
Colossians 1:15-17 - To Know Your Purpose, Ask Your Creator.

Colossians 1:15-17 (NLT) Christ is the 
visible image of the invisible God. He existed 
before anything was created and is supreme over all 
creation, 16 for through him God created everything in 
the heavenly realms and on earth. He made the 
things we can see and the things we cant see - 
such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and 
authorities in the unseen world. Everything was created 
through him and for him. 17 He existed before 
anything else, and he holds all creation together.  


This is one of the strongest statements 
about the divine nature of Christ found anywhere 
in the Bible. Jesus is not only equal to God 
(Philip. 2:6), he 'is' God (John 10:30, 38; 12:45; 
14:1-11); as the image of the invisible God, he is the 
exact representation of God. He not only reflects 
God, but he reveals God to us (John 1:18; 14:9); 
as the firstborn over all creation, he has all 
the priority and authority of the firstborn 
prince in a king's household. He came from heaven, 
not from the dust of the earth (1 Cor. 15:47), 
and he is Lord of all (Romans 9:5; 10:11-13; 
Rev. 1:5; 17:14). He is completely holy (Hebrews 
7:26-28; 1 Peter 1:19; 2:22; 1 John 3:5), and he has 
authority to judge the world (Romans 2:16; 2 Cor. 
5:10; 2 Tim. 4:1). Therefore, Christ is supreme 
over all creation, including the spirit world. 
We, like the Colossian believers, must believe 
in the deity of Jesus Christ (that Jesus is 
God) or our Christian faith is hollow, 
misdirected, and meaningless. This is a central truth of 
Christianity. We must oppose those who say that Jesus was 
merely a prophet or a good teacher.  [Life 
Application SB] 

Because the false teachers believed that the 
physical world was evil, they thought that God 
himself could not have created it. If Christ were 
God, they reasoned, he would be in charge only of 
the spiritual world. But Paul explained that all 
the rulers, powers, thrones, and authorities of 
both the spiritual and physical worlds were 
created by and are under the authority of Christ 
himself. This includes not only the government but 
also the spiritual world that the heretics were 
so concerned about. Christ has no equal and no 
rival. He is the Lord of all.  [Life Application 


To Know Your Purpose, Ask Your Creator
   When you put your trust in Jesus Christ, 
you learn Gods purpose for your life. 
   Most people dont know the purpose of 
their lives. They think they know what they want 
or what is best for them. But if you havent 
surrendered to Christ, then you cant know why you 
were created and what youre here on earth for. 
And if you dont know your purpose, you end up 
drifting through life. You get bounced around. You 
dont control anything, really, because your 
circumstances end up controlling you. 
   No one wants to live like that.
   Theres only one way youre going to 
learn the purpose of your life. Youve got to 
talk to your Creator. 
   Sometimes people will say that if you 
want to know your purpose, look within. People do 
that every day - and it never works! You cant 
tell you what your purpose is because you 
didnt create you. 
   Only the Creator can tell you what you 
were created for. You will never, ever know the 
purpose of your life until you believe in Jesus 
Christ, because he is your Creator. You will never 
know that you were made for more than this life 
until you commit your life to Jesus. 
   The Bible says, Everything got started 
in him and finds its purpose in him 
(Colossians 1:16 MSG). 
   Today so many people are confused about 
their identity and their purpose. They say, I 
dont know who I am, and I dont know what Im 
supposed to be doing with my life. Thats 
because theyre looking in the wrong places. 
Theyre not going to find their purpose in their 
career, their accomplishments, their relationships, 
or their possessions. 
   There is only one place to find your 
identity and purpose in life, and thats through a 
relationship with your Creator, Jesus Christ. 
   Its in Christ that we find out who 
we are and what we are living for  part of 
the overall purpose he is working out in 
everything and everyone (Ephesians 1:11 MSG). 
   Get to know your Creator. He wants to 
show you how to make your life count! [Daily 
Devotional by Rick Warren: 


His Birth Was Not The Beginning
   Who is God's Son, Jesus Christ? He is 
coequal with God the Father. He was not a Son of God 
but the Son of God. He is the Eternal Son of God 
- the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, God 
manifested in the flesh. 
   The Bible teaches that Jesus Christ had 
no beginning. He was never created. The Bible 
teaches that the heavens were created by Him (John 
1:13). All the myriads of stars and flaming suns 
were created by Him. The earth was flung from His 
flaming fingertip. The birth of Jesus Christ that we 
celebrate at Christmastime was not His beginning. His 
origin is shrouded in the same mystery that baffles 
us when we inquire into the beginning of God. 
The Bible only tells us, "In the beginning was 
the Word, and the Word was with God, and the 
Word was God" (John 1:1). 
   The entire universe would smash into 
billions of atoms were it not for the cohesive power 
of Jesus Christ. Let us remember His great 
power when we celebrate His birth. 
   Why is it hard for us to comprehend Jesus 
was there in the beginning? [Peace for Each Day 
by Billy Graham] 


   Question: What do Zacchaeus and the woman 
with the bleeding disorder have in common? They 
both got more of Jesus than they bargained for. 
Curious Zacchaeus climbed a sycamore tree just to 
get a glimpse of Jesus as He passed by. Jesus 
called to him and announced that He would be 
Zacchaeus' houseguest. That visit transformed the tax 
collector (Luke 19:1-10). 
   The desperate woman who had bled for 
twelve years simply wanted to touch Jesus's robe to 
be physically healed. But Jesus had more in 
mind. After she got what she thought she wanted 
most, Jesus drew her out of the crowd for a 
face-to-face conversation. She left that personal 
encounter spiritually healed as well (Luke 8:42-48). 
   Sometimes, I act like I only want a 
little bit of Jesus in my day too. Maybe a glimpse 
of Him in the background so I know He's got my 
back. Or I touch base with a quick prayer to start 
my day before running off to pursue my own 
agenda. Thankfully, Jesus gives me, too, more than I 
bargained for. 
   He knows what I truly need - not a chance 
encounter but an intentional relationship. I want Him 
to be in my thoughts every moment of every day, 
present in every conversation, decision, and 
interaction. That kind of closeness transforms my life. 
Since Jesus knows me intimately, I want to get to 
know Him better every day. Dianne Neal Matthews 
   Faith Step: Read through Psalm 139 slowly 
and prayerfully, thinking about how intimately 
Jesus knows and loves you. [Mornings With Jesus 
2023 Devotional by Guideposts and Zondervan re 
Psalm 139] 


Colossians 1:15-17 - MERRY CHRISTMAS and 


Colossians 1:15-17 - JESUS the GOD-MAN.


