
John 13:34, 35 - The New Command - Love As Jesus Did.

John 13:34, 35 (NIV) A new command I give 
you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so 
you must love one another. By this all men will 
know that you are my disciples, if you love one 


A new commandment ... as I have loved you. 
The commandment to love was not new. Deuteronomy 
6:5 commanded love for God and Leviticus 19:18 
commanded loving one's neighbor as oneself (Matt. 
22:34-40; Rom. 13:8-10; Gal. 5:14; James 2:8). 
However, Jesus' command regarding love presented a 
distinctly new standard for two reasons: 1) it was 
sacrificial love modeled after His love (as I loved You; 
15:13), and 2) it is produced through the New 
Covenant by the transforming power of the Holy Spirit 
(Jer. 31:29-34; Ezek. 36:24-26; Gal. 5:22). 
[MacArthur Daily Bible 2003] 

We are to love each other as Jesus loved us, 
and he loved us enough to give his life for us. 
We may not have to die for someone, but there 
are other ways to practice sacrificial love: 
listening, helping, encouraging, giving. Think of 
someone in particular who needs this kind of love 
today. [Life Application SB re 15:12, 13] 

Love is more than simply warm feelings; it 
is an attitude that reveals itself in action. 
How can we love others as Jesus loves us? By 
helping when it's not convenient, by giving when it 
hurts, by devoting energy to others' welfare rather 
than our own, by absorbing hurts from others 
without complaining or fighting back. This kind of 
loving is hard to do. That is why people notice 
when you do it and know you are empowered by a 
supernatural source. The Bible has another beautiful 
description of love in 1 Corinthians 13. [Life 
Application SB] 


   I opened my email spam folder to clear it 
out, and this message header greeted me: "Let 
eHarmony show you what real love looks like today!" 
Later I opened my music library to choose some 
housecleaning accompaniment and noticed how many songs had 
"love" in the title. I wondered how many of the 
untold numbers of books, poems, and songs that have 
ever been written about love are focused on 
feelings and emotions rather than on the real thing. 
   Jesus didn't just teach about love; His 
entire life defined it - encouraging, healing, 
building up, raising the dead, and most importantly, 
giving up His life on our behalf. The New Testament 
is filled with His followers' encouragement and 
instructions to help us love as Jesus did. They urge us 
to put others' interests ahead of our own 
(Philippians 2:4), love each other deeply since love 
covers many sins (1 Peter 4:8), and love with our 
actions, not just words (1 John 3:18). The thirteenth 
chapter of 1 Corinthians beautifully describes what 
a lifestyle of Christlike love looks like. 
   Jesus didn't command us to feel love but 
to live it out. Isn't it interesting that just 
a single letter differentiates the words 
"live" and "love"? Come to think of it, the more I 
take "I" out of the way I live, the more I will 
be able to love others as Jesus did. Dianne 
Neal Matthews 
   Faith Step: Are you satisfied with how 
well youre following Jesus's example to love? 
Read through I Corinthians 13 and ask Him to show 
you any areas where you can improve. [Mornings 
With Jesus 2024 Devotional by Guideposts and 


   If you want to grow spiritually, let love 
be the ruling principle of your life. Be ruled 
by love.  
   Love does not necessarily imply approval 
of the one loved. If God had waited until He 
could approve of us before He sent His Son to 
redeem us, where would we be? 
   Of all the gifts God offers His children, 
love is the greatest. Of all the fruits of the 
Holy Spirit, love is the first. 
   The Bible declares that we who follow 
Christ should love one another as God loved us when 
He sent His Son to die on the cross. The Bible 
says that the moment we come to Christ, He gives 
us supernatural love and that His love is shed 
abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. The 
greatest demonstration of the fact that we are 
Christians is that we love one another. If we learn 
this secret of God early in our Christian 
experience, we will have gone a long way toward a 
mature, happy Christian life. 
   Are you waiting to approve of someone 
before you love them fully? [Peace for Each Day by 
Billy Graham] 


John 13:34, 35 - The New Command - Love As 
Jesus Did. 




John 13:34, 35 - The Distinguishing Mark of 
a Christian. 


