
Hebrews 13:8 - Another Glimpse at the Immutable Quality of God.

Hebrews 13:8 (NKJV) Jesus Christ is the same 
yesterday, today, and forever.  

Hebrews 13:8 (NIV) Jesus Christ is the same 
yesterday and today and forever.  

Hebrews 13:8 (NLT) Jesus Christ is the same 
yesterday, today, and forever.  


Jesus Christ is the same, and his Good News 
does not change.  yesterday: Jesus was the 
Fathers agent in creation (1:2, 10).  today: 
Jesus currently sits at the Fathers right hand 
(1:13; 7:26"28; 10:12). He will rule the universe 
forever (1:8, 10"12). [NLT SB 2008]  

Jesus the Messiah (Christ) is eternally 
trustworthy in his position as high priest and as Son of 
God - yesterday active in creation (e.g., 
1:2"4), today offering salvation (e.g., 4:7"10), 
and forever reigning in heaven (e.g., 10:12). 
[ESV SB 2008]  

Though human leaders have much to offer, we 
must keep our eyes on Christ, our ultimate 
leader. Unlike any human leaders, he will never 
change. Christ has been and will be the same 
forever. In a changing world we can trust our 
unchanging Lord. [Life Application SB] 

In view of the fact that Christ never 
changes, the message about Him can never change. 
Teachings that differ from the pure gospel already 
proclaimed may be dismissed without further 
examination. See on Gal. 1:6"8. [SDA Bible Commentary] 


Reality Check
   Avery didn't like to be cold. She 
celebrated for a week when her parents said they were 
moving to Hawaii. Now she could be warm all the 
time. She liked warmth so much that she never put 
anything in the refrigerator. What's the big deal 
with coldness? Avery thought. Being warm is much 
better. Her parents tried to tell her about bacteria 
and how food would spoil, but she didn't believe 
it. She couldn't see bacteria, so how could it 
exist? But one day Avery grabbed the milk from the 
counter and poured it on her cereal. To her 
surprise, it came out in huge, stinky globs. Then she 
decided to make a turkey sandwich. It didn't smell 
much better, and the cheese was covered in green 
   What happened? Avery discovered an 
important lesson: Our beliefs don't change reality. 
   Avery sincerely believed refrigeration 
was a bad thing, and she was sincerely wrong. 
Many people have misguided and unfounded beliefs 
about Jesus. Paul Copan has studied the claims of 
Christ for years and written or edited over a dozen 
books, including True for You But Not for Me. "I 
can't stress this enough," Copan said. "What we 
believe about Jesus doesn't affect who he is. 
Whether we choose to believe it or not, Jesus is the 
unique Son of God ... So we have a choice: we can 
live in a fantasyland of our own making by 
believing whatever we want about him; or we can seek 
to discover who he really is." 
   You can't see Jesus, but you can trust 
that "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and 
today and forever" (Hebrews 13:8). Although he 
doesn't change, our understanding of him should grow 
and deepen. But how do we discover more about 
   One of the best ways to find out who 
Jesus is, what he did, and his true character is 
by reading the Gospels - Matthew, Mark, Luke, 
and John. Choose one of the Gospels to read each 
day as you go through this devotional book. 
(Hint: Mark is the shortest, but all of the Gospels 
contain great facts about Christ.) Write down which 
book you want to read here: 
   Try to read one chapter a day. When you 
seek after the reality of Jesus, your 
understanding of what's really real will become clearer as 
well. [Case For Christ For Kids by Les Strobel] 

Committed to the Call
   I read that if you want to be a 
successful Olympic athlete, you need to work out four 
hours a day, 310 days a year for six years to 
compete for the gold. Now thats commitment. 
   In the race of life, the motive that will 
keep us going, even when we are at times 
discouraged, is Jesus. We keep running for Him, because 
one day we will stand before Him and see Him 
face to face. 
   Hebrews 12:1 tells us, Therefore, 
since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of 
witnesses to the life of faith, let us  run with 
endurance the race God has set before us (NLT). I 
have often said that whenever you see the word 
therefore in the Bible, find out what its there 
for. Its always drawing upon what has been 
previously said. 
   The author of Hebrews is saying, In 
light of what we have just learned from these 
heroes of faith in Hebrews 11, because of this 
example, let us run with endurance. 
   All of these great people of faith ran 
the race of life so well. They werent 
perfect. They messed up. They had flaws. Yet they 
changed their world. The world changers of Hebrews 
11 opposed the Pharaoh and counseled King 
Nebuchadnezzar. They passed through the Red Sea. They 
shouted down the walls of Jericho. They shut the 
mouths of lions. They called down fire and walked 
through fire. 
   Now, the author of Hebrews is saying, run 
like they did. Live like they did. This can be 
done. The world changers of Hebrews 11 did not 
know all that we know, yet they pressed on. The 
same God who was their God is also our God. The 
God of yesterday is the God of both today and 
tomorrow. [By Greg Laurie from Harvest Ministries; 

Remember His Faithfulness
   Often, after the mountaintop, there is 
the valley. Often, after the blessing comes the 
challenge. The temptation of Jesus in the wilderness 
took place after He was baptized in the Jordan 
River by John the Baptizer. God the Father said, 
This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well 
pleased (Matthew 3:17 NKJV). 
   The next verse tells us, Then Jesus 
was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to 
be tempted by the devil (Matthew 4:1 NKJV). 
After the blessing came the temptation. We should 
not be surprised when those things happen. 
   Jesus said in the parable of the sower, 
Behold, a sower went out to sow. And as he sowed, 
some seed fell by the wayside; and the birds came 
and devoured them (Matthew 13:3-4 NKJV). This 
reminds us that the Devil attacks when were 
trying to reach people. 
   When you seek to share the gospel with 
someone, expect satanic opposition, because youre 
entering into a time of spiritual warfare. Marks 
gospel tells us about a desperate father who had a 
demon-possessed son. He said to Jesus, Have mercy on us 
and help us, if you can (Mark 9:22 NLT). 
   Jesus had a very strong reaction to this. 
He said, What do you mean, If I 
can? Jesus asked. Anything is possible if a 
person believes (verse 23 NLT). 
   Effectively Jesus was saying, Of 
course I can handle this. Dont forget that 
Ive walked on water, healed a blind man, and 
raised someone from the dead. You need to have 
faith right now. 
   When were facing trouble in our lives, 
its a good idea to remember Gods faithfulness 
to us in the past. We may be tempted to think 
that God has forgotten about us or abandoned us, 
but He hasnt. Jesus is the same yesterday, 
today, and forever. [Greg Laurie from Harvest 
Ministries; https://www.harvestdaily.com] 


   Thanks to my digital software, I have 
many different Bible translations at my disposal. 
Sometimes I gain new insight into a Scripture by 
reading it in different versions. But not always. 
Last week, I researched an Old Testament verse 
and grew more confused with each translation I 
compared. Not only had the translators used different 
words; some gave the line a positive connotation, 
while others translated it in a negative way. 
   Not so with Hebrews 13:8. The only 
difference between the ten translations I typically 
compare is whether they include two uses of and, or 
two commas and one and. How appropriate for such 
a clear declaration of our Lord's unchanging 
nature. In an ever-changing world, we can always 
count on what matters most. His holiness and 
sovereignty. His love and mercy toward us. 
   Jesus will never change His character or 
His plans - no matter what is happening, no 
matter what we see going on in the world, and 
regardless of our moments of doubt or unfaithfulness 
toward Him when circumstances tempt us to question 
His goodness. 
   Many things in life can make us feel 
unsettled. Sudden job loss, relocation to an area away 
from family and friends, serious illness, the 
loss of a loved one, broken relationships, coping 
with a permanent disability. We never know when 
life as we know it will be disrupted and we'll 
face another challenge. Thank goodness for the 
rock-solid promise in Hebrews 13:8 that our Savior and 
Lord will never change. by Dianne Neal Matthews 
   Faith Step: Are you facing changes or 
uncertainty in any area of your life? Meditate on the 
unchangeable nature of Jesus and your relationship with 
Him. Ask Him to help your faith stay steady and 
strong, unshaken by circumstances. [Mornings With 
Jesus 2019 Devotional by Guideposts and 

   Yesterday, my fitness trainer asked me 
about my summer plans. I was pleased to tell him I 
am finally doing something I have been dreaming 
of for the past twenty years - writing. Then I 
described the type of writing I am doing and explained 
to him why I am so thrilled to have the 
opportunity to write. I told my trainer that the dream 
started years ago after Jesus saved me and I became 
aware of the fact that Jesus loved me 
unconditionally. It was such a lifechanging revelation for me 
that I felt the need to let everybody know. I 
started writing about the love of Jesus, adding 
Scriptures to my writings so I could show anybody who 
didnt know that His love was real, unconditional, 
and transformative.  
   A few years after the love affair with 
Jesus started, my world was rocked when the Lord 
denied a specific prayer request I had prayed. 
Still immature in spiritual matters, I blamed 
myself for my request being denied. My shortcomings 
became my focus. I couldnt see Jesuss love 
for me, and I stopped writing about His love. 
Thankfully Jesuss love, just like Him, is the same 
yesterday, today, and forever, regardless of what 
happens in our lives. As the storm lifted, I 
realized that His love is what buoyed me and carried 
me through one of the lowest moments in life. 
Over the past fifteen years, I have been 
repeatedly awed and overwhelmed by the steadfastness of 
Jesuss love. The fact that this current writing 
opportunity has been placed in my life now is a 
tremendous testament to the everlasting and unchanging 
love and purpose of Jesus. by Tracy Eldridge  
   Faith Step: Write down the times in your 
life when you couldnt feel the love of Jesus. 
Then write about how He showed you love during 
those times, even though you didnt immediately 
see it. [Mornings With Jesus 2020 Devotional by 
Guideposts and Zondervan] 

   My mom was right when she said, "You 
never stop mothering." Even as a mother of adult 
sons, I'm tempted to manage them, but I know I 
need to let them figure out their own lives. 
Especially as they struggle with adult issues such as 
heartbreak, career choices, and financial needs. 
   As I let go of interfering, which can 
stunt their growth, I focus my energy on prayer. 
One morning when they were teens and I was 
discouraged, I discovered a new way to pray for them. I 
searched the Psalms in hopes of finding something 
inspirational. That morning, praying the Psalms felt as if 
I was praying only for myself: I know God is 
my refuge, and He holds my right hand. I cried 
out, "I don't care about me right now. I care 
about my kids. Show me how to pray for them." I 
feel the same today. 
   Then I thought, If I believe Jesus is who 
He says He is, then can't He do for me what He 
did for others when He walked on earth? I 
searched for encounters in the Bible of parents who 
approached Jesus for help. I found several, including a 
ruler, two mothers, and a father. Their prayers 
expressed my own feelings. I immersed myself in these 
stories and imagined myself face to face with Jesus, 
making requests on behalf of my children. 
   I experienced His healing words and 
comfort in a new way. Today I'm still praying this 
way for my sons as they struggle through hard 
times. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and 
forever, so I know He's able to handle all of my 
concerns. And thankfully, He hears my prayers. Jeannie 
   Faith Step: Imagine yourself face to face 
with Jesus. Talk with Him about specific concerns 
for your own children or a friend's child. 
[Mornings With Jesus 2021 Devotional by Guideposts and 


Our Unchanging God
   That simple, straightforward statement 
holds great riches to be uncovered. 
   To begin with, consider the qualities of 
God that are especially meaningful to you during 
this season of your life. Perhaps you think of 
His presence with you, His faithfulness, or His 
goodness. Maybe you focus on His holiness, justice, 
and perfection. You may think of His redemptive 
power and His ability to bring beauty out of 
ashes. Or you are clinging to the fact that He is 
all-powerful, all-knowing, and sovereign over the 
unfolding history of this world as well as your own 
personal pilgrimage. Whatever divine characteristics 
come to mind, know that God has always been that 
way and will always remain that way. Find 
comfort and peace in that assurance. 
   Now consider some implications of God's 
unchanging nature. The way Jesus led His twelve 
disciples is the same way He will lead you  The 
love Jesus expressed on the cross is the same 
compassion He extends to you  The power that raised 
Jesus from the dead is the same power available to 
you today  The same discipline He used on 
others will be meted out to you if necessary  
Count on the certainty that Christ will not change 
and then live boldly in light of that wonderful 
truth. [Being Still With God Every Day by Henry 


Hebrews 13:8 - A Glimpse at the Immutable 
Quality of God. 



If anyone has a paraphrase, commentary or 
testimony on this passage of Scripture, either 
personal or otherwise, I would be interested in 
hearing from you.  Thanks in advance and let's keep 
uplifting Jesus that all might be drawn to Him. Fred 


Most Important Decision in Life: 

A Man without Equal by Bill Bright: 

Steps to Peace by Billy Graham: 

Seeking God Made Real: 

Prayer Made Real: 


Lifting Up Jesus Bible Studies: 

Amazing Facts Bible Studies: 

Voice of Prophecy Discover Bible Study 

Glow Tract Video Bible Studies: 


Unlocking Bible Prophecies by Cami Oetman of 
Adventist World Radio: https://www.awr.org/bible 

Panorama of Prophecy with Pastor Doug 
Batchelor: https://www.panoramaofprophecy.com/  

Hope Awakens by John Bradshaw of IIW: 

Prophecies Decoded by Pastor Ron Clouzet: 

Islam and Christianity in Prophecy, The 
Third and Final Conflict by Tim Roosenberg: 