
Proverbs 23:5 - Lasting Treasure Is Heavenly Not Earthly.

Proverbs 23:5 (NIV) Cast but a glance at 
riches, and they are gone, for they will surely 
sprout wings and fly off to the sky like an eagle. 

Proverbs 23:5 (NLV) Cast but a glance at 
riches, and they are gone, for they will surely 
sprout wings and fly off to the sky like an eagle. 


We have all heard of people who have won 
millions of dollars and then lost everything. Even 
the average person can spend an inheritance - or 
a paycheck - with lightning speed and have 
little to show for it. Don't spend your time 
chasing fleeting earthly treasures. Instead, store 
up treasures in heaven, for such treasures will 
never be lost. (See Luke 12:33, 34 for Jesus' 
teaching.) [Life Application SB] 


   Because bald eagles nest near our home, I 
often see them fly by our kitchen window. But only 
for a moment and then they're gone, just like a 
recent offer we received on a property we were 
hoping to sell. The first day after we listed it, a 
bid for more than the asking price arrived. I 
found myself daydreaming about living on a boat 
and scuba diving off the coast of Belize, 
updating my out-of-date wardrobe, and taking my 
husband, Zane, out for a fancy dinner. I glanced at 
riches. (Well, more than glanced.) 
   The next day the buyer rescinded his 
offer. Interest rates were going up, and he 
couldn't make financial sense of it. Pool"the 
riches sprouted wings and flew away like the eagles 
that darted past my window. I was disappointed 
the sale fell through, but even more 
disappointed with myself for time spent imagining how the 
money would change my life. I know better. Jesus 
is the only true source of provision, and He 
will never leave me. 
   When the rich young ruler asked Jesus 
what he needed to do to inherit eternal life, 
Jesus told him to sell everything and follow Him 
(Mark 10:17-27). The young man went away sad 
because he couldn't let go of his wealth. Jesus knew 
the lure of worldly possessions would cause some 
not to follow him. 
   Riches - or anything we put our trust in 
other than Jesus - can fly away, just like eagles. 
But Jesus is here to stay. Jeannie Blackmer 
   Faith Step: Write a prayer in your 
journal today proclaiming your trust in Jesus 
because He will never "fly away." [Mornings With 
Jesus 2023 Devotional by Guideposts and 


Matthew 19:21 - The Rich Young Man: Perfect 
or Problem? 


Mark 10:21 - Is Your Treasure In Heaven?


Luke 18:22 - The Rich Young Man: Perfect or 


