

1 John 5:21 (NKJV) Little children, keep 
yourselves from idols. Amen.  

1 John 5:21 (NLT) Dear children, keep away 
from anything that might take Gods place in 
your hearts.  


Many things can take God's place in our 
lives. This includes anything that substitutes for 
the true faith, anything that denies Christ's 
full deity and humanity, any human idea that 
claims to be more authoritative than the Bible, any 
loyalty that replaces God at the center of our life. 
[Life Application SB] 

John presents a clear picture of Christ. 
What we think about Jesus Christ is central to 
our teaching, preaching, and living. Jesus is 
the God-man, fully God and fully human at the 
same time. He came to earth to die in our place 
for our sins. Through faith in him, we are given 
eternal life and the power to do his will. What is 
your answer to the most important question you 
could ever ask: Who is Jesus Christ? [Life 
Application SB] 


Ideal Idol
   Sydney had a bad fever - Bieber fever, 
that is. She couldn't stop talking about the 
popular pop star. Before her Justin Bieber 
affliction, Sydney loved the Jo-Bros. Actually, anytime 
a new boy band or teen heartthrob popped up in 
popular culture, Sydney was the first to buy a 
poster and join the fan club. Do you think Sydney 
had a problem? She didn't think so. She said she 
was just being a loyal fan and loyalty was a 
good thing. While loyalty is good, being obsessed 
with anything other than God is bad. Numerous 
times the Bible warns us about worshiping an 
   But wait, you say. I'm not building a 
golden calf or bowing down to a false god. The 
truth is, many things can become an idol. We can 
become obsessed with getting good grades, wearing 
the right clothes, playing video games, having 
the coolest gadgets, being popular, or knowing 
the latest music. Anything that consumes our 
time, thoughts, money, or energy can develop into 
an idol in our lives. 
   Jesus Christ warrants our worship. First 
John 5:20-21 tells us, "We know also that the Son 
of God has come and has given us understanding, 
so that we may know him who is true ... Dear 
children, keep yourselves from idols." Absolute truth 
can be found only in God's Son. Anything that 
distracts us from our relationship with Christ can 
serve as an idol - even the Bible. Some Bible 
teachers have seen students become so amazed by God's 
Word that they start to worship the Bible over 
God. The Bible is amazing. Discovering how God 
protected his written word can increase our faith. But 
the Bible is very clear: We should worship only 
God. We should always worship the Creator over 
the created. 
   Think about your life. Is there anything 
that's taking the top spot away from God? It could 
be a relationship with a friend, playing 
sports, or performing in musicals. Write down 
anything that could be an idol: 
   Now pray to God and give that thing to 
him. Tell God, I don't want anything in my life 
to come before you. I want to glorify you with 
my (fill in the blank: sports, music, friends, 
etc.). Help me to only worship you and honor you in 
everything I do. [Case For Christ For Kids by Les 

One True God
   I lived in Hawaii when I was a little 
boy, and there were a lot of frogs in Hawaii. I 
love reptiles, but I have never been that fond of 
frogs. And worse than holding a frog is stepping on 
a frog. 
   The ancient Egyptians worshiped a frog 
god, which had the body of a woman and the head 
of a frog. And when God brought a series of 10 
plagues upon Egypt, one of them was an infestation 
of frogs. 
   In a way, God was saying, You worship 
frogs? Ill give you frogs. Youll have frogs 
in your ovens. Youll have frogs in your beds 
and under your feet. Wherever you go, there will 
be frogs. And Im going to reveal to you 
there is no God but me. 
   And sure enough, there were frogs 
everywhere. So Pharaoh said to Moses and Aaron, Plead 
with the Lord to take the frogs away from me and 
my people. I will let your people go, so they 
can offer sacrifices to the Lord (Exodus 8:8 
   People make gods, or idols, out of a lot 
of things. An idol can be anyone or anything 
that takes the place of the true God in your 
life. For some, it might be a career. For another, 
it might be their fame. For another, it might 
be their beauty or their money. But they 
worship at the altar of that god. 
   Its all they think about. Its what 
they're passionate about. When they get up in the 
morning, its the first thing on their minds. They 
pursue that thing. Yet the Bible tells us, 
Little children, keep yourselves from idols (1 
John 5:21 NKJV). 
   Sometimes the Lord will bring our gods 
down so that well understand there is no god 
but Him. [Greg Laurie from Harvest Ministries; 

Possessed by Possessions
   Some people worship money. They worship 
their possessions, the car they drive, and the 
house where they live. Other people worship 
themselves. Its all about the way they look. 
   Worship, in this sense, is being 
preoccupied with something or someone that you think 
about more than God Himself. And an idol is 
anything or anyone that takes the place of God in our 
   The Bible tells a story of the rich young 
ruler who came to Jesus with a question. He said, 
Good Teacher, what good thing shall I do that I 
may have eternal life? (Matthew 19:16 NKJV). 
He was young, probably in his thirties, and he 
would have been very influential. 
   It wouldnt necessarily surprise us if 
Jesus had said, Come on in, son. Youre one 
of the team! Now lets go! 
   But instead, Jesus told him, If you 
want to enter into life, keep the commandments 
(verse 17 NKJV). 
   The fact is that no one can keep the 
commandments. God gives us the commandments to drive us to 
Jesus and show us that we sin and fall short of 
His glory. There is only one individual who ever 
walked this Earth and kept all the commandments, 
and that was Jesus Christ. 
   However, this young man said, All 
these things I have kept from my youth. What do I 
still lack? (verse 20 NKJV). 
   Then Jesus told him, If you want to be 
perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, 
and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, 
follow Me (verse 21 NKJV). 
   The Bible says this man went away sad 
because he had many possessions. Interestingly, 
Jesus said this to only one man in the Bible, and 
that was because the idols in the young rulers 
heart were his things. And idols keep us from God. 
[Greg Laurie from Harvest Ministries; 


Idols, Part One
   "Watch out," said John, in effect. "Be on 
guard against anything that might occupy the place 
in your heart that should be reserved for 
   John never qualified that warning. The 
aged apostle deliberately refrained from 
classifying the idols or giving us a comprehensive list 
to follow. It's an unconditional command. Any 
idol, regardless of its beauty or usefulness or 
original purpose, is to be set aside so that Christ 
might reign supreme, without a single competitor. 
   I don't have many temptations to worship 
evil things. It's the good things that plague me. 
It isn't as difficult for me to reject 
something that is innately bad or wrong as it is to 
keep those good and wholesome things off the 
throne. That, I believe, is where the battle line 
   Do you remember the experience of the 
Israelites in Numbers 21? They were hot and irritable 
as they wandered across the wilderness. They 
began to gripe about the lack of food and water. 
They complained again about the manna. So God 
sent snakes among them - "fiery serpents" - that 
bit many people and brought death into the camp. 
Realizing their sin, they begged Moses to ask God to 
remove the serpents. God told Moses to make a 
bronze serpent, hold it high up on a long pole  
and whoever would look upon that bronze serpent 
would be healed. It was a miraculous, glorious 
provision - and it worked. In fact, Jesus mentioned it 
in John 3:14"15 as an example of what He 
would accomplish when He died on a cross. The 
bronze serpent had been blessed of God and was, 
therefore, an effective means of deliverance. 
   But do you know what happened to that 
metallic snake? If you don't, you're in for a big 
surprise. In 2 Kings 18:4 we read: He [King Hezekiah] 
removed the high places and broke down the sacred 
pillars and cut down the Asherah [idol altars]. He 
also broke in pieces the bronze serpent that 
Moses had made, for until those days the sons of 
Israel burned incense to it; and it was called 
   This occurred about the sixth century BC. 
The original event with the snakes took place 
much earlier - around 1450 BC. For about eight 
centuries they had hung on to that bronze serpent. Can 
you believe that! They dragged it here and 
carried it there, preserved it, protected it, and 
polished it. Finally, they made an idol of it and 
even gave it a name: Nehushtan. That word simply 
means "a piece of bronze." And that's all it was. 
But they turned it into an object of worship. 
Something that had once been useful and effective had 
degenerated over the years into an idol. 
   It happens today. You can make an idol 
out of anything or anyone in life. Often it's 
the good things that slither up unnoticed, and 
soon you discover that they have first place in 
your heart. 
   It's high time they be dethroned; we'll 
talk about that tomorrow. [Chuck Swindoll 

Idols, Part Two
Genesis 35:1"4
   Yesterday we talked about how the 
Israelites began to worship what started out as a good 
thing but became too much of a good thing: a 
bronze serpent they called "Nehushtan." 
   We can make an idol out of anything or 
anyone in life. A church building can become an 
idol to us, when all the while it is simply a 
place to meet and worship our Lord - nothing more. 
Your child can become your idol  in subtle 
ways you can so adore that little one that your 
whole life revolves around the child. Your mate or 
date can be given first place in your life and 
literally idolized. Your work can easily become your 
god  as can some pursuit in life. A house, a 
lawn, an antique, a car, a letter in sports, an 
education, a trip abroad, an achievement, and even that 
goal of "retirement" can so grip your heart that 
it becomes your Nehushtan. 
   Don't miss my point. There's nothing 
necessarily wrong with any of these good things. To 
possess them - any or all of them - is not sinful. 
But it is sinful when they possess us! Therein 
lies the difference. It's that sort of thing that 
turns a golden dream into a hollow chunk of 
   Honestly now  can you testify to the 
fact that you've destroyed the idols? Can you 
really say you are free from bronze anchors? That 
Christ reigns without a rival? Or would you have to 
admit to a personal shrine in your inner temple 
where you privately burn incense? 
   "Where your treasure is," says the Lord, 
"there your heart will be also" (Luke 12:34), and 
"out of the overflow of the heart the mouth 
speaks" (Matthew 12:34 NIV). What does that actually 
mean? What you invest your time and treasure in, 
what you talk about, what you keep returning to 
in your mind reveals what's really on your 
heart. It's just that simple. 
   Your Lord and Savior wants to occupy 
first place. Matthew 6:33 says that when He has 
it, everything else "will be added to you." How 
long has it been since you've enlisted your 
Lord's help in a private, personal temple-cleansing 
session? It's so easy to get attached to idols - good 
things, inappropriately adored. But when you have 
Jesus in the center of the room, everything else 
only junks up the decor. 
   "He is also head of the body, the 
church," wrote Paul, "and He is the beginning, the 
firstborn from the dead, so that He Himself will come 
to have first place in everything" (Colossians 
   Did you get that? First place in 
   Everything. [Chuck Swindoll 


   When you're bored, you can take it to God 
or you can switch on your "favorites 
playlist. When you're depressed, you can run to the 
Lord, or you can run to the refrigerator. When 
you're working, you can ask Jesus for His guidance, 
or you can become frantic about deadlines. When 
you're between flights at the airport, you can 
spend a few minutes in prayer, or you can get 
absorbed in your iPhone.  
   All of us by nature are worshipers. The 
question is, do we worship God or the idols of our 
preference? We're doing either one or the other. 
Eventually, we will find that idols are utterly useless 
when were facing the major issues of life. 
Today's Scripture is the closing line in the elderly 
apostle John's heartfelt letter to fellow believers: 
"Dear children, keep yourselves from idols." 
Today, make up your mind to take full advantage of 
God's favor, grace, and companionship. Find out 
firsthand the incomparable help that can be yours.  
   Father, in these brief moments of my day, 
I set aside other voices, other interests, 
other attractions, and all those nagging reminders 
of "things to be done." I turn to You. I open 
my heart to You. I release my anxieties and 
worries to You. In this moment, I want Your help - 
and Your help alone. [A Spectacle of Glory by 
Joni Eareckson Tada and Larry Libby] 


   A long-term problem can become an idol. 
When you are troubled by a situation that just 
won't go away, it's important to monitor your 
thoughts. An ongoing difficulty can occupy more and 
more of your thinking, until it looms in 
idolatrous proportions - casting ugly shadows on the 
landscape of your mind. When you realize this has 
happened, confess it to Me. Pour out your feelings as 
you seek to break free from the hurtful 
preoccupation. Acknowledge your weakness in the face of 
this hardship, and humble yourself under My 
mighty hand. 
   A problem-preoccupation makes you 
anxious. So I urge you to cast all your anxiety on Me 
- trusting that I care for you. You may have 
to do this thousands of times daily, but don't 
give up! Each time you cast your worrisome 
concerns on Me, you are redirecting your attention 
from problems to My loving Presence. To 
strengthen these transactions, you can thank Me for 
caring so much for you. Remember that I not only 
died for you, I live to make intercession for 
you. (1Jo. 5:21; 1Pe. 5:6, 7; Heb. 7:25) [Jesus 
Always by Sarah Young] 


Question to help identify idols: does it 
uplift God in your life or does it diminish God in 
your life? 


1 John 2:15-17 - Our Relationship With God 
And The World. 



1 John 2:15-17 - The Lustful World & The 
Will of God. 




If anyone has a paraphrase, commentary or 
testimony on this passage of Scripture, either 
personal or otherwise, I would be interested in 
hearing from you.  Thanks in advance and let's keep 
uplifting Jesus that all might be drawn to Him. Fred 