
1 Corinthians 15:10 - Grace Made Person.

1 Corinthians 15:10 (NKJV) But by the grace 
of God I am what I am, and His grace toward me 
was not in vain; but I labored more abundantly 
than they all, yet not I, but the grace of God 
which was with me.  

1 Corinthians 15:10 (NLT) But whatever I am 
now, it is all because God poured out his special 
favor on me - and not without results. For I have 
worked harder than any of the other apostles; yet 
it was not I but God who was working through me 
by his grace.  

1 Corinthians 15:10 (AMP) But by the grace 
(the unmerited favor and blessing) of God I am 
what I am, and His grace toward me was not [found 
to be] for nothing (fruitless and without 
effect). In fact, I worked harder than all of them 
[the apostles], though it was not really I, but 
the grace (the unmerited favor and blessing) of 
God which was with me.  

1 Corinthians 15:10 (MSG) But because God 
was so gracious, so very generous, here I am. 
And I'm not about to let his grace go to waste. 
Haven't I worked hard trying to do more than any of 
the others? Even then, my work didn't amount to 
all that much. It was God giving me the work to 
do, God giving me the energy to do it.  


As a zealous Pharisee, Paul had been an 
enemy of the Christian church - even to the point 
of capturing and persecuting believers (see 
Acts 9:1-3). Thus, he felt unworthy to be called 
an apostle of Christ. Though undoubtedly the 
most influential of the apostles, Paul was deeply 
humble. He knew that he had worked hard and 
accomplished much but only because God had poured 
kindness and grace upon him. True humility is not 
convincing yourself that you are worthless but 
recognizing God's work in you. It is having God's 
perspective on who you are and acknowledging his grace 
in developing your abilities. [Life Application 


   Had Biddy Chambers given up, no one would 
have criticized her. Her God-given assignment was 
to partner with her husband in teaching the 
   They met in 1908, and by 1910 they were 
married, living in London, and busy about their dream 
of starting a Bible college. Biddy's training 
was in stenography. She took careful notes of 
her husband's lectures and turned them into 
correspondence courses. 
   Then came the setback. Complications from 
appendicitis rendered Biddy a widow. All dreams of a 
teaching ministry would need to be abandoned, right? 
   No! Biddy turned her husband's notes into 
pamphlets, and eventually they were compiled into a 
book. My Utmost for His Highest was published in 
1927. It has since sold more than thirteen million 
copies and has been translated into more than 
thirty-five languages. The work of Oswald Chambers 
surely exceeded his fondest hopes. But it was the 
sincere faith of his wife that made the difference. 
   She gave what she had to Jesus, and with 
it Jesus fed, and feeds, the multitudes. Let's 
follow her example. [You Can Count On God by Max 


By the grace of God I am what I am, and his 
grace to me was not without effect. There is only 
one relationship that really matters, and that 
is your personal relationship to your personal 
Redeemer and Lord. If you maintain that at all costs, 
letting everything else go, God will fulfill His 
purpose through your life. One individual life may 
be of priceless value to God's purposes, and 
yours may be that life. [In His Time; My Utmost 
For His Highest] 

Some Of The Top 25 Quotes By Oswald Chambers
Taken from Top 25 Quotes By Oswald Chambers 
(of 754): 

   	We are not responsible for the 
circumstances we are in, but we are  
   responsible for the way we allow those 
circumstances to affect us; we can  
   either allow them to get on top of us or 
we can allow them to transform us  
   into what God wants us to be. [Oswald 

   	The remarkable thing about God is 
that when you fear God, you fear  
   nothing else, whereas if you do not fear 
God, you fear everything else.  
   [Oswald Chambers]

   	The great thing about faith in God is 
that it keeps a man undisturbed in  
   the midst of disturbance. [Oswald 

   	God is not concerned about our plans; 
He doesnt ask, Do you want to go  
   through this loss of a loved one, this 
difficulty, or this defeat? No, He  
   allows these things for His own purpose. 
The things we are going through are  
   either making us sweeter, better, and 
nobler men and women, or they are  
   making us more critical and 
fault-finding, and more insistent on our own way.  
   The things that happen either make us 
evil, or they make us more saintly,  
   depending entirely on our relationship 
with God and its level of intimacy.  
   [Oswald Chambers]

   	If you are going to be used by God, 
He will take you through a number of  
   experiences that are not meant for you 
personally at all. They are designed  
   to make you useful in His hands, and to 
enable you to understand what takes  
   place in the lives of others. [Oswald 

   	The greatest test of a man's 
character is his tongue. [Oswald Chambers] 


   A self-made man is the antithesis of a 
grace made man. A self-made man becomes desperate 
for God on occasion, as when a crisis occurs - 
but a grace made man is continually desperate 
for God, since he sees himself as a needy man. A 
self-made man struggles to give God the glory for his 
accomplishments, but the grace made man is quick to give 
Christ the credit for his success. Grace brings out 
the best in humble hearts.  
   Furthermore, a grace made mans work is 
led by the Spirit. Gratitude governs grace-based 
behavior into focused diligence. A man or woman 
motivated by the grace of God works for an audience of 
One. Their godly ambition has an eternal 
allegiance that no earthly boss can inspire. So, we 
work hard because Gods grace is at work within 
us. Is your work and life a divine portrait of 
grace? If so, you are attractive, beautiful to 
behold. Gods grace makes the man; man does not 
make the man. T was Grace that brought us 
safe thus far  and Grace will lead us home. 
(Amazing Grace, the hymn) [Wisdom Hunters 


John 1:12 - The Born Again Experience!!!



If anyone has a paraphrase, commentary or 
testimony on this passage of Scripture, either 
personal or otherwise, I would be interested in 
hearing from you.  Thanks in advance and let's keep 
uplifting Jesus that all might be drawn to Him. Fred 


Most Important Decision in Life: 

A Man without Equal by Bill Bright: 

Steps to Peace by Billy Graham: 

Seeking God Made Real: 

Prayer Made Real: 


Lifting Up Jesus Bible Studies: 

Amazing Facts Bible Studies: 

Voice of Prophecy Discover Bible Study 

Glow Tract Video Bible Studies: 


Unlocking Bible Prophecies by Cami Oetman of 
Adventist World Radio: https://www.awr.org/bible 

Panorama of Prophecy with Pastor Doug 
Batchelor: https://www.panoramaofprophecy.com/  

Hope Awakens by John Bradshaw of IIW: 

Prophecies Decoded by Pastor Ron Clouzet: 

Islam and Christianity in Prophecy, The 
Third and Final Conflict by Tim Roosenberg: 