
Philippians 4:4 - CHOOSE JOY!

Philippians 4:4 (NIV) Rejoice in the Lord 
always. I will say it again: Rejoice! 


Rejoice in the Lord. Paul's familiar theme 
throughout the epistle, which has already been heard in 
chapters 1 and 2. In the Lord" signifies the sphere 
in which the believers' joy exists, a sphere 
unrelated to the circumstances of life, but related to 
an unassailable unchanging relationship to the 
sovereign Lord. [MacArthur Daily Bible 2003] 


   Recently my daughter was visiting our 
home with her toddler and baby. Just before 
bedtime, my three-year-old granddaughter, Amelia, 
hurt herself while playing. It wasn't anything 
serious, but since she was already tired, she 
couldn't be consoled. That's when Nana came to the 
rescue. In a moment, I swooped her up. I rocked her 
and gently spoke to her. I suggested reading 
stories, and she settled to listen. My 
granddaughter's joy returned as she snuggled in bed with her 
blanket, favorite toy, and me curled by her side. My 
calm, steady presence was exactly what Amelia 
   Can you relate? I can! Often, I desire 
the same from Jesus when I am hurt, exhausted, 
and overwhelmed. To rejoice in the Lord is to be 
calmed and delighted in His presence. When I am 
hurting, it's not as if all the pain immediately goes 
away. Instead, a quiet joy comes from the fact 
that Jesus is there. 
   As I come to understand that the Lord is 
near, I find comfort in Him. I also find hope when 
I give Jesus my concerns in prayer. Then 
calmness settles in, and peace comes. The situation 
doesn't always change, but I'm grateful that my 
heart does. Just as Amelia needed Nana, it's only 
with Jesus that I find tiny slivers of joy in 
challenging situations. Thankfully, I can turn to Jesus 
again and again, always rejoicing in Him. Tricia 
   Faith Step: Consider a situation that has 
you worried, anxious, or in pain. Picture 
yourself as a child with Jesus beside you. Find 
comfort in His nearness and rejoice at His calm, 
steady Presence. [Mornings With Jesus 2024 
Devotional by Guideposts and Zondervan] 


   Whatever your disposition may be, God is 
able so to mold it that it will be sweet and 
Christlike. By the exercise of living faith you can 
separate from everything that is not in accordance 
with the mind of God, and thus bring heaven into 
your life here below. Doing this, you will have 
sunshine at every step. When the enemy seeks to 
enshroud the soul with darkness, sing faith and talk 
faith, and you will find that you have sung and 
talked yourself into the light.  
   We open to ourselves the floodgates of 
woe or joy. If we permit our thoughts to be 
engrossed with the troubles and trifles of earth, our 
hearts will be filled with unbelief, gloom, and 
foreboding. If we set our affections on things above, 
the voice of Jesus will speak to our hearts, 
murmuring will cease, and vexing thoughts will be lost 
in praise to our Redeemer. Those who dwell upon 
God's great mercies and are not unmindful of His 
lesser gifts, will put on the girdle of gladness 
and make melody in their hearts to the Lord. 
Then they will enjoy their work. They will stand 
firm at their post of duty. They will have a 
placid temper, a trustful spirit.  CT233-4 

Unshakable Joy
   There are more than 2,700 passages in the 
Bible containing words such as joy, happiness, 
pleasure, laughter, gladness, feasting, and 
celebration. This comes as a revelation to some people, 
but heres something to consider: we follow a 
happy God, and He wants us to be happy as well. 
   The apostle Paul wrote to Timothy about 
the glorious Good News entrusted to [him] by our 
blessed God (1 Timothy 1:11 NLT). The word 
blessed can be translated as happy. In other 
words, this is Good News from our happy God. 
   In his letter to the Christians in 
Philippi, Paul mentioned joy or gladness 19 times in 
four chapters. When he thought of the Philippian 
believers, for example, it brought a smile to his face. 
He wrote, Every time I think of you, I give 
thanks to my God. Whenever I pray, I make my 
requests for all of you with joy (1:3-4 NLT). 
   Paul wrote the book of Philippians 
because he was under house arrest, chained to a 
Roman guard. He had lost his freedom to go out and 
preach as he normally did. Yet this great epistle 
overflows with joy. 
   He laid out the bottom line of the entire 
letter when he wrote, Rejoice in the Lord 
always. Again I will say, rejoice! (Philippians 
4:4 NKJV). Paul didnt say to rejoice in our 
circumstances. Rather, he said to rejoice in the Lord. 
   Paul didnt know what his future held. 
He had appealed to Caesar, and his case could 
come up shortly, or he could be there a lot 
longer. He might be acquitted, or he might be 
beheaded. He was stuck in what we would call miserable 
   Even so, Paul had joy. Thats because 
he knew that God was in control of his life. 
And God is in control of your life as well. 
[Greg Laurie from Harvest Ministries; 


Philippians 4:4 - CHOOSE JOY!



