
Deuteronomy 31:6 - Courage in Calamity.

Deuteronomy 31:6 (NKJV) Be strong and of 
good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; 
for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes 
with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you." 


   After waking up to see his city 
surrounded by the dreaded Syrian army, Elisha's 
terrified servant ran to him for guidance. Elisha's 
calm reply was, "Do not fear, for those who are 
with us are more than those who are with them" (2 
Kings 6:16). God then opened the servant's eyes so 
he could see the heavenly army surrounding the 
   God is always with His people. It may 
look like the enemy is about to conquer, as when 
the Syrian army was ready to attack Elisha's 
hometown. But we must remember to "be strong and of 
good courage ... for the LORD your God, He is the 
One who goes with you." He will fight our 
battles for us. We must pray and have confidence 
that the Lord will work everything out for His 
glory. Faith in what Christ can do will banish 
every fear. 
   The promise that God "will not leave you 
nor forsake you" should fill you with abiding 
joy and peace. There Will Be Times When You Must 
Reconnect To God Because You Either Let The Cares Of 
The World Overtake You Or Neglected Your 
Personal Time With Him. In those times, think on 
today's verse. 
   Also, read those Scriptures where God's 
leading of His people is evident. Pray for the Lord 
to open your eyes like that of Elisha's servant 
so that you can see His miracles unfolding 
around you. The More You Keep Your Mind Stayed On 
Heavenly Things, The More You Will Feel The Presence 
Of God. Trust His promise. 
   Almighty God, thank You for the promise 
that You are always with me. Today, I ask that 
You make Your presence known to me. [The Most 
Amazing Bible Promises by Amazing Facts] 


Ya Gotta Have Heart!
   Getting a big job done calls for heart. 
Having a high IQ is not essential. Neither is being 
a certain age. Or possessing a particular 
temperament. You don't even need the backing of the 
majority. History books are full of incredible stories 
of men and women who accomplished remarkable 
feats in the face of unbelievable odds. 
   While reading through the exciting story 
of Nehemiah recently, I was reminded again of 
this principle. You remember Nehemiah, the Jewish 
leader whose passion for Jerusalem drove him to 
leave the security of his home and job in Persia 
to superintend the building of a protective 
wall around Zion. What a project! And what 
obstacles stood against him! But the job got done in 
record time. Why? Nehemiah stated the reason in his 
journal entry: "So we built the wall  for the 
people had a mind to work" (Neh. 4:6). 
   Check the margin of your Bible. The term 
translated "mind" is the Hebrew word for "heart." 
Another word for it might be "courage." In fact, 
they are related. 
   In an early copy of Webster's dictionary 
(1828), the author points out that courage comes 
from coeur, the French word for heart: "Courage 
is the quality that enables one to face 
difficulty and danger with firmness, without fear or 
depression." And then, as Webster (a born-again 
Christian) often did in those days, he concluded his 
definition with a Scripture reference: Deuteronomy 31. 
That chapter includes Moses' final speech to the 
children of Israel shortly before his death and 
Joshua's taking up the torch of leadership. At 120 
years of age, Moses tells 'em, "Ya gotta have 
   Since the children of Israel were not 
people of great courage (they'd been slaves in 
Egypt for over four hundred years), Moses knew how 
easy it would be for Joshua and his troops to 
lose heart. 
   I'm not suggesting that all of us must be 
Nehemiahs or Joshuas. Sometimes that may be necessary, 
but I have observed over the years that some of 
the greatest demonstrations of courage occur in 
private places. Sometimes just staying with 
something over the long haul - maintaining the vision 
year after year - is magnificent proof of a 
courageous heart. 
   You may or may not be a leader. But 
chances are good that you are influencing others in 
some measure. Don't just watch things happen. Get 
in there with both feet. Risk, for a change. 
Make some waves. Cut a new swath. Quit waiting 
for the other guy. You get the job done! 
   One reminder: Ya gotta have heart.
   "Great deeds are usually wrought at great 
risks" (Herodotus). [Chuck Swindoll 


We May Fail
   We may fail - let me change that - we 
will fail! That's a fact. But the good news is 
that God will never fail us! We are imperfect. If 
we think we aren't, we can ask our loved ones 
and accountability partners or sponsors. God, on 
the other hand, is perfect - completely and 
unfailingly perfect! God has promised never to fail us, 
but what does that mean, exactly?  
   Does it mean he will never let us 
struggle? Does it mean he will never let us have 
losses? Does it mean he will never let us get into 
financial trouble? Does it mean he won't let us suffer 
the consequences of our actions and behaviors? 
It does not! We will have struggles, losses, 
problems, consequences, but he will always be with us 
- no matter what we face.  
   When we make poor choices, we have to 
face the consequences. When others make poor 
choices that affect us, we may have to face the 
hurt. But God will always be there to pick us up, 
dust us off, and put us back on our feet again. 
And we can help ourselves by seeking his will 
before we make a potentially risky choice and by 
setting appropriate boundaries for those we know are 
not always safe to be around.  
   Father; I believe your words of promise 
that you will always be there for me. Show me how 
to live wisely. In Jesus' name, Amen. 
[Celebrate Recovery Daily Devotional by John & Johnny 


   Sit quietly with Me, letting all your 
fears and worries bubble up to the surface of your 
consciousness. There, in the Light of My Presence, the 
bubbles pop and disappear. However, some fears 
surface over and over again, especially fear of the 
future. You tend to project yourself mentally into 
the next day, week, month, year, decade; and you 
visualize yourself coping badly in those times. What 
you are seeing is a false image, because it 
doesn't include Me. Those gloomy times that you 
imagine will not come to pass, since My Presence 
will be with you at all times.  
   When a future-oriented worry assails you, 
capture it and disarm it by suffusing the Light of 
My Presence into that mental image. Say to 
yourself, "Jesus will be with me then and there. With 
His help, I can cope!" Then, come home to the 
present moment, where you can enjoy Peace in My 
Presence. (Luk. 12:22-25; Deu. 31:6; 2 Co. 10:5) 
[Jesus Calling by Sarah Young] 


We must love the Lord and live according to 
His Word. That is the secret of blessing and 
success. It is also the secret of being an 
encouragement to others. [Chapter by Chapter Bible 
Commentary by Warren Wiersbe] 


Deuteronomy 31:8 - Courage in Calamity: The 
Dynamics (also see Joshua 1:9). 


Joshua 1:9 - Courage That Counts.


