
Proverbs 2:6, 7 - God is the Source of Wisdom.

Proverbs 2:6, 7 (NIV) For the LORD gives 
wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and 
understanding. 7 He holds victory in store for the upright, 
he is a shield to those whose walk is 

Proverbs 2:6, 7 (NLT) For the LORD grants 
wisdom! From his mouth come knowledge and 
understanding. 7 He grants a treasure of common sense to 
the honest. He is a shield to those who walk 
with integrity.  


   Wisdom comes in two ways: It is a 
God-given gift and also the result of an energetic 
search. Wisdom's starting point is God and his 
revealed Word, the source of "knowledge and 
understanding" (2:6). In that sense, wisdom is God's gift 
to us. But he gives it only to those who 
earnestly seek it. But because God's wisdom is hidden 
from the rebellious and foolish, it takes effort 
to find it and use it. The pathway to wisdom is 
strenuous. When we are on the path, we discover that 
true wisdom is God's and that he will guide us 
and reward our sincere and persistent search. 
   God gives wisdom and victory to the godly 
but not to those drifting through life or acting 
irresponsibly with his gifts and resources. If we are 
faithful to him and keep our purpose in life clearly 
in mind, he will keep us from pride and greed. 
[Life Application SB] 


   The world has had its great teachers, men 
of giant intellect and extensive research, men 
whose utterances have stimulated thought and 
opened to view vast fields of knowledge; and these 
men have been honored as guides and benefactors 
of their race; but there is One who stands 
higher than they. We can trace the line of the 
worlds teachers as far back as human records 
extend; but the Light was before them. As the moon 
and the stars of our solar system shine by the 
reflected light of the sun, so, as far as their 
teaching is true, do the worlds great thinkers 
reflect the rays of the Sun of Righteousness. Every 
gleam of thought, every flash of the intellect, is 
from the Light of the world. 
   In these days much is said concerning the 
nature and importance of higher education. 
The true higher education is that imparted 
by Him with whom is wisdom and strength 
(Job 12:13), out of whose mouth cometh 
knowledge and understanding. Proverbs 2:6. 
   In a knowledge of God all true knowledge 
and real development have their source. Wherever 
we turn, in the physical, the mental, or the 
spiritual realm; in whatever we behold, apart from the 
blight of sin, this knowledge is revealed. Whatever 
line of investigation we pursue, with a sincere 
purpose to arrive at truth, we are brought in touch 
with the unseen, mighty Intelligence that is 
working in and through all. The mind of man is 
brought into communion with the mind of God, the 
finite with the Infinite. The effect of such 
communion on body and mind and soul is beyond 
   In this communion is found the highest 
education. It is Gods own method of development. 
Acquaint now thyself with Him (Job 22:21), is His 
message to mankind. ED13-14 


The Greatest Treasure Hunt
   In 2001, a man with a penchant for 
archaeology and metal detectors discovered a rare 
treasure in a farmer's field in Kent, England. Cliff 
Bradshaw had been meticulously combing through the 
countryside when he unearthed a gold artifact from the 
Bronze Age, circa 2300 BC It came to be known as 
the Ringlemere Gold Cup and was purchased by the 
British Museum for 270,000 pounds. 
   In the chapter leading up to today's 
verses, a great search for wisdom is described: "If 
you seek her as silver, and search for her as 
for hidden treasures; then you will understand 
the fear of the LORD, and find the knowledge of 
God" (Proverbs 2:4, 5). Job 28:28 tells us, "The 
fear of the Lord, that is wisdom. This fear 
isn't the kind that leaves you whimpering in 
horror; "the fear of the Lord" is a reverential love 
for God that leads to obeying His law 
(Ecclesiastes 12:13). The Bible also correlates obedience 
to God to walking "in integrity of heart and in 
uprightness" (1 Kings 9:4). 
   And the Bible promises that for "those 
who walk uprightly there will be given far 
richer prizes than any metal-detecting, 
archaeological digging, or treasure-hunting on this earth 
could find. As diligent seekers, the upright have 
the promise of finding not only wisdom but the 
giver of all wisdom - God, who will be their 
provider, protector, and deliverer. "If any of you 
lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all 
liberally and without reproach, and it will be given 
to him" (James 1:5). This promise of God is a 
priceless reward. 
   Heavenly Father, please guide me, shield 
me, and provide for me on my search for Your 
heavenly wisdom. [The Most Amazing Bible Promises by 
Amazing Facts] 


Guarded by God
   When we follow the ways of God, he 
becomes like a personal bodyguard protecting us as 
we choose what is right. There is a wealth of 
wisdom in the storehouses of our God! There are 
limitless riches of knowledge hidden in him. May we 
become pursuers of truth, justice, and 
righteousness. May we walk in his mercy all the days of our 
   With God as our guard, we will not avoid 
the limitations that life places on us, but we 
will know the surpassing goodness of his peace, 
his fellowship, and his solutions. The 
relationship of Spirit to spirit is the most fulfilling 
one we will know in this life. There is so much 
life in his presence. There is so much peace in 
his ways! Let's never stop following him, for he 
is better than any other! 
   Trust God to handle what you cannot 
foresee or control as you follow his directives. 
[365 Days of Courage by Sara Perry of Broadstreet 


Proverbs 9:10 - Knowing God and Wisdom


