
Ecclesiastes 12:13 - The Whole Duty of Man.

Ecclesiastes 12:13 (NIV) Now all has been 
heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear 
God and keep his commandments, for this is the 
whole duty of man. 


The duty to worship God is based upon the 
fact that He is the Creator and that to Him all 
other beings owe their existence. GC436,7 

The whole duty of man is summed up by the 
Saviour. He says, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God 
with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and 
with all thy mind Thou shalt love thy neighbor 
as thyself." FE186,7 

The commandments of God are comprehensive 
and far reaching; in a few words they unfold the 
whole duty of man. "Thou shalt love the Lord thy 
God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, 
and with all thy mind, and with all thy 
strength Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself". 

We are under solemn, sacred covenant to God 
to bring up our children for Him and not for 
the world; to teach them not to put their hands 
into the hand of the world, but to love and fear 
God, and to keep His commandments. They should be 
impressed with the thought that they are formed in the 
image of their Creator and that Christ is the 
pattern after which they are to be fashioned. Most 
earnest attention must be given to the education 
which will impart a knowledge of salvation, and 
will conform the life and character to the divine 
similitude.  6T127 


Solomon the Searcher
   I observed everything going on under the 
sun, and really, it is all meaningless - like 
chasing the wind. (Ecclesiastes 1:14 NLT) 
   If anyone could ever say, Been there, 
done that, bought the T-shirt, it was Solomon. 
He was the hedonist extraordinaire. He went 
after everything the world had to offer. 
   Solomon was highly educated, yet he went 
on unbelievable drinking binges. He was an 
architectural genius, building the most incredible 
structures. Yet he abandoned God in his search for 
meaning in life. 
   The irony is that Solomon knew better. He 
was raised in a godly home. His father was King 
David, and his mother was Bathsheba. While its 
true that David had a serious lapse of faith, 
its also true that he repented and got right 
with God. 
   The Bible describes David as a man 
after [Gods] own heart (1 Samuel 13:14 NLT), 
and he did his best to raise Solomon, the future 
king, in the way of the Lord. 
   Shortly before his death, David gave 
these words of wisdom to Solomon: And Solomon, 
my son, learn to know the God of your ancestors 
intimately. Worship and serve him with your whole heart 
and a willing mind. For the Lord sees every 
heart and knows every plan and thought. If you 
seek him, you will find him. But if you forsake 
him, he will reject you forever (1 Chronicles 
28:9 NLT). 
   Essentially, David was saying, Son, 
you cant live off your dads faith. You 
must get your own. You need to know the God of 
your father. Serve Him with an undivided heart 
and a willing mind, not because you have to, but 
because you want to. Dont allow your heart to be 
divided. Set your heart completely on God. 
   Initially Solomon followed his fathers 
advice. In fact, he did quite well in the beginning. 
But after a while, Solomon allowed his heart to 
be divided. He tried to walk with God yet 
dabble in sin and compromise his values. And it was 
only a matter of time until Solomon began to 
backslide and fall away. 
   Then one day Solomon basically said, 
Forget it. Im going to go for it. He 
abandoned God, and the Old Testament book of 
Ecclesiastes is the account of what he learned in this 
backslidden state. 
   A phrase Solomon repeatedly used in 
Ecclesiastes was under the sun. He was talking 
about horizontal living. It is life this side of 
Heaven, life without God. 
   Solomon also used the word 
meaningless (NLT). For example, in Ecclesiastes 1:14 he 
wrote, I observed everything going on under the 
sun, and really, it is all meaningless - like 
chasing the wind (NLT).  
   Solomon the searcher was telling us there 
is nothing on this earth that will satisfy us 
   That doesnt mean its wrong to love 
life or have possessions. In fact, no one 
appreciates life more than the child of God does. And 
the Bible tells us that God richly gives us 
all we need for our enjoyment (1 Timothy 6:17 
   Solomon set out to experience what most 
people only dream of. And in the end, it turned out 
to be a nightmare. [Greg Laurie from Harvest 
Ministries; https://www.harvestdaily.com] 

Walls of Protection
   As a pastor, I have talked to a lot of 
people who are facing death. And as Ive listened 
to the regrets that people have, I have yet to 
meet anyone who said, I regret that I became a 
Christian when I was eighteen. 
   On the other hand, Ive heard a lot of 
people say, I regret that I didnt do this 
sooner. I regret all the wasted years. 
   Dont let that happen to you.
   After trying everything the world had to 
offer, King Solomon summed up his experience by 
saying, Fear God and obey his commands, for this 
is everyones duty. God will judge us for 
everything we do, including every secret thing, whether 
good or bad (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 NLT). 
   Solomon was saying, Listen to a 
seasoned pro. I know what Im talking about here. 
If you leave God out of the picture, then your 
life will be empty, meaningless, and futile. But 
if you want to live a life that is full, a life 
of purpose, then here it is: fear God and obey 
His commands. 
   Thats what will keep you on track with 
Gods plan for your life. Fear God and obey His 
   However, a lot of us dont like 
commands. We see them as restrictive. But if we want 
to live a life that is full, we must recognize 
there is structure, there are parameters, and 
there are absolutes. 
   It would be like someone saying, I 
dont like traffic laws. Im not into 
stoplights. And I dont like those dotted lines down 
the road. They really bug me. Im going to 
drive wherever I want to drive and go wherever I 
want to go. I want my freedom. 
   Instead, what theyll get is the 
freedom to have an accident. Theyd better stay in 
their lane and hope the other drivers do so as 
well. Those lanes and traffic laws are there for 
our protection. They exist so that we can go 
where we need to go. 
   We might look at the commandments of God 
and think theyre ruining our lives. But God 
didnt give us His commands to make our lives 
miserable. Rather, they are walls and barriers of 
protection to keep evil out. That is what Solomon was 
saying. Its for our own good. 
   Yes, the Bible does say that we 
shouldnt do certain things. The Bible does tell us to 
stay away from particular things. But when it 
tells us not to do something, it also tells us to 
do something else instead. 
   For example, the Bible says, Dont 
be drunk with wine, because that will ruin your 
life (Ephesians 5:18 NLT). There is the dont. 
   It goes on to say, Instead, be filled 
with the Holy Spirit, singing psalms and hymns 
and spiritual songs among yourselves, and making 
music to the Lord in your hearts (verses 
18"19 NLT). There is the do. 
   Gods plan is always better. Yes, He 
tells us what we should avoid. But it is for our 
own good. [Greg Laurie from Harvest Ministries; 


Created to Know Him
   If you are seeking fulfillment, purpose, 
or meaning from this world and from human 
accomplishments, I have some bad news: you will never find 
it. There is nothing in the world that will fill 
the deepest void in your life - not the ultimate 
car, not the greatest job, not the most beautiful 
girl or the most handsome guy, not the greatest 
education, not winning it all on American Idol. There 
is nothing that can even come close. 
   King Solomon, one of the wealthiest men 
who ever lived, had everything he wanted. Yet he 
went on a binge, frying to satisfy his appetites 
with the wrong things. He went after passion. He 
went after possessions. He went after things of 
beauty and buildings and land. He drank, and he 
partied. After all of that, here was his conclusion: 
"Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done 
and what I had toiled to achieve, everything was 
meaningless, a chasing after the wind; nothing was gained 
under the sun" (Ecclesiastes 2:11, NLT). 
   Have you ever been ravenously hungry and 
tried to satisfy your appetite with snacking? It 
just doesn't work. You want a real meal. In the 
same way, we were created with a God-shaped hole 
in our lives. We have been created to love God, 
to know God, and to bear fruit. Everything else 
is secondary. 
   Think about it: everything else in life, 
every other responsibility, no matter how 
significant, must be ordered behind the central purpose 
of your existence on earth - knowing, loving, 
and serving your Creator. Yes, God cares about 
your career, your marriage, your family, and your 
ministry. But knowing Him, prioritizing Him, is number 
one. And when you do, the Bible says you never 
will be a loser for it. 
   Jesus said it like this: "Your heavenly 
Father already knows all your needs. Seek the 
Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, 
and he will give you everything you need" 
(Matthew 6:32, 33, NLT). [Every Day with Jesus by 
Greg Laurie] 


Ecclesiastes 12:13 - The Whole Duty Of Man 






John 17:3 - A Supreme Relationship with 
Jesus Christ is Eternal Life. 


