
Job 42:2-6 - Suffering Can Teach Us Things We Can Learn No Other Way.

Job 42:2-6 (NLT) I know that you can do 
anything, and no one can stop you. You asked, Who 
is this that questions my wisdom with such 
ignorance? It is I - and I was talking about things I 
knew nothing about, things far too wonderful for 
me. You said, Listen and I will speak! I have 
some questions for you, and you must answer 
them. I had only heard about you before, but now I 
have seen you with my own eyes. I take back 
everything I said, and I sit in dust and ashes to show 
my repentance.  


Throughout the book, Job's friends had asked 
him to admit his sin and ask for forgiveness, 
and eventually Job did indeed repent. 
Ironically, Job's repentance was not the kind called for 
by his friends. He asked for forgiveness, not 
for committing secret sins, but for questioning 
God's sovereignty and justice. Job repented of his 
attitude and acknowledged God's great power and 
perfect justice. We sin when we angrily ask, "If God 
is in control, how could he let this happen?" 
Because we are locked into time, unable to see 
beyond today, we cannot know the reasons for 
everything that happens. Thus, we must often choose 
between doubt and trust. Will you trust God with 
your unanswered questions? [Life Application SB] 

Are you using what you can't understand as 
an excuse for your lack of trust? Admit to God 
that you don't even have enough faith to trust 
him. True faith begins in such humility. [Life 
Application SB] 


   Some people may try to trip up your faith 
by asking tricky questions. When they hear that 
God is omnipotent, or all-powerful, they ask, 
"Well, could God create a rock so big that he 
couldn't lift it? If God can do anything, certainly 
he could do that, right?"  
   Although God is all-powerful, there are 
several things he can't do. For instance, he can't 
cease to exist. God has been around from the 
beginning of time and will live forever. God also 
can't change his nature. The Bible tells us Jesus 
is the same yesterday, today, and forever 
(Hebrews 13:8). You can trust that God will never 
change his rules. He's consistent and solid. He'll 
always love you and always be there for you. 
   But what about the rock? As an 
all-powerful being, God could create an impossibly big 
rock. Then, because he can do anything requiring 
power, he'd lift the stone. The rock couldn't be 
infinite, because only God is infinite - so it's 
logically impossible for God to create a rock he 
couldn't lift. 
   Huh? Sometimes questions can be 
confusing. Here's something that's not. If anybody asks 
you the rock question, respond with one of your 
own: "What kind of God would you want to follow - 
one that's in the rock-lifting business or one 
that's in the stone-rolling business?" God rolled 
away the stone in front of Jesus Christ's grave 
when he rose from the dead. Jesus defeated death, 
which shows a lot more power than lifting rocks. 
   At times you may be asked some tough 
questions about your faith, such as Why does a good 
God allow bad things to happen? There are no 
easy answers to life's difficult questions. As 
humans, we won't always understand why something 
happens. But we can always trust that God has a 
purpose. And all of his purposes are good. 
   More than fifty times in the Bible, God 
is called almighty. That means he's all mighty. 
Nothing is more powerful than him. In Job 42:2 Job 
says to God, "I know that you can do all things; 
no purpose of yours can be thwarted. Do bad 
things happen in the world? Are there terrible 
accidents and natural disasters? Yes. But God's 
purposes can be accomplished in the good times and 
bad. Job experienced that firsthand. He suffered 
unthinkable losses, yet he never doubted God's power. We 
can follow Job's example by always trusting in 
God's power and goodness. There's no limit on 
God's power, and that rocks! [Case For Christ For 
Kids by Les Strobel] 


   The most important lesson of the book of 
Job is found in this text. In this statement Job 
reveals the transition from a religious experience 
shaped by tradition to an experience based on 
personal communion with God. According to the 
tradition in which he had been reared, the righteous 
were not supposed to suffer. From his youth up 
Job had heard that God would deliver the 
righteous from all evil in this present life. But when 
he met suffering he was thrown into confusion, 
because it was contrary to what he had heard about 
God. His confusion was augmented by the attitude 
of his friends. Now Job has seen God. He knows 
that God possesses infinite power and 
graciousness, and he also knows that, even though he may 
suffer, he is Gods child. God has made no attempt 
to explain to him why he suffers, but he is 
convinced that, whatever the reason, he need have no 
   Jobs experience has taught him the 
meaning of faith. His vision of God has enabled him 
to surrender to the divine will. His commitment 
to God is now unaffected by his circumstances. 
He no longer expects temporal blessings as an 
evidence of Heavens favor. His relationship to God 
is now on a firmer, more dependable basis than 
before. Job finds a solution to his problems when he 
discovers that God is not limited by the traditions 
men have developed concerning Him. This broader 
understanding that Job reveals when he says, Now mine 
eye seeth thee, is akin to the experience of 
faith that is emphasized so strongly throughout 
the Scriptures, especially in the Gospel of John 
and the epistles to the Romans and the Galatians 
(John 1:12"17; Rom. 8:1"8; Gal. 4:3"7). [SDA 
Bible Commentary] 

   In his time, Job was the most righteous 
person on earth. He was so godly that the Lord took 
pleasure in pointing him out to Satan (Job 1:8). Yet, 
despite his love for God and his diligent obedience 
to His commands, even Job had not fully come to 
know God. The blessings God had given to Job had 
not revealed everything about Gods character. 
There were characteristics that Job would come to 
realize only through adversity. So the Lord allowed 
Satan to test Job through suffering. 
   Although Job lost everything he had, even 
his seven children, Job discovered that God was 
still with him. Though he faced the most difficult 
and bewildering tribulations imaginable, Job 
came to understand that God was infinitely wiser 
than he (Job 42:1"4). As Job endured the 
insensitivity of his friends, he learned that God is the 
only One who is absolutely trustworthy. Job 
learned much about God through his anguish. Finally, 
he confessed that at first he had only heard 
about God, but now, through his suffering, he had 
come to see God (Job 42:5). 
   When you are in the midst of your trials, 
your Lord will reveal His character to you in 
ways you never knew. You will experience His 
strong and comforting presence. Like Job, you will 
learn that your Lord will remain, even when 
everyone else abandons you. You will see God more 
clearly as He takes you through the dark times. Then 
you will experience God in ways you had 
previously only heard about from others. [Experiencing 
God Day by Day by Henry and Richard Blackaby] 

Harsh but Realistic
   While speaking the truth Job left the 
defense of his own character in the Lord's hands. He 
was firm and deliberate, but he remained in 
control. I repeat, I understand what it's like to be 
unjustly maligned. I have been accused of things, and 
that rumor has kept me awake. It has made my 
stomach churn. It has taken away my appetite. I have 
determined not to pay any attention to it, yet found 
that I was unable to turn it off in my mind. Not 
until I decided to leave things in the Lord's 
hands and rest in His sovereign control did I find 
inner peace. Without exception (please hear 
this!), not until I deliberately stepped back and 
leaned hard on my God did my mind begin to relax, 
my emotions settle down, and my inner peace 
return. I say again, the truth will win out. And God 
will be glorified. 
   Refuse to let the accusations discourage 
and derail you, remembering they are nonsense 
and lies. Get tough! Returning to that one-liner 
from the Revolutionary War, "Trust in God but 
keep your powder dry," is essential to keeping 
your balance. You may be trusting the Lord for 
safety, but you still lock your doors every night, 
hopefully, and turn on your alarm. When you get in your 
car, you lock your doors, don't you? You roll up 
your windows, don't you? If you don't, you are 
playing with fire. Trusting God is not naive 
presumption. Wisdom must be applied to a life of faith. 
Going through hard times requires a get-tough 
mind-set. Go there. That may seem harsh, but it's 
realistic. And realism is a powerful message. 
   To you who are going through a time of 
false accusation, may God strengthen you in it. 
May He hold you close through it. May He give 
you wisdom and grace in responding to it. May He 
become real and personal to you, even giving you 
songs in the night and quiet rest with the 
assurance that He is defending your integrity. And may 
He toughen your hide so you don't cave in while 
awaiting vindication. [Chuck Swindoll 


What to Do When It Makes No Sense
   Instead of always asking God why 
when you dont understand, start trusting him. 
   For 37 chapters in his book, Job asks: 
Why is this happening to me? Why are you 
allowing this? Why so much pain? Why so much 
discomfort? Why havent you answered my prayers? 
   But in chapter 38, Job stops asking 
why. And God says, Now Id like to ask you a 
few questions. 
   For the next two chapters, God bombards 
Job with questions that only God could answer. 
He asks things like, Where were you when I 
made the universe? Can you explain the law of 
   After two chapters, Job realizes that he 
is just a man and his knowledge is limited. Who 
is he to question God? 
   Job stops questioning - and starts 
trusting. He replies to the Lord, I know that you 
can do anything, and no one can stop you. You 
asked, Who is this that questions my wisdom with 
such ignorance? It is I - and I was talking 
about things I knew nothing about, things far too 
wonderful for me ... I take back everything I said, 
and I sit in dust and ashes to show my 
repentance (Job 42:2-3, 6 NLT). 
   What do you do in a situation where you 
cant see the whole picture, things arent 
clear, and life doesnt make sense? 
   Remind yourself of the things you know 
about God. Even while doubting, Job affirmed what 
he knew to be true about God: God is loving 
(Job 10:12), God is all-powerful (Job 36:22), God 
is in control (Job 34:13), God had a plan for 
his life (Job 23:14), God would protect him (Job 
   I dont know what youre going 
through right now, but I will tell you this: God is 
passionately and intimately aware of every detail. Hes 
paying attention to your every breath. Nothing 
misses Gods attention. 
   You may not understand what youre 
going through, but you can still say this to God: 
I know youre good. I know youre loving. 
I know youre powerful. I know you notice 
the details of my life. I know youre in 
control. I know you have a plan. I know you will 
protect me. 
   Then set aside your why questions 
and trust God - no matter what. [Daily 
Devotional by Rick Warren: 


   I am taking care of you. Feel the warmth 
and security of being enveloped in My loving 
Presence. Every detail of your life is under My 
control. Moreover, everything fits into a pattern for 
good, to those who love Me and are called 
according to My design and purpose.  
   Because the world is in an abnormal, 
fallen condition, people tend to think that chance 
governs the universe. Events may seem to occur 
randomly, with little or no meaning. People who view 
the world this way have overlooked one basic 
fact: the limitations of human understanding. What 
you know of the world you inhabit is only the 
tip of the iceberg. Submerged beneath the 
surface of the visible world are mysteries too vast 
for you to comprehend. If you could only see how 
close I am to you and how constantly I work on 
your behalf, you would never again doubt that I 
am wonderfully caring for you. This is why you 
must live by faith, not by sight; trusting in My 
mysterious, majestic Presence. (Rom. 8:28; Job 42:1-3; 
1Pe. 5:7; 2Co. 5:7) [Jesus Calling by Sarah 


Two Of the Best Bible Studies on This Topic:

Did God Create the Devil?


The Rebellious Prince



If anyone has a paraphrase, commentary or 
testimony on this passage of Scripture, either 
personal or otherwise, I would be interested in 
hearing from you.  Thanks in advance and let's keep 
uplifting Jesus that all might be drawn to Him. Fred 


Most Important Decision in Life: 

A Man without Equal by Bill Bright: 

Steps to Peace by Billy Graham: 

Seeking God Made Real: 

Prayer Made Real: 


Lifting Up Jesus Bible Studies: 

Amazing Facts Bible Studies: 

Voice of Prophecy Discover Bible Study 

Glow Tract Video Bible Studies: 


Unlocking Bible Prophecies by Cami Oetman of 
Adventist World Radio: https://www.awr.org/bible 

Panorama of Prophecy with Pastor Doug 
Batchelor: https://www.panoramaofprophecy.com/  

Hope Awakens by John Bradshaw of IIW: 

Prophecies Decoded by Pastor Ron Clouzet: 

Islam and Christianity in Prophecy, The 
Third and Final Conflict by Tim Roosenberg: 