
John 4:42 - The Savior of the World.

John 4:42 (NIV) They said to the woman, "We 
no longer believe just because of what you 
said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know 
that this man really is the Savior of the 


   She thought that romance and sex would 
satisfy the deepest needs of her life. As a result, 
she went from marriage to marriage and from 
relationship to relationship. She had been married and 
divorced five times. And then she was living with a 
   Nowadays this story wouldnt be all 
that uncommon. But in the first century, it was 
scandalous for someone to live this way. By the time 
this woman encountered Jesus at a Samaritan well, 
she had been used, abused, and disillusioned. 
   Undoubtedly, she was strikingly 
attractive. But perhaps as the years passed, her beauty 
began to fade, and as a result, men started 
disappearing from her life. There wasnt anyone who 
would commit themselves to her in marriage 
anymore. And before she knew it, she had no friends 
to speak of. 
   People probably wouldnt even look at 
her, much less give her the time of day - that 
is, until Jesus came along. And He gave her more 
than the time of day. He went out of His way to 
speak with her, and He revealed to her the truth 
of Gods Word. She hadnt realized it, but 
she had an appointment with God that day. 
   One thing we can always be sure of is 
that God keeps His appointments. He is never 
late; He is always on time. 
   Its interesting to note that the story 
of this woman in John 4 comes immediately after 
the story of Nicodemus in John 3. Nicodemus was 
a religious, upright man who came to Jesus at 
night, searching for answers in life. Meanwhile, 
the Samaritan woman was an immoral person whom 
Jesus sought out. 
   There are some interesting contrasts 
between these two individuals. One was a man, and 
one was a woman. One was very moral, and one was 
very immoral. Nicodemus was known for his great 
accomplishments, while the Samaritan woman was known for her 
great immorality. 
   At the same time, both had something in 
common: they were empty, and they needed Jesus. We, 
too, have a spiritual thirst deep inside us. And 
theres nothing in this world that will satisfy this 
thirst except for a relationship with God through 
Jesus Christ. 
   This serves as a reminder to us that 
everyone needs Jesus. Sometimes we think that Jesus 
is only for the down-and-outers. Yes, they do 
need Jesus. But relatively good people need Him 
   I have found that wherever I go, the 
answers for the problems of humanity are the same. I 
have preached in the United States and in several 
other countries. And everywhere Ive been, 
Ive found that one thing is always true: people 
are sinful, and Jesus is the answer. 
   Regardless of someones culture, age, 
race, or gender, they need Jesus. Everyone is 
empty, everyone is lonely, everyone has a sense of 
guilt, and everyone is afraid to die. That is 
something we need to realize. 
   Jesus is the Savior of the world. He is 
the Savior of every person, young and old, from 
the simpleminded to the great intellect. Jesus 
Christ is the answer. [Greg Laurie from Harvest 
Ministries; https://www.harvestdaily.com] 


While we know Christ in one sense, that He 
is the Saviour of the world, it means more than 
this. We must have a personal knowledge and 
experience in Christ Jesus, an experimental knowledge 
of Christ, what He is to us, and what we are to 
Christ. That is the experience that everyone wants. 
Now, I cannot have it for any of you, nor can you 
have it for me. The work that is to be done for 
us, is to be through the manifestation of the 
Holy Spirit of God upon human minds and human 
hearts. The heart must be purified and sanctified. 
TDG 213 

   If we meet obstacles in our path, and 
faithfully overcome them; if we encounter opposition 
and reproach, and in Christs name gain the 
victory; if we bear responsibilities and discharge 
our duties in the spirit of our Master - then, 
indeed, we gain a precious knowledge of His 
faithfulness and power. We no longer depend upon the 
experience of others, for we have the witness in 
ourselves. Like the Samaritans of old, we can say, 
We have heard him ourselves, and know that this 
is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the 
world (John 4:42). 
   The more we contemplate the character of 
Christ, and the more we experience of His saving 
power, the more keenly shall we realize our own 
weakness and imperfection, and the more earnestly 
shall we look to Him as our strength and our 
Redeemer. We have no power in ourselves to cleanse the 
soul temple from its defilement; but as we repent 
of our sins against God, and seek pardon 
through the merits of Christ, He will impart that 
faith which works by love and purifies the heart. 
By faith in Christ and obedience to the law of 
God we may be sanctified, and thus obtain a 
fitness for the society of holy angels and the 
white-robed redeemed ones in the kingdom of glory. SL 


John 3:17 - Jesus Came To Save Not Condemn.


John 17:3 - A Supreme Relationship with 
Jesus Christ is Eternal Life. 


1 John 5:11, 12 - ETERNAL LIFE IS A 


