
1 Peter 5:7 - Jesus, Our Friend in Sorrow and Suffering.

1 Peter 5:7 (NIV) Cast all your anxiety on 
him because he cares for you. 

1 Peter 5:7 (NLT) Give all your worries and 
cares to God, for he cares about you. 


Carrying your worries, stresses, and daily 
struggles by yourself shows that you have not trusted 
God fully with your life. It takes humility, 
however, to recognize that God cares, to admit your 
need, and to let others in God's family help you. 
Sometimes we think that struggles caused by our own 
sin and foolishness are not God's concern. But 
when we turn to God in repentance, he will bear 
the weight even of those struggles. Letting God 
have your anxieties calls for action, not 
passivity. Don't submit to circumstances, but to the 
Lord who controls circumstances. [Life 
Application SB] 


Throw Your Worries Away
   Do you want to reduce your stress? 
Positive social ties can help. Healthy relationships 
are linked to lower blood pressure and stronger 
immune systems, and patients in committed 
relationships are three times more likely to survive heart 
surgery. On the other hand, the absence of supportive 
relationships can have the same effect as smoking 15 
cigarettes a day! 
   Caring relationships matter. And as a 
Christian, you have the most caring connection of all: 
a bond with Jesus Christ. Today's Bible 
promise states that Jesus cares for you personally; 
you can "[cast] all your care upon Him. 
   Four words in this promise are precious:
   "Cast" - like a fisherman casting a line 
far into a river, you throw your worries far 
away when you cast them onto Jesus.  
   "All" - Jesus is strong enough for your 
difficult problems, wise enough for the perplexing 
ones, and intimate enough for the inconsequential 
ones. Take all your problems to Him. 
   "Care" - the Greek word translated here 
indicates anxiety or concern. If it stresses you, 
bothers you, or worries you, you can take it to 
Jesus. Finally,  
   "Him" - remember who Jesus is and what He 
can do. He calmed a storm, healed a 
demon-possessed man, and resurrected the dead. The 
all-powerful God can carry any burden that weighs you 
   What an amazing promise and invitation! 
Throw your cares onto Jesus, naming each one in 
prayer. Then remind yourself, "These problems belong 
to Jesus now. He will take care of them 
because He cares for you. 
   Dear Jesus, here are my worries - I throw 
them at Your feet. Thank You for caring for me. 
[The Most Amazing Bible Promises by Amazing 


The brook would lose its song if the rocks 
were removed. [Your Daily Walk SB] 

There are no roses without thorns, nor 
victories without battles. [Daily Walk Bible] 


1 Peter 5:7 - Jesus, Our Friend in Sorrow 
and Suffering. 


1 Peter 5:7 - Shifting the Burden.


1 Peter 5:6, 7 - A Journey with Jesus is 
Really Living! 


