
Matthew 13:16-17 (NLV) - God Speaks to Us in Many Ways.

Matthew 13:16-17 (NLV) But blessed are your 
eyes because they see, and your ears because they 
hear. 17 For truly I tell you, many prophets and 
righteous people longed to see what you see but did 
not see it, and to hear what you hear but did 
not hear it.  


Matthew 13:10-17: The Purpose of Parables. 
[Remnant SB] 


   After enduring a particularly difficult 
spring, a friend suggested I focus on a summer of 
praise. Instead of asking Jesus for something or 
thanking Him for blessings, she encouraged me to look 
for and honor His attributes in nature.  
   Before I went for a walk each morning, 
Id slip my smartphone into my pocket. When I 
noticed something beautiful or interesting, Id 
snap a picture of it and ponder what it showed me 
about Jesus.  
   A large stone reminded me He was my firm 
foundation. A delicate wildflower spoke to me of the 
gentleness of Jesus. A bush laden with berries made me 
think of His generosity.  
   As I stopped to notice the beauty around 
me, I began to have new eyes to see. I learned 
to praise Jesus for who He was and not for what 
I wanted from Him. I realized that although I 
couldnt see Him in the same way that His disciples 
could when He walked the earth, Jesus was truly 
present. He revealed His love, His mercy, His power 
in myriad ways.  
   Now when my circumstances look bleak, I 
pray for eyes to see Him at work, and for His 
vision of hope for the people I love. Snapshots of 
Jesus are all around me. Sharon Hinck  
   Faith Step: While walking outside or 
simply sitting in nature, take a picture that 
speaks to you about an attribute of Jesus. Ask Him 
to show you how Hes working in your life 
today. [Mornings With Jesus 2023 Devotional by 
Guideposts and Zondervan] 


Eyes That See, Ears That Hear
   When you became a Christian, God gave you 
spiritual sight and hearing so you could begin 
experiencing His presence and activity all around you. 
The Holy Spirit helps you to develop these 
spiritual senses as you walk with Him. Spiritual 
sensitivity to God is a gift that must be accepted and 
exercised. Scripture indicates that those who are 
spiritually dead cannot see or understand spiritual 
things (Mt 13:14"15). Without spiritual eyes, you 
can be right in the midst of a mighty act of God 
and not recognize it. 
   There is a radical difference between 
seeing your surroundings from a human perspective 
and seeing life through spiritual eyes. 
Non-Christians will see world events around them and become 
confused. You will look at the same events, recognize 
the activity of God, and adjust your life to 
Him. When you meet a person who is seeking God, 
you will recognize the convicting work of the 
Holy Spirit and adjust your life to Gods 
activity (Ro 3:11). Someone without spiritual 
perception will encounter that same person and not 
grasp the eternal significance of what is 
happening in that persons life. Others will hear of 
new philosophies and trends in society and not 
know how to discern the truth. You will hear 
Gods voice over the din of the worlds voices, 
and you will keep your bearings in the midst of 
the confusing circumstances. 
   Sin dulls your senses, ultimately leaving 
you spiritually blind and deaf. Do not be 
content with merely seeing with physical eyes and 
hearing with natural ears but not sensing what God 
is doing. Ask God, through the power of the 
Holy Spirit, to sensitize you to His activity all 
around you. [Experiencing God Day by Day by Henry 
and Richard Blackaby re Mat. 13:16] 


Matthew 13:12, 13 - The Mystery of Parables.


Matthew 13:11-13 - The Mystery of Parables 


Matthew 13:12,13 - Growing In Christ.


