
1 John 2:3 - What It Means To Know God.

1 John 2:3 (NIV) We know that we have come 
to know him if we obey his commands. 


A belief that does not lead to obedience is 
presumption... Let none cherish the idea that special 
providences or miraculous manifestations are to be the 
proof of the genuineness of their work or of the 
ideas they advocate. When persons will speak 
lightly of the word of God, and set their 
impressions, feelings, and exercises above the divine 
standard, we may know that they have no light in them. 
 {MB 146}  


   In Texas they tell a story about a man 
who used to hitch his horse every morning in 
front of the saloon. One morning the saloonkeeper 
came out and found that the horse was hitched in 
front of the Methodist church. He saw the man 
walking down the street and called out, "Say, why is 
your horse hitched in front of the Methodist 
church this morning?" 
   The man turned around and said, "Well, 
last night I was converted in the revival 
meeting, and I've changed hitching posts." 
   That's what it means to be born again. 
That's what it means to be converted. That's what 
it means to be separated from the world. It 
means that you change hitching posts. 
   It means a change of habits, motivations, 
lifestyle, and everything in your life. Commitment to 
God will inevitably have a transforming effect. 
You will know that you have been born again 
because you will want to obey God in every way. Do 
your actions and choices reveal that you've 
hitched yourself to the Lord? 
   Have you tied yourself to God's hitching 
post? [Peace for Each Day by Billy Graham] 


   When I was growing up, my family was what 
I'd call "cultural Christians." We'd go to 
church on Christmas and Easter. We'd help a 
neighbor in need. We'd donate canned goods to food 
drives. We'd pray over our meal at Thanksgiving. But 
that was basically the extent of it. 
   Even though I believed in God, all I knew 
was about him - and very little of that. I 
didn't know him. And because I didn't know him the 
way best friends or spouses know each other, I 
lived according to my own rules. 
   Once I gave my life to Christ, I began a 
relationship with God that continues to this day. As part 
of this relationship, I submitted to his rules, 
including his command to love others as I love 
   God cares about how you live. And your 
relationship with him will naturally flow into your daily 
attitudes and actions. If you're struggling in your 
faith, ask yourself if you need to return to your 
source. Are you trying to obey him because you know 
him and love him? Or because you think you have 
   Dear God, I want to know you and grow 
more in love with you. Show me your heart as I 
give you more and more of mine. [Daily Power by 
Craig Groeschel] 


To know God is to love Him; DA22


1 John 2:3 - What It Means To Know God.


