastes 7:20 
NLT). Were all imperfect. 
   2.	Relinquish your right to get even. 
This is the heart of forgiveness. The Bible says, 
Never avenge yourselves. Leave that to God, for he 
has said that he will repay those who deserve 
it (Romans 12:19 TLB). Even if you think you 
deserve to retaliate, dont. If the hurt runs 
deep, you may have to commit over and over again 
to not getting even. But, no matter what, leave 
the repayment to God. 
   3.	Respond to evil with good. Humanly 
speaking, its nearly impossible to respond to evil 
with good. Youll need Gods help. Youll 
need the love of Jesus to fill you up. Why? 
[Love] keeps no record of wrongs (1 Corinthians 
13:5 NIV). When you can respond to evil with 
good, youll know youve fully released 
someone from the wrong theyve done to you. 
   4.	Refocus on Gods plan for your life. 
As long as you continue to focus on the person 
who has hurt you, that person controls you. In 
fact, it often goes a step further: If you dont 
release your offender, you will begin to resemble 
your offender. So stop focusing on the hurt and 
the person who hurt you. Instead, refocus on 
Gods purpose for your life - his purpose is 
greater than any problem or pain you might be 
   Dont sit another day in your 
resentment. If youve been holding on to pain caused 
by someone else, go through these four steps 
and move on to the life you were created to 
live! [Daily Devotional by Rick Warren: 

Forgive How Often?
   One day Simon Peter went to Jesus and 
said, Lord, how often shall my brother sin 
against me, and I forgive him? Up to seven times? 
(Matthew 18:21 NKJV). 
   Maybe Peter wanted to impress the Lord 
with his willingness to forgive. He probably 
thought Jesus would say, Seven times! Lets 
give Peter a round of applause. That is 
incredible! I cant believe you with your forgiving 
   But Jesus essentially said, Seven 
times? I was thinking of 70 times seven. 
   Was Jesus saying that we could forgive 
someone up to 490 times, and then on the 491st 
offense, we could nail them to the wall? 
   No. Jesus was advocating unlimited 
forgiveness. He was saying, You forgive them over and 
over again. 
   Jesus then went on to tell a story about 
a king who decided to collect what his 
servants owed him. But one of the servants who owed 
him a significant amount couldnt pay the 
debt. So the king ordered that the servant, his 
wife, his children, and everything he had must be 
sold to pay the debt. 
   But the desperate servant threw himself 
down before the king and begged for mercy. The 
king, feeling sorry for this man, decided to 
immediately erase the entire debt. 
   Then Jesus continued with the story: 
But when the man left the king, he went to a 
fellow servant who owed him a few thousand dollars. 
He grabbed him by the throat and demanded 
instant payment ... He had the man arrested and put 
in prison until the debt could be paid in 
full (Matthew 18:28, 30 NLT). 
   When the king heard about what happened, 
he threw the unforgiving servant into prison 
until he paid the king everything he owed. 
   God has forgiven us of the most enormous 
debt imaginable: all of our sins. Therefore, if 
God has done that for us; then surely, we can 
extend that same forgiveness to others. 
   Its only reasonable that we who are 
forgiven should also forgive. [Greg Laurie from 
Harvest Ministries; https://www.harvestdaily.com] 

Forgiveness In Marriage
   When I meet young couples who want to get 
married, Ill ask them a few questions, including 
how long theyve known each other. Then Ill 
ask them whether theyve ever had an 
   Some of them say theyve never 
disagreed about anything. 
   When that happens, I tell them to get out 
of my office and go have a good fight. Im 
not referring to anything physical, of course. 
But what I am saying is they need to learn how 
to disagree, because you have to learn how to 
resolve conflict when youre married. 
   Youll have points of view that are 
different from those of your spouse, so its very 
important to listen to what he or she is saying. Hear 
the other person out and then respond with your 
point of view. Have a good exchange. But when the 
voices start rising and the tempers start flaring, 
it will be completely unproductive. 
   Cliff Barrows, who was a longtime 
associate of Billy Graham, said there are eight words 
you should be willing to say every day to your 
spouse: Im sorry, Please forgive me, 
and I love you. 
   I would add these words as well: It 
was my fault. 
   Sometimes even the way we apologize 
isnt really an apology at all. For instance, we 
might say, Im sorry if you thought I was 
saying that, because that was not my intention. So 
if what I said hurt your feelings, its 
because you misunderstood me. 
   Heres an actual apology: Im 
sorry. I was wrong. Please forgive me. 
   When you and your spouse have a conflict, 
who will be the first to resolve it? Whatever 
tension the two of you are experiencing, if you 
would simply say, Im sorry. Please forgive 
me. I love you, you would be amazed at how 
much good that will do. [Greg Laurie from Harvest 
Ministries; https://www.harvestdaily.com] 

Relational Glue of Forgiveness
   The glue that holds healthy relationships 
together is kindness, compassion, and forgiveness. We 
all make mistakes and fall short, so we all need 
to give and receive forgiveness on a regular 
basis. Billy Graham said, "Every human being is 
under construction from conception to death. 
   Since we have received enormous 
forgiveness from God, it's only fair that we treat 
others the same way. Likewise, we have received 
compassion and kindness from God. He is compassionate 
and gentle, suffering with us when we suffer. 
That's what our friends need from us: not 
necessarily fixing the problem, but the gift of our 
comforting presence.  
   We instinctively know how to be kind to a 
child who skins his knee: we hug and listen, and 
when the hurt has passed, we coax the child to 
get up and play again. The same compassion is 
appropriate when a friend suffers a loss or faces a 
trial. Even adults need physical touch and a 
listening ear. 
   Kindness, compassion, and forgiveness 
lead to strong relationships that will sustain us 
through the ups and downs of life. [The Daniel Plan 
365-Day Devotional] 


Power Of Forgiveness
   If we want to show real love and support 
to each other, we will free each other from the 
burden of blame by offering forgiveness. We'll cut 
each other slack, letting go of the other 
person's failures and treating others as Jesus treats 
us. Jesus prayed even for those who were killing 
him: "Father, forgive them, for they do not know 
what they are doing" (Luke 23:34). 
   Our job is not to make people feel badly 
for their mistakes. Our job is to reach out to 
them when they fall and help them get back up on 
their feet. Our job is to say, "Hey, I know you're 
having a tough time, but I believe in you. I know 
you can do this. I'm here to help you." Nothing 
is more liberating than to know that somebody 
believes in you. 
   Who in your small group, family, or 
workplace needs you to offer them the grace of 
forgiveness and understanding? 
   Offer someone grace and forgiveness, and 
you will nourish their heart and soul while 
rejuvenating your relationships. [The Daniel Plan 365-Day 


Ephesians 4:32 - The Grace of Forgiveness.


Ephesians 4:32 - The Grace of Kindness and 


Matthew 6:14, 15 - More Thoughts on 



If anyone has a paraphrase, commentary or 
testimony on this passage of Scripture, either 
personal or otherwise, I would be interested in 
hearing from you.  Thanks in advance and let's keep 
uplifting Jesus that all might be drawn to Him. Fred 


Most Important Decision in Life: 

Steps to Peace by Billy Graham: 

A Man without Equal by Bill Bright: 

Seeking God Made Real: 

Prayer Made Real: 

Importance of Choice: 
http://creationhealth.com/CREATION-Health/Choice [click on video]  

Medical Seminar on Healthful Living by David 
DeRose, MD, MPH: 


Lifting Up Jesus Bible Studies: 

Amazing Facts Bible Studies: 

Hope Awakens Bible Study Guides: 

Glow Tract Video Bible Studies: 


Islam and Christianity in Prophecy, The 
Third and Final Conflict by Tim Roosenberg: 

Unlocking Bible Prophecies by Cami Oetman of 
Adventist World Radio: https://www.awr.org/bible 

Revelation Now by Pastor Doug Batchelor: 

Hope Awakens by John Bradshaw of IIW: 

Prophecies Decoded by Pastor Ron Clouzet: 