
Acts 3:19 - Repent and Be Born Again.

Acts 3:19 (NIV) Repent, then, and turn to 
God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that 
times of refreshing may come from the Lord, 

Acts 3:19 AMP) So repent [change your inner 
self - your old way of thinking, regret past 
sins] and return [to God - seek His purpose for 
your life], so that your sins may be wiped away 
[blotted out, completely erased], so that times of 
refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord 
[restoring you like a cool wind on a hot day]; 

Acts 3:19 (CWR) So you need to repent, turn 
your lives around and confess your sins.  God 
will blot out your sins and refresh your souls by 
giving you the Holy Spirit, whom Jesus promised to 
all who accept Him as their Lord. 


Repentance includes sorrow for sin and a 
turning away from it. We shall not renounce sin 
unless we see its sinfulness; until we turn away 
from it in heart, there will be no real change in 
the life.  {SC 23.2}   


Our Stubborn Wills
   Becoming a Christian is a once-for-all 
event, in which we repent of our sins and cast 
ourselves on Christ alone for our salvation. When we 
are converted, God takes us "out of darkness 
into His marvelous light" (1 Peter 2:9). 
   But being a Christian is a daily, ongoing 
experience. It is a lifelong process of daily repentance 
and faith, turning from sin and seeking to live 
for Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit. 
   That is where our wills come in. Although 
we have been converted and God has come to live 
in us, our old nature is still "alive and 
kicking." Our stubborn wills still demand to put self 
first instead of Christ. 
   It isn't easy to bring our stubborn wills 
into submission to Christ, but when we do, it is 
as if a misplaced vertebra has snapped back 
into place. Instead of the stress and tension of 
a life out of harmony with God, we discover 
the serenity of His presence. 
   Who will control your will today? You - 
or Christ? 
   Each morning, we must choose to die to 
self again.  We hand the reins over to Christ and 
give him complete control.  Some days, its 
easy; some days, its not.  But its always 
best. [Hope for Each Day by Billy Graham] 


The Goodness Of Repentance
   Pastor Rick Warren says, "Repentance 
starts in the mind, not in actions. If you change 
your mind, your behavior will follow." Repentance 
actually starts with our minds making a U-turn. 
Repentance is turning away from ourselves, from sin, 
from lies, and toward God. When our eyes are 
solely fixed on Jesus, we're glad to leave the old, 
unprofitable ways behind. We press forward, eager to be 
like him in everything we do.  
   The opportunity for repentance is great 
news because it means that we are never stuck 
with who we are now. We're not stuck with a foggy 
brain, or with a habit of anxious thoughts, or with 
patterns of eating that drag us down. God offers us 
freedom and a fresh start, a clean slate no matter 
how many times we've needed one before. In 
Isaiah 30:15, God says, "In repentance and rest is 
your salvation."  
   If you're facing a time when repentance 
is necessary, look to Jesus and think about how 
excellent it will be to be more like him, to be closer 
to him, to feel his smile when he looks at 
   Seize the golden opportunity to make a 
U-turn and start fresh. [The Daniel Plan 365-Day 
Devotional re Mark 1:15] 

What It Really Means to Repent
   Somewhere along the way, repent 
became a negative word. 
   When many people hear that word, they 
think of a guy holding a sign on the corner 
telling them to turn or burn because the end 
is near. 
   But the world's idea of what it means to 
repent is totally wrong. Repent is actually 
the most positive, transforming word in the 
   The word repent just means you 
change your mind. Its not when you stop doing 
bad things - thats the result of repentance. 
It means you used to think one way and now you 
think another way. 
   You used to think guilty thoughts, and 
now you think forgiven thoughts. You used to 
think damnation and discouragement, and now you 
think peace. You used to think selfishness, and 
now you think of others first. You used to think 
ambitiously, and now you think about how to serve. You 
think about God as he really is - a kind and 
loving Father. You think about yourself as God sees 
you - with value and purpose. You think about 
what really has meaning in life. 
   Repentance is when you start rethinking 
your life in order to match how Jesus thinks. 
When you repent and turn from darkness to light, 
its not about not getting to do the things you 
want to do anymore. Its about doing only the 
things that matter because your mind is set on 
whats most important. It's the most positive 
change in the world.  
   Do you need some refreshment? Do you need 
to recover from lifes hurts and be revived 
after loss or failure? Then you only need to 
repent. When you do, youll come into Gods 
presence and experience real joy and peace. [Daily 
Devotional by Rick Warren: 

   If you are serious about painting a 
fence, you have to prepare the surface of the wood. 
You scrape away the old paint - every fleck you 
possibly can. If you don't you will simply be 
covering over weak spots. When the inevitable rains 
come, followed by baking sunlight, the new paint 
will bubble, blister, and peel, leaving your 
fence as ugly and exposed as it was before. In the 
same way, when the Bible tells us to repent, it 
means something more than just acknowledging wrong 
- more than changing our minds or our way of 
living. It means asking forgiveness or making 
restitution for the wrongs we've committed. Anything 
less is just covering up our old ways, and the 
changes won't last. Make your repentance deep - and 
it will bring a joyful and lasting change. 
   Thank You, Father, for making a way for 
me to know You and be near to You. Thank You 
that You don't require me to light candles, do 
penance, or make up for past sins by working very 
hard for You. You have simply forgiven me, head 
to toe, heart to soul, in Christ and through 
His blood shed for me - even cleansing me from a 
guilty conscience (Heb. 10:22). No words can 
express my praise and gratitude. [A Spectacle of 
Glory by Joni Eareckson Tada and Larry Libby] 


   As a 17-year-old kid, I was searching for 
God. I had tried to find truth through alcohol 
and partying, but I knew that wasnt the 
answer. I tried to find it through drug use, and I 
knew that wasnt the answer either. But I was 
   I would hang around Newport Beach at 
night, leaning against a wall, and I would watch as 
Christians walked around handing out religious 
literature. They looked at me and kept walking. 
Occasionally they gave me something to read, but they 
wouldnt engage me. 
   I remember thinking, Why wont you 
talk to me? They bought my faade, the 
appearance that I didnt care. But I did care. And I 
was waiting for someone to enter my world and 
show me the way. 
   That is what Jesus did with the woman at 
the well in Samaria. He said, Anyone who 
drinks this water will soon become thirsty again 
(John 4:13 NLT). He was using the well as a 
metaphor for life. Youll be thirsty again if you 
drink this water. 
   We could write that over the well of 
materialism or over the well of fame. We could write it 
over the well of so many things. 
   The woman, however, wasnt getting what 
Jesus was saying, so she started to argue with 
Him. But Jesus called her out. He engaged her and 
told her what she needed to do. 
   When were sharing the gospel, we need 
to appeal to a persons spiritual thirst, but 
we also need to tell the truth about sin. They 
need to know that sin separates them from God, 
and the solution is a relationship with Jesus 
Christ. The problem is sin. The solution is Jesus. 
   People are hiding behind their faades, 
but theyre really waiting for someone to show 
them the way. Will you be that person? [Greg 
Laurie from Harvest Ministries; 


Acts 2:38 - Repentance, Baptism And Power.


Acts 2:38 - Repentance, Baptism And Power. 


Acts 4:19, 20 - Compelled to Speak.



If anyone has a paraphrase, commentary or 
testimony on this passage of Scripture, either 
personal or otherwise, I would be interested in 
hearing from you.  Thanks in advance and let's keep 
uplifting Jesus that all might be drawn to Him. Fred 


Most Important Decision in Life: 

A Man without Equal by Bill Bright: 

Steps to Peace by Billy Graham: 

Seeking God Made Real: 

Prayer Made Real: 


Lifting Up Jesus Bible Studies: 

Amazing Facts Bible Studies: 

Voice of Prophecy Discover Bible Study 

Glow Tract Video Bible Studies: 


Unlocking Bible Prophecies by Cami Oetman of 
Adventist World Radio: https://www.awr.org/bible 

Panorama of Prophecy with Pastor Doug 
Batchelor: https://www.panoramaofprophecy.com/  

Hope Awakens by John Bradshaw of IIW: 

Prophecies Decoded by Pastor Ron Clouzet: 