
Romans 13:14 - Putting On Christ.

Romans 13:14 (NLT) Instead, clothe yourself 
with the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. And 
dont let yourself think about ways to indulge 
your evil desires. 

Romans 13:14 (CEV) Let the Lord Jesus Christ 
be as near to you as the clothes you wear.  
Then you wont try to satisfy your selfish 


These last verses [Romans 13:11-14] have 
been rendered famous in the Christian church for 
more than 1,400 years, as being the instrument of 
the conversion of Augustine. (Adam Clarke 

This passage must be forever famous, for it 
was through them Augustine found conversion. He 
tells the story in his Confessions. He was walking 
in the garden. His heart was in distress, 
because of his failure to live the good life.  He 
kept exclaiming miserably, "How long? How long? 
Tomorrow and tomorrow--why not now? Why not this hour 
an end to my depravity?" Suddenly he heard a 
voice saying, "Take and read; take and read." It 
sounded like a child's voice; and he racked his mind 
to try to remember any child's game in which 
these words occurred, but could think of none. He 
hurried back to the seat where his friend Alypius 
was sitting, for he had left there a volume of 
Paul's writings. "I snatched it up and read 
silently the first passage my eyes fell upon: `Let us 
not walk in revelry or drunkenness, in 
immorality and in shamelessness, in contention and in 
strife. But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, as a man 
puts on a garment, and stop living a life in 
which your first thought is to gratify the desires 
of Christless human nature.' I neither wished 
nor needed to read further.  With the end of 
that sentence, as though the light of assurance 
had poured into my heart, all the shades of 
doubt were scattered. I put my finger in the page 
and closed the book: I turned to Alypius with a 
calm countenance and told him." [Barclay 


From Head to Foot, Be His
   I have a friend who always looks like 
hes wearing an outfit no matter what day of the 
week it is. For some people, everything is an 
outfit. Their jeans are ripped in all the right 
places and their shirt is a certain way. They think 
it all through. 
   Its okay to think about what we wear, 
of course, because we put on clothes every day. 
But, the apostle Paul wrote, Put on the Lord 
Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, 
to fulfill its lusts (Romans 13:14 NKJV). 
   Now, doesnt Jesus Christ live in the 
heart of every Christian? The answer is yes, He 
does. So why do we need to put Him on? 
   The J. B. Philips New Testament puts the 
verse this way: Let us be Christs men from 
head to foot, and give no chances to the flesh to 
have its fling. 
   The picture Paul is giving us is that our 
clothes should conform to us; we should not conform 
to our clothes. In other words, let Jesus be a 
part of everything you do. 
   Make Him a part of every decision. Make 
Him a part of every area of your life. Hes 
not just Sunday Jesus. Hes also Monday Jesus, 
Tuesday Jesus, and Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and 
Saturday Jesus too. 
   Jesus should be Lord over wherever we 
happen to be and whatever we happen to be doing, 
and He should be Lord over what we watch on 
television and take in through social media. He should 
be Lord when we step out our door and Lord when 
we return home.  
   He should be Lord of all because if Jesus 
is not Lord of all, then Hes not Lord at 
   So, put on the Lord Jesus Christ. [Greg 
Laurie from Harvest Ministries; 

Who Are You Wearing?
   Most of the time I like to wear jeans and 
a T-shirt or some sort of comfortable shirt. I 
dont like shirts that are stiff or too heavy. 
Instead, I like clothing that moves where I move. 
   In the book of Romans, the apostle Paul 
wrote, Clothe yourself with the presence of the 
Lord Jesus Christ. And dont let yourself think 
about ways to indulge your evil desires (Romans 
13:14 NLT). 
   The J. B. Phillips translation puts it as 
follows: Let us be Christs men from head to 
foot, and give no chances to the flesh to have its 
   Paul was saying, in effect, that putting 
on the Lord Jesus is like putting on clothes. 
When we put on the Lord Jesus Christ, were 
making Christ a part of our lives every day. 
   When Jesus said to Matthew the tax 
collector, Follow me (Mark 2:14 NLT), it also 
could be translated, Follow with me, which 
speaks of companionship, relationship, and 
friendship. In other words, Lets enter into a 
friendship. Lets enter into a relationship 
   Yes, the Lord wants our obedience, but He 
also wants our companionship. Jesus was saying to 
Matthew, I dont want you to just be one of my 
disciples; I want you to be one of my friends. And 
He offers that same invitation to us. 
   We often view God as harsh, austere, and 
angry, but nothing could be further from the truth. 
God is loving, God is compassionate, and God is 
caring. And He wants to enter into a friendship with 
   Jesus said, I no longer call you 
slaves, because a master doesnt confide in his 
slaves. Now you are my friends, since I have told 
you everything the Father told me (NLT). So 
follow Jesus every day throughout your life until 
the end. And wherever you go, put on Jesus. 
[Greg Laurie from Harvest Ministries; 


   The word that is translated "put on" is 
the same that is used in regard to putting on 
clothes. We have "put on the new man" (Ephesians 
4:24), and the new nature is like a garment that is 
worn so that all can see who we are. Paul said 
that the Christian, when he has confessed Christ 
at baptism, has "put on Christ." Just as a man 
may be recognized by the garment he wears, so 
the Christian is known by the fact that he has 
put on Christ and exhibits Him in his whole life 
and character. 
   "Put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ," not 
just at conversion, but also on a daily basis. As 
I put on my clothes each day and am seen in 
them, so the Christian must daily put on the Lord 
Jesus, so that he no longer lives to fulfill the 
lusts of the flesh, but shows forth the image of 
his Lord and the new man formed in His 
   Put on Christ! This work must be done 
each day in the inner chamber. I must put on the 
Lord, the heavenly Jesus. But I need time to put 
on Christ. Just as my garments cover me and 
protect me from the wind and the sun, even so Christ 
Jesus will be my beauty, my defense, and my joy. 
As I commune with Him in prayer, He imparts 
Himself to me and strengthens me to walk as one who 
is in Him and is bound to Him forever. 
   Reader, take time to meditate on this 
wonderful truth. Just as your clothing is a necessity 
as you go out into the world, let it be equally 
indispensable for you to put on Jesus Christ, to abide in 
Him, and to walk with Him all day long. 
   This cannot be done hastily and 
superficially. It takes time, quiet time in living 
fellowship with Jesus, to realize that you have put Him 
on. Take the time and the trouble. Your reward 
will be great. [Andrew Murray 365-Day Devotional 
Bible by Barbour re Galatians 3:27 and Romans 


   I guess you could say that my dad was not 
into clothes. For sixty-nine years, my mom made 
the decisions on clothes purchases, and each day 
she laid out what he would wear. When he died, 
Mom encouraged family members to take the items 
they could wear or wanted to have as keepsakes. 
My niece Kelli was thrilled to choose a few of 
her beloved grandpa's shirts. Several months 
later, Kelli arrived in the red-and-green plaid 
flannel shirt that Daddy always wore during our 
Christmas gathering. What a sweet reminder that 
although our loved one was not with us physically, 
his spirit remained in our hearts and our 
   I've never wanted anyone to choose my 
clothes for me in the morning, but I will admit to 
sometimes needing help with how to "dress up my 
spirit. That's why the Bible reminds me to clothe 
myself with Christ each day. To deliberately model 
His character traits of kindness, forgiveness, 
gentleness, mercy, and sacrificial love. To choose to 
imitate Him instead of wearing my sinful tendencies 
like pride, resentment, and self-centeredness. 
   If I want to model Jesus, I need to spend 
time with Him every day - staying in close 
personal fellowship through prayer and the Word, 
studying what the Bible says about Him, meditating on 
His teachings, and observing how He treated 
people. Then I'll be more careful to "dress" in a 
way that reflects the One Whose Spirit lives in 
me (Romans 8:9). by Dianne Neal Matthews 
   Faith Step: Thinking about your day 
ahead, focus on one character trait of Jesus that 
you need to imitate in your activities and 
interactions with others. Then consider what you need to 
take off in order to live that out. [Mornings 
With Jesus 2019 Devotional by Guideposts and 


Christ Himself is the Christians panoply. 
But this life with which he has been clothed 
must be continually renewed in the day-by-day 
experience of growth in sanctification. The 
Christian who perseveres in this transforming 
experience will more and more perfectly imitate the 
life and character of Christ and reflect Him to 
the world. [SDA Bible Commentary] 


Romans 13:14 - Putting On Christ.




If anyone has a paraphrase, commentary or 
testimony on this passage of Scripture, either 
personal or otherwise, I would be interested in 
hearing from you.  Thanks in advance and let's keep 
uplifting Jesus that all might be drawn to Him. Fred 


Most Important Decision in Life: 

A Man without Equal by Bill Bright: 

Steps to Peace by Billy Graham: 

Seeking God Made Real: 

Prayer Made Real: 

Parable of the Sower - Open Heart Surgery by 
Ralph Ringer: https://vimeo.com/666314378 


Lifting Up Jesus Bible Studies: 

Amazing Facts Bible Studies: 

Voice of Prophecy Discover Bible Study 

Glow Tract Video Bible Studies: 


Unlocking Bible Prophecies by Cami Oetman of 
Adventist World Radio: https://www.awr.org/bible 

Panorama of Prophecy with Pastor Doug 
Batchelor: https://www.panoramaofprophecy.com/  

Hope Awakens by John Bradshaw of IIW: 

Prophecies Decoded by Pastor Ron Clouzet: 

Islam and Christianity in Prophecy, The 
Third and Final Conflict by Tim Roosenberg: 