
Philippians 4:11, 12 - The Secret of Contentment.

Philippians 4:11, 12 (NIV) I am not saying 
this because I am in need, for I have learned to 
be content whatever the circumstances. 12 I 
know what it is to be in need, and I know what it 
is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of 
being content in any and every situation, whether 
well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or 
in want. 


Contentment is a gift from God. We can learn 
contentment. Possessions will not bring contentment. Are 
you content in any circumstances you face? Paul 
knew how to be content whether he had plenty or 
whether he was in need. The secret was drawing on 
Christ's power for strength. Do you have great needs, 
or are you discontented because you don't have 
what you want? Learn to rely on God's promises 
and Christ's power to help you be content. If 
you always want more, ask God to remove that 
desire and teach you contentment in every 
circumstance. He will supply all your needs, but in a way 
that he knows is best for you (see the note on 
4:19 for more on God supplying our needs).  [Life 
Application SB] 


Live Above Your Circumstances
   Learn to live above your circumstances. 
God made you as you are! He placed you where you 
are! So you can best serve and glorify Him just 
as you are, where you are. Some people are 
always looking on the other side of the fence 
because they think the grass is greener. They 
overlook all the advantages and opportunities open to 
them right where they are.  
   Paul said he had learned how to abound 
and how to be abased. He had learned to be every 
inch a Christian even in prison. Dont let your 
circumstances get you down. Learn to live graciously 
within them, realizing the Lord Himself is with 
   These principles and suggestions may seem 
simple, but they work. I have seen them tested in 
the lives of thousands. I have tested them in my 
own life. They will give you peace of soul, 
happiness, peace of mind, and pleasure, and you will 
have learned the secret of living life with 
   Why do you think God placed you where you 
are? [Peace for Each Day by Billy Graham] 


Slow Down by Learning Contentment
   If youre serious about slowing down, 
dont start with your schedule. Start with your 
   Paul says in Philippians 4:11, I have 
learned to be content whatever the circumstances 
(NIV). Notice that Paul says he has learned 
contentment. You are not by nature a contented person. 
Neither am I! It is our nature to be discontent - to 
want things to be different, to want them to be 
better. But if youre going to slow down your 
life, you have to learn contentment. And you can 
only do that over time. 
   Paul explains what it looks like to be 
content. He says, Godliness with contentment is 
great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, 
and we can take nothing out of it. But if we 
have food and clothing, we will be content with 
that (1 Timothy 6:6-8 NIV). 
   Paul is emphasizing that life isnt 
about things. A person who is content can 
acknowledge, I didnt have anything before I was 
born; Im not going to have anything after I 
die. Yes, I need things, but theyre not what 
life is about - so Ill just be content with 
what Ive got. 
   Let me explain what contentment is not. 
Contentment is not abandoning your ambition; you ought 
to have ambition and make the most of what God 
has given you. Contentment doesnt mean you 
dont have any goals, dreams, or plans for your 
life. In fact, God says its good to have godly 
   Contentment means this: You dont need 
more in order to be happy; youre happy right 
now with what youve been given. 
   Happiness is a choice. In other words, 
you are as happy as you choose to be! You 
cant blame unhappiness on your circumstances. If 
youre not happy with your current circumstances, 
youre not going to be happy with different ones. 
We live on a broken planet, and nothing is 
perfect; there will always be something wrong in your 
   God wants you to learn to be happy in 
spite of difficult situations by trusting that he 
will give you exactly what you need when you need 
it. Learning contentment is a process. Why 
dont you commit to starting that process today? 
[Daily Devotional by Rick Warren: 


Overcoming Envy
   Shakespeare called it "the green-eyed 
monster." Bacon admitted it "keeps no holidays." 
Horace declared that "tyrants never invented a 
greater torment." Barrie said it "is the most 
corroding of the vices." Sheridan referred to it in 
his play, The Critic, when he wrote, "There is 
not a passion so strongly rooted in the human 
heart as [this]." Philip Bailey, the eloquent 
English poet of yesteryear, vividly described it as 
"a coal [that] comes hissing hot from hell." 
   Envy finds acceptable ways of expressing 
its resentment. One favorite method is the "but" 
approach. When I talk of someone I envy, I may say, 
"He is an excellent speaker, but he really isn't 
very sincere." Or, "Yeah, she has a brilliant 
mind, but what a dull teacher!" Or, "The man is an 
outstanding surgeon, but he doesn't mind charging an arm 
and a leg." 
   Envy in Scripture? From Cain to Nero. 
Envy sold Joseph into slavery, drove David into 
exile, threw Daniel in the den, and put Christ on 
trial (If you question that, better check Matthew 
27:18). Paul tells us that it's one of the 
prevailing traits of depravity (Romans 1:29) and a team 
member that plays in the same backfield with 
jealousy, suspicion, and slander (1 Timothy 6:4). 
   The answer to envy? Contentment.
   I know how to live on almost nothing or 
with everything. I have learned the secret of 
living in every situation, whether it is with a 
full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. For 
I can do everything through Christ, who gives 
me strength. Philippians 4:12-13 
   Are you having some big struggles with 
envy? Eating your heart out because somebody's a 
step or two ahead of you in the race and gaining 
momentum? Relax! You are you - not them! And you are 
responsible to do the best you can with what you've got 
for as long as you're able. 
   I don't care how many trophies or awards 
or dollars or degrees may be earned or won on 
earth, you can't take it with you. 
   So it isn't worth the sweat.
   Be content with what you have and with 
who you are. Period. [Chuck Swindoll 


Philippians 4:11, 12 - The Secret of 






