
Ephesians 1:3 - Two-Realm Living.

Ephesians 1:3 (NIV) Praise be to the God and 
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us 
in the heavenly realms with every spiritual 
blessing in Christ.  

Ephesians 1:3 (NLT) All praise to God, the 
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us 
with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly 
realms because we are united with Christ.  

Ephesians 1:3 (AMP) May blessing (praise, 
laudation, and eulogy) be to the God and Father of our 
Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah) Who has blessed 
us in Christ with every spiritual (given by the 
Holy Spirit) blessing in the heavenly realm!  


"Who has blessed us with every spiritual 
blessing in the heavenly realms" means that in Christ 
we have all the benefits of knowing God - being 
chosen for salvation, being adopted as his 
children, forgiveness, insight, the gifts of the 
Spirit, power to do God's will, the hope of living 
forever with Christ. Because we have an intimate 
relationship with Christ, we can enjoy these blessings 
now. The "heavenly realms" means that these 
blessings are eternal, not temporal. The blessings 
come from Christ's spiritual realm, not the 
earthly realm of the goddess Artemis. Other 
references to the heavenly realms in this letter 
include 1:20; 2:6; 3:10. Such passages reveal Christ 
in his victorious, exalted role as ruler of 
all. [Life Application SB] 


   A Christian is someone who lives in two 
dimensions. There is the spiritual dimension, and as we 
walk in the Spirit, we know God in the Spirit. 
Yet we live on the earth. And we need to 
transfer what we have in the spiritual realm to the 
earthly realm. 
   The apostle Paul wanted believers to know 
what was waiting for them in the spiritual realm. 
He wrote, All praise to God, the Father of 
our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with 
every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms 
because we are united with Christ (Ephesians 1:3 
   When Paul spoke of the heavenly realms, 
he wasnt talking about something that is 
merely waiting for us in Heaven. He was talking 
about the supernatural realm. 
   For example, when I travel outside the 
United States, I still maintain my citizenship as 
an American, but I am living in the culture of 
the country Im visiting. There are things 
that I need to adapt to. I need to exchange 
dollars for the currency of that nation. And I need 
to be aware of the exchange rate so that I know 
how much Im spending. 
   Spiritual resources are waiting for the 
believer who is walking with God. Although there are 
treasures in the heavenly realms, there are resources 
that God wants us to start using here.  
   As Christians, we often dont know all 
that God has given to us. We dont know the 
resources that He has placed into our spiritual bank 
   For example, we sometimes pray for things 
that God has already given to us. We might say, 
Lord, give me more love, when the Bible says 
that God has given us the Holy Spirit to fill 
our hearts with his love (Romans 5:5 NLT). 
   We might pray for more power, yet 2 Peter 
1:3 tells us that by his divine power, God 
has given us everything we need for living a 
godly life (NLT). 
   Maybe we have prayed for peace, but Jesus 
already has said, I am leaving you with a gift - 
peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a 
gift the world cannot give. So dont be 
troubled or afraid (John 14:27 NLT). 
   It is not a matter of needing more; we 
need to use what we already have. We need to stop 
living like spiritual paupers and start laying hold 
of what God has given to us. When we put our 
faith in Jesus Christ, we have Gods approval. 
He has adopted us, loves us, has chosen us, and 
has called us. 
   Therefore, we dont have to sit around 
doubting our salvation every other day, feeling 
defeated and unworthy. We never were worthy and never 
will be worthy. It is not about worthiness; it is 
about Jesus and what He has done for us. 
   You and I dont have to do X, Y, and Z 
to gain the approval of God. Rather, we need to 
understand what God has done for us and let it impact 
the way that we live. [Greg Laurie from Harvest 
Ministries; https://www.harvestdaily.com] 


   When a particular trouble intrudes into 
our life, it has a way of taking over. It 
dominates our thoughts, controls our emotions, saps 
our will, and drains our energy. Eventually, it 
crowds and bullies every good thing out of our day. 
As God's children, we can't let that happen. 
Today's Scripture tells us God has blessed us in the 
heavenly realms. He's given us peace of heart and 
mind - something the world craves but can't find. 
He's given us faith to pass through deep waters. 
He's given us the grace to give and to let go. 
He's given us the sweet knowledge that we have an 
eternal home in heaven, waiting for us just around 
the bend. He's given us His own Spirit as 
Counselor and Comforter. He's washed away our sins and 
forgotten our evil deeds. We have more going for us 
than His own angels, who have never tasted such 
   God, there are times when I give in to my 
pain or surrender to my anxiety, allowing these 
troubles to fill my heart with dread or fear. In such 
times, I ask You to remind me of all the gifts You 
have given me. Help me to wash away the dark 
thoughts with fresh gratitude and heartfelt praise. 
[A Spectacle of Glory by Joni Eareckson Tada 
and Larry Libby] 


2 Corinthians 4:16-18 - Focus on What Will 
Last Forever. 


James 1:17 - Every Good and Perfect Gift 
Comes From God. 


Psalm 103:2 - Fully Praise The Lord And 
Remember All The Good Things He Has Done. 


Psalm 16:11 - Fullness of Joy is in Gods 


