
Matthew 5:10-12 - There Is Blessing In Persecution For Righteousness.

Matthew 5:10-12 (NLT) God blesses those who 
are persecuted because they live for God, for 
the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs. 11 God 
blesses you when you are mocked and persecuted and 
lied about because you are my followers. 12 Be 
happy about it! Be very glad! For a great reward 
awaits you in heaven. And remember, the ancient 
prophets were persecuted, too. 

Matthew 5:10-12 (CWR) Happiness even 
comes from being treated badly for doing what's 
right. Just remember that no matter what happens, 
your place in heaven is secure. 11 Strangely 
enough, you'll find yourself blessed even when 
people insult you, persecute you and lie about you 
because you have accepted me. 12 When this 
happens, be glad, because it shows that your name is 
written in heaven and that your reward will be 
waiting for you there.  Remember, good things you do 
and praise your Faither in heaven. 


Jesus said to rejoice when we're persecuted. 
Persecution can be good because (1) it takes our eyes 
off earthly rewards, (2) it strips away 
superficial belief, (3) it strengthens the faith of 
those who endure, and (4) our attitude through it 
serves as an example to others who follow. We can 
be comforted to know that God's greatest 
prophets were persecuted (Elijah, Jeremiah, Daniel). 
The fact that we are being persecuted proves 
that we have been faithful; faithless people 
would be unnoticed. In the future God will reward 
the faithful by receiving them into his eternal 
kingdom where there is no more persecution. [Life 
Application SB] 

Through trials and persecution, the glory - 
character - of God is revealed in His chosen ones ... 
they are purified in the furnace of affliction. 

While the Lord has not promised His people 
exemption from trials, He has promised that which is 
far better. He has said, "As thy days, so shall 
thy strength be." "My grace is sufficient for 
thee: for My strength is made perfect in 
weakness." Deuteronomy 33:25; 2 Corinthians 12:9. If 
you are called to go through the fiery furnace 
for His sake, Jesus will be by your side even as 
He was with the faithful three in Babylon. 

Satan could torture and kill the body, but 
he could not touch the life that was hid with 
Christ in God. He could incarcerate in prison 
walls, but he could not bind the spirit. They could 
look beyond the gloom to the glory, MB29-31 

It was this joy that filled the hearts of 
Paul and Silas when they prayed and sang praises 
to God at midnight in the Philippian dungeon. 
Christ was beside them there, and the light of His 
presence irradiated the gloom with the glory of the 
courts above. MB31-35 


   Imagine playing golf your entire life 
under the mistaken belief that the object of the 
game is to have the highest score. Instead of 
going straight for the hole, you simply have fun 
hitting the ball anywhere. You wonder why some 
people think the game is so difficult; you must be 
exceptionally good at it, as hitting the ball away from 
the hole comes so naturally to you. Then one day 
you discover that the object of the game was 
opposite of what you'd always thought. Confused, 
embarrassed, and with an overwhelming sense of having 
wasted so much of your time, you gaze back at the 
futility of your life. You can't go back and start 
over. It's too late to redeem the experience. 
   That's what it will be like when those 
who pursued temporary wealth, status, and 
pleasure at the expense of lasting treasures see the 
true picture. They will realize that the goal of 
life wasn't to get as much out of it as possible 
but to put as much into it as possible. They 
will be confronted with the fact that they spent 
their entire lives going after the wrong goals. 
   In that context, it makes sense that 
those who endured persecution while hanging onto 
the goal of righteousness - rightness, justice, 
goodness, and truth - will inherit the Kingdom. They 
saw the true picture and hung on to it, even 
when it cost them dearly. They dismissed their 
pain and humiliation in order to cling to lasting 
treasures. They played the game right. 
   Standards in the Kingdom culture aren't 
the same as the standards of a fallen world. 
Everything is measured differently. The goal isn't to 
reject as much temporary pain as possible in order 
to experience as much temporary pleasure as 
possible. It's to reach out for the true prize, 
whatever it costs. Yes, Kingdom people become easy 
targets in that scenario. But we are blessed. We fit 
the Kingdom culture perfectly. [The One Year 
Heaven On Earth Devotional by Chris Tiegreen] 


The Most Persecuted People in the World
   Who are the most persecuted people in the 
world? Pew Research Center surveys say that 
Christians are. This includes discrimination, verbal 
assault, physical attacks, and arrests. 
   Every day our Christian brothers and 
sisters suffer barbaric treatment in China, North 
Korea, Russia, India, and many Islamic nations. 
People hound, torture, and execute them simply for 
their belief in Jesus Christ. 
   Make no mistake, persecution is alive and 
   Yet the Bible says, that everyone who 
wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will 
suffer persecution (2 Timothy 3:12 NLT). 
   We wish that verse wasnt there, but it 
is. And its true. Every follower of Jesus 
will, in time, suffer persecution in some form. It 
might be financial, physical, or verbal. 
   So, what should we do when it happens?
   Jesus said, God blesses you when 
people mock you and persecute you and lie about you 
and say all sorts of evil things against you 
because you are my followers. Be happy about it! Be 
very glad! For a great reward awaits you in 
heaven. And remember, the ancient prophets were 
persecuted in the same way (Matthew 5:11"12 NLT). 
   By the way, lets make sure were 
suffering for the right reasons. Sometimes Christians 
are persecuted not for righteousness sake, 
but because they say offensive things. Theyre 
rude and mean. Theyre cranky. 
   And when someone calls them on it, they 
think, Praise God! Im suffering persecution 
for righteousness sake. 
   No, theyre suffering persecution 
because theyre being obnoxious. 
   So, if youre experiencing persecution 
because of your faith in Jesus, take heart. God sees 
what youre going through. The Bible tells us, 
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil 
with good (Romans 12:21 NKJV). 
   And remember this: the Christian faith 
not only is worth dying for, but its also 
worth living for. [Greg Laurie from Harvest 
Ministries; https://www.harvestdaily.com] 

What Persecution Proves
   As Christians, we lay claim to Gods 
promises of provision and protection. But when is the 
last time we claimed His promise of persecution? 
   We wouldnt do that, of course. After 
all, who wants to suffer from persecution? 
   Yet Jesus said in the Beatitudes, 
Blessed are those who are persecuted for 
righteousness sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven 
(Matthew 5:10 NKJV). 
   In fact, Jesus elaborated on this 
statement. He said, Blessed are you when they revile 
and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil 
against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be 
exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, 
for so they persecuted the prophets who were 
before you (verses 11"12 NKJV). 
   The Bible tells us that all who desire 
to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer 
persecution (2 Timothy 3:12 NKJV). 
   Or to reverse that, if youre not 
suffering persecution, then are you living godly in 
Christ Jesus? 
   Persecution shows itself in many ways. It 
can be physical, obviously. Its very 
dangerous for Christians in some countries today. In 
fact, Christians are the worlds most persecuted 
   Many of our brothers and sisters in 
Christ live at risk the moment they declare their 
faith in Jesus Christ. Theyre tortured and put 
to death. Or, their families ostracize them and 
declare them dead. 
   Even in the United States, persecution 
against followers of Jesus Christ seems to be on the 
rise. If you decide to be a Christian, you can 
lose friends, jobs, and other things. People may 
ridicule, marginalize, mock, or even threaten you. 
   But if no one ever persecutes you, 
harasses you, mocks you, or challenges you, then 
maybe youre not living as a child of God. 
However, if youre living your life as you ought to 
and youre getting pushback, its 
confirmation that you belong to Him. [Greg Laurie from 
Harvest Ministries; https://www.harvestdaily.com] 

Three Things to Remember When Youre 
   When you feel pressured by the world 
because you love Jesus and other people dont, you 
need to remember three things: 
   1. Opposition can make you more like 
   Jesus says in John 15:18-20, If the 
world hates you, remember that it hated me first. 
The world would love you as one of its own if 
you belonged to it, but you are no longer part 
of the world. I chose you to come out of the 
world, so it hates you. Do you remember what I told 
you? A slave is not greater than the 
master. Since they persecuted me, naturally they 
will persecute you. And if they had listened to 
me, they would listen to you (NLT). 
   If youre going to grow up and be like 
Jesus Christ, youre going to have to go through 
the things Jesus went through, including 
loneliness, discouragement, stress, and temptation. Why 
would God spare you when he didnt spare his own 
Son from those things? 
   2. Opposition will deepen your faith.
   Your faith is like a muscle. A muscle 
doesnt grow when you sit in a chair and eat 
popcorn. A muscle grows by being stretched, strained, 
and tested. Youre never going to grow a 
muscle if no weight is ever pulling in the opposite 
   If you dont have opposition in your 
life, your faith is not growing. The strongest 
believers in the world right now are those who are 
having their faith tested the most. The Bible says 
in 1 Peter 1:7, These trials will show that 
your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire 
tests and purifies gold - though your faith is far 
more precious than mere gold. So when your faith 
remains strong through many trials, it will bring 
you much praise and glory and honor on the day 
when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole 
world (NLT). 
   3. Opposition will give you eternal 
   Matthew 5:10-12 says, God blesses 
those who are persecuted for doing right, for the 
Kingdom of Heaven is theirs. God blesses you when 
people mock you and persecute you and lie about you 
and say all sorts of evil things against you 
because you are my followers. Be happy about it! Be 
very glad! For a great reward awaits you in 
heaven (NLT). 
   Gods going to bless anybody whos 
persecuted because they live for him. Notice that you 
dont get rewarded for being rude or obnoxious. If 
you live a self-righteous life when you get 
persecuted, youre not a martyr. Youre just a 
   You dont get rewarded for that. You 
get rewarded for being like Jesus. When you 
share your faith, do it with gentleness and 
respect, just like Jesus, and you will be rewarded 
for it one day in heaven. 
   Remember those three things whenever 
youre harassed for your faith: It can make you 
more like Jesus. It can deepen your faith. And 
you will be rewarded for it in eternity. [Daily 
Devotional by Rick Warren: 


   This isn't my favorite beatitude, but 
it's an important one. As a Christian I like to 
focus on all that I gain by following Jesus: 
eternal life, a restored relationship with God, a 
life of meaning and purpose, a heart of worship, 
His friendship and guidance, peace that 
surpasses understanding. 
   But Jesus has always been honest that 
following Him on the path of right choices will 
sometimes cause suffering. Even small choices can 
require sacrifices. Giving the right of way to the 
car merging into your lane. Returning the money 
when a cashier gives too much change. Biting your 
tongue and changing the subject when someone starts 
to share juicy gossip. Dietrich Bonhoeffer 
wrote The Cost of Discipleship. in which he 
challenged Christians to let their faith make a 
difference in their choices - large and small. 
Bonhoeffer faced persecution, including imprisonment 
and death, for taking a stand against Hitler. 
   I may never face such heroic choices, but 
in whatever ways I endure persecution or 
sacrifice for Jesus's sake, He assures me that in the 
midst of it, I am still blessed. As I follow in 
His steps, He is on this road with me, and He is 
able to bring glory to God and further His 
kingdom even in the midst of persecution. Sharon 
   Faith Step: Today, go online and either 
read about the life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer or 
read something he wrote. Ask Jesus to give you 
the courage to make righteous choices. [Mornings 
With Jesus 2022 Devotional by Guideposts and 

   As a lifelong people pleaser, I really 
don't like it when people don't like me. I avoid 
conflict and confrontation. And while I'm not one to 
flaunt my faith or factions on Facebook, I know my 
faith is evident. Apart from the obvious, like 
writing for Guideposts, my convictions just seep out 
of me unbidden in everyday conversation. 
   I've been persecuted for it.
   I used to think of persecution as 
imprisonment or banned books. Coptic Christians, Middle 
Eastern missionaries, and Communist Bloc Bible 
runners were persecuted. That's not me or anyone I 
   But Christians are persecuted. We're 
persecuted in the silent eye-roll of our cubicle mate. 
We're persecuted by the neighborhood party to 
which we're not invited. We're persecuted by the 
clenched-mouth greeting of our intellectual brother-in-law. 
We're persecuted by the niggling feeling that 
we're an outsider at our book club. Jesus's name 
may never be uttered with scorn, but it feels 
like persecution all the same. 
   I have to wonder, How might I process 
these nearly daily slights differently by trusting 
what Jesus said as true? Dare I thank and praise 
God for the blessing of persecution? Dare I 
bless those who persecute me? (Romans 12:14). 
Today, I choose not to personalize persecution in 
any form, recalling Jesus's own words and loving 
example. by Isabella Yosuico 
   Faith Step: In light of this reading, 
prayerfully list recent persecutions. Thank God for them 
and bless the perpetrators, knowing it's not 
about you but about Jesus. Praise Him! [Mornings 
With Jesus 2019 Devotional by Guideposts and 


   "They took offense at him. But Jesus said 
to them, Only in his hometown and in his own 
house is a prophet without honor."  
   Its human nature to want to be liked 
by everyone. But that is not a realistic or 
healthy expectation. Jesus understood this. He knew 
that people who had known him throughout his life 
had a preset idea of who he was that would not 
be easily changed. He also understood that his 
message was controversial. As he spoke to the 
crowds, he was sure to make enemies.  
   Like Jesus, we will all be judged wrongly 
by some, criticized by others. We will all have 
enemies if we are proclaiming the kingdom of God. 
There will also be people who simply don't like 
us. So how should we respond?  
   In his Sermon on the Mount recorded in 
Matthew 5, Jesus encouraged us to be peacemakers and 
to rejoice and be glad when people insult us, 
persecute us, and say evil things about us, for our 
reward in heaven will be great. He doesn't say if 
these things happen; he says when. 
   The message here is that we can't make 
people like us. Just like Jesus, we can't please 
everyone. We are to be peacemakers whenever we can, 
while accepting that some will dislike - even 
despise - us no matter what we do. Their disapproval 
must never keep us from pleasing God! 
   Father, I will not run after the approval 
of others. Instead I surrender my heart to you. 
I will bask in your great love for me and work 
to please you in all I do. In Jesus' name, 
Amen. [Celebrate Recovery Daily Devotional by John 
& Johnny Baker re Matthew 13:57] 


   It was a weird question to ask - probably 
because the person doing the asking held a semi 
automatic rifle in his hand and carried a cadre of 
   Heretofore his target had been minorities 
and athletes, but he was now face to face with 
Cassie. For a long time she was a nobody, a 
simpleton. She attended her classes faithfully, was a 
good student, and basically kept to herself. That 
is, until she accepted Jesus into her heart as 
her Lord and Saviour.  
   People began to notice the changes in 
Cassie. She wore a perpetual smile, as though she 
had discovered the secret to life. By all 
accounts it was infectious. One of her friends at 
Colombine High School in Littleton, Colorado, 
reported, "If you were feeling down, she would always 
give you an encouraging word." The girl that 
everyone proclaimed a "zero" had undergone a Jenny 
Jones makeover-minus the Jenny Jones.  
   Perhaps the killer had heard about her 
newfound faith, because he aimed his question-and his 
gun-right at Cassie Bernall. The scene was manic. 
Bodies lay strewn around the library, several 
missing faces and chunks of flesh. Screams of agony 
could be heard in the hallways. Cassie was headed 
toward a certain martyrdom.  
   "Do you believe in God?" he screamed. In 
an instant a strange assurance captivated 
Cassie as she looked into his eyes.  
   "Yes, I believe in God." 
   It would be her last words this side of 
heaven. The price of truth was her life.  
   Two thousand years ago Jesus looked 
through prophetic eyes at the world around him. 
Surveying the scene and the trials that would overtake 
His people, He sought to calm their fears. 
"Blessed are those who are persecuted because of 
righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."  
   That Cassie was willing to pay such a 
high price for her faith indicts many of us 
today. We shrink to tell people about the God we 
serve. Yet God is ready and willing to empower us 
to speak a word for Him. I remember one such 
incident. We were sitting around at a friend's 
apartment-just shooting the breeze, as they say. My friends 
were non Adventists, non Christians. They drank, 
smoked, cursed, the works. I was at a new school, 
and I didn't want to be antisocial. I saw in 
them a ministry.  
   For the next two hours I was like a fish 
in a fishbowl. They couldn't really understand 
why I ate the way I did. Why I didn't go to 
parties, didn't smoke or drink. After our little rap 
session, I took solace in the fact that I stood up 
for what was right. I was also proud of the fact 
that I was not antisocial. I managed to share my 
faith in a nonthreatening way. From that day on my 
friends respected me.  
   I believe that one day soon we'll be able 
to swap such stories with Cassie Bernall.  
   Check This Out 
   In the early days of the Christian 
movement many believers lost their lives because they 
would not renounce their faith. Their blood 
watered the tree of faith from which we now eat. One 
such martyr was John Huss, a Roman Catholic 
priest who tried to reform the Catholic Church. 
When he refused to recant his faith, he was 
burned at the stake. One author wrote of the death 
of Huss and his friend Jerome: "When the flames 
rose, they began to sing hymns; and scarce could 
the vehemency of the fire stop their singing" 
(in The Great Controversy, p. 110). 


Matthew 5:10-12 - There Is Blessing In 
Persecution For Righteousness. 



If anyone has a paraphrase, commentary or 
testimony on this passage of Scripture, either 
personal or otherwise, I would be interested in 
hearing from you.  Thanks in advance and let's keep 
uplifting Jesus that all might be drawn to Him. Fred 


Most Important Decision in Life: 

A Man without Equal by Bill Bright: 

Steps to Peace by Billy Graham: 

Seeking God Made Real: 

Prayer Made Real: 


Lifting Up Jesus Bible Studies: 

Amazing Facts Bible Studies: 

Voice of Prophecy Discover Bible Study 

Glow Tract Video Bible Studies: 


Unlocking Bible Prophecies by Cami Oetman of 
Adventist World Radio: https://www.awr.org/bible 

Panorama of Prophecy with Pastor Doug 
Batchelor: https://www.panoramaofprophecy.com/  

Hope Awakens by John Bradshaw of IIW: 

Prophecies Decoded by Pastor Ron Clouzet: 

Islam and Christianity in Prophecy, The 
Third and Final Conflict by Tim Roosenberg: 